
Persona 3 x Sword art online (english ver)

the cover art is not mine, and the story persona and sword art online are also not mine... (This is just a work made for fun only) synopsis : The story is about someone who enters the world of anime with the appearance of Makoto Yuki from Persona 3 and he realized he was in the world of Anime Sword Art Online (Maybe a sequel if i finish this fic... it will be a world journey from anime to other anime story (or fiction)... but first it will be focus on SAO as the beginning) I do this just for fun

alam_Tya · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


Aincrad November 6, 2022

6:23 p.m

A blue haired young man sit on the floor while looking at the sun filled with clouds in the evening sky that was turning into night.

The blue haired young man enjoyed the wind blowing on his face as he looked into the distance without showing much expression other than flat emotion.

Right now the young man was in the floating castle Aincrad, at the bridge end in the starting city, a cozy spot for viewing the beautiful evening sky...

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The blue haired young man heard the walking sound that approaching him. But the blue haired young man didn't looking back, and still act without care.

"You...a-are you npc?"

Said a guy who walked over and stood beside the blue haired young man.

That guy had similar appearance of characters from cliche fantasy worlds. Such as boots, scabbard and gauntlet, and a leather belt. Also with a red t-shirt.

Well the guy appearance actually looks cheap like an early character from an rpg game on the tutorial mode you usually play at home.

On the other hand about a young man with dark blue hair. He dressed in a black suit, with clean white shirt with a loose black bow, and black pants and black shoes.

Of course he usually has attributes like his favorite mp3, and the 'Sees' organization arm band on his upper arm... But right now he doesn't wear those right now... Or he doesn't have it.

If this is a normal situation, the blue haired young man would call the guy in front him a Chuuni or junior high school syndrome... But the situation this time was a little... Confusing.

"Forget it... that was a stupid question, ofcourse you're a player, seeing the cursor above your head its obvious" Said the guy in the red shirt who saw the cursor above the dark blue haired young man's head.

The blue haired young man turned his head slowly and looked up at the guy who spoke to him

"... You, do you want to jump?" Said the dark blue-haired young man as if he didn't care about the answer he would get.

The man in the red shirt gave a strange smile then laughed.

"You, hehehe...Hahaha! Do you also want to try to stop me too. Forget it! Stop act like you care! Just mind your own business" The guy said while glaring at the dark blue haired young man.

*tring* a white board system appeared in front of the guy in the red shirt.


"Give everything you have whether it's money or all the items you have" Said the dark blue haired young man.

"he...hehe....HAHAHAHAHAHA! What the hell is this, and here I thought I'd get beat up by such non sense caring. But it turns out he just wanted to rob me".

The blue-haired young man was slightly annoyed by the words of robbing. For him, it sounded rude.

"You can refuse, I'm not forcing you" said the blue haired young man

"Hmph!... Just take it. I don't care anymore. I'm sure all of this is just lies and bullshit. I'm fed up, you can just take it all" Said the guy in the red shirt annoyed and reproachful.

*trade success*

"Thank you" Said the dark-haired blue haired young man to the red shirt man. Then the dark blue haired young man stood up and tried to leave.

"O-O...Oi...Oi!!!" The red-haired man shouted

"That's it?... you seriously didn't stop me?" The guy ask

The blue haired young man then stop walking and looking back. Then he giving the red shirt guy confused glance.

"Didn't you want to jump? then just jump. It's your choice I won't interfere like you said" Young man said with an expressionless face.

"But... Wh-what's with that face, it looks like you doesn't care... You heartless!" said the man in the red shirt

"Heartless? me?" The blue haired young man sighed

"I... I can't control what is beyond my control... There is a reason why humans are given the freedom to choose even though sometimes the choices we have are limited" Said young man.

"Bu-But-..." Said the man in the red shirt

"When I'm sitting here, I've seen 15 people jump and then turn into shards of glowing polygons. Whether they're women or men, whether they're adults or teenagers, it doesn't matter..." said the dark blue haired young man.

"Wha...what?... Ev- even so what's with that expressionless face! If you're human you should be showing whatever expression it is... Why are you acting like you don't care! Everyone I saw was showing various expressions whether it be anger, sad, hopeless... but you... MONSTER!" said the man in the red shirt crying, shouting at the man in front of him.

"If you want someone to pity you, then you can find someone else. I don't care" Said the dark haired young man leaving the guy in the red shirt.

The guy in the red shirt just cried from the terror and looking down without being able to return a reply word to the dark blue haired young man. Few minutes ago he got the news that the VR game he was playing had become a deadly survival game. People who die in the game will also die in the real world. That's the cruel reality that Sword Art Online players have to accept.

"AAAAAaaaarggghhh *sob* *sob*" The guy crying hysterically, looking down in despair, and trying to resist the reality that hit him. He hoped that someone could help him from despair he felt right now.

"What is your name?"

"*sob* *sob*...Huh?" the guy in the red shirt heard the dark blue haired young man asking

"I asked what's your name?" Said the dark blue haired young man

"I plan to go to the church to give all the items and money I received from the players who jumped today. The church will be a shelter for child players who really need help, therefore I will give all the money and items I received today" Said dark blue hair young man

"If you're still alive you can meet me before 12.00 AM, or all your items and money will be gone. Right now for the children who can't fight. I'm sure the children really need help and will be gathering in the shelter that someone made".

"I can still see that you still have hope to live, and I hope you can hold onto that hope tightly. So just sit here and think about it carefully. I don't have any better advice than that" said the dark blue haired young man

" Can you hear me, abel?"

"A-...aaa... Ye- Yes" Abel stuttered.

"Good" Young man sighing

"Then I will go now. Think carefully before choosing and do something stupid" The blue haired young man walked without turning around this time.

"W- Wait for your name...your name- WHAT'S YOUR NAME!?" abel shouted towards the dark blue haired young man.

The dark blue haired young man stop walking then turned and smiled at Abel.

"Makoto Yuki, my name is Makoto yuki" This time there was no longer the expressionless blue-haired young man who didn't seem to care, this time there was only Makoto Yuki who smiled at Abel sincerely.

Makoto Yuki walked away from Abel, and finally Abel just bowed to the floor alone.

Just alone...

*tap* *tap* *tap*

A girl walked closer to the end of a dead end bridge. With the appearance of long brown hair and slightly curly at the ends of the hair.

Her appearance was not the same like Makoto Yuki who use suit or modern style cloth.

The girl appearance was not much different from Abel. Yes the girl is dressed like the character from the cliche rpg seen in the games in early game mode.

"You not gonna jump?... if you not gonna jump can you go away?" Said the girl with a straight face, her eyes were empty and dead, swallowed up by despair.

*Gulp* Abel gulped

*tring* a board appears in front of the girl

"T-...Trade! Please give me your item!" Abel said while bowing his body 90 degrees.

Prologue end