
[Magic] - Soul


Essence of the Archmage

By consuming the essence of the Archmage you gain several boons

• Perfect memory with infinite storage

• Beyond genius level intellect

• Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

• Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

• Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

• Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation.

• Are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. 



Essence of the Soul Manipulator

By drinking this light orange drink, you gain powers to control and manipulate souls and spiritual energies!

• You gain the power to see souls and spirits in a manner you decide. Whether it's information on a game screen, a glowing ball inside their chests, or another. You can look into a person's soul and gain information about their personality and other characteristics. With time and practice you can gain the ability to manipulate this information, changing personality traits, and even effecting physical and spiritual changes on a person.

• You will quickly discover that a large amount of unseen spiritual beings exists, although their exact nature and abilities are for you to discover. These spirits do have powers and abilities you can take advantage of. With practice you can control and modify these spirits in much the same way as you can a person's soul.

• You gain a large amount of spiritual energy inside your own soul. This energy has an enormous range of potential uses. The exact style of use and capabilities will be based on your own imagination and personal nature. Perhaps you can create gigantic swords and move so fast you appear to be teleporting, or perhaps you will fly in the air and cast comic book like spells or emulate psychic abilities while holding your fingers to your forehead, the archetypes are endless. While you can emulate just about any power or ability, only a single archetype that matches your personality and a handful of powers will come easy to you at first. And with practice and training you can gain more uses for your energy.

• While large your spiritual energy is not infinite, it is like a pool of energy and uses will expend it. However, it will naturally regenerate and the more you use and train with it, it will expand your maximum limit over time. The amount of power your soul can produce is practically limitless; however soft-caps and slower periods of growth are to be expected.

• You can drain spiritual energy from souls and spirits, either to replenish your powers or to temporally supercharge your abilities. Note spiritual energy can replenish naturally in a target, but taking too much at once can harm or kill a person.

• You gain powers to travel as your soul and can enter spiritual and mental planes of existence, the collective unconsciousness, the astral plane, and travel to other realms of existence. You have an unusual amount of power and authority over these domains, even in places where their owner or lord should have absolute authority over it. With time and growing spiritual power, you could wrestle control of these territories from their owners, or make a personal domain of your own.

• Manipulators also gain the ability to effect the boundaries of mystical realms and beings with the physical realm. At first this ability will affect his or her home city, and gradually grow if desired. Want to make it so spooky stuff like ghosts and undead happens? Or kids get real imaginary friends? You can turn this effect on or off.

• Your soul is now an absolute existence, it itself is immune to manipulation and your consciousness will survive inside it intact even if your body is destroyed. Allowing you to regenerate your body over time. Even if you drain yourself of your spiritual power, no power can control or destroy your soul. With time and learning you will learn to separate your soul from your physical body and can at that point enjoy immortality in a number of different ways. Either preserving your body and recreating it, living in the astral plane of inside the internet, body-hopping, ext.

• By unlocking a person's spiritual potential one can give limited spiritual abilities. While without the near unlimited growth potential and absoluteness of their souls, they can train and gain powers similar to your own over time. Some people may have a natural aptitude that leads to greater rewards than the average person awakened with this power.



Essence of the Metamagus

This Essence is brilliant blue and tastes like lightning.

• You have absolute knowledge of all magic. 

• You know every spell, enchantment, permutation and could easily invent more.

• You are the supreme arbiter of anything magical. You decide the rules of magic.

• You have infinite magical energy. Whether it mana, life force or anything else.

• You can cast any spells, enchantments, etc, completely ignoring its restrictions or prerequisites. You can cast good spells even if you're evil and vice versa. You can cast fire spells even if you are an ice mage. You can even cast spells that are limited to the gods themselves!

• You could basically think that this Essence gives you Omnipotence on and limited to magic. Anything that is magic, you could do with this power.

