
Perseus Jackson: Chinese God

Percy Jackson was betrayed by Annabeth during the war with Gaea, later everyone thought that he suicided, except for Annabeth. What was left of the seven, including Nico and some others were offer immortality. Fifteen years later, Percy and Camp Half-Blood once again meet, except Percy changed, so much that they didn't recognized him, watch how the plot develops.

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Chapter 6

Leo Valdez POV

Hey, yeah, I know, I know, I know that I'm stupid in some areas, but that's my job, I mean someone got to be a bit stupid sometimes, and honestly, Calypso love's this trait, said that it give's her better reasons to laugh at me, and yes, that's meant to be a compliment, well . . . I think so at least.

I was momentarily surprised that Mr. Ice knew my name, however it wasn't unusual, gods typically knew everything before hand, of course, there were sometime exceptions, but that doesn't happen quite often.

I gave Mr. Ice my best disarming smile, which I'm sure looked more foolish than charming, but it's all I got.

"Stop smiling like that, you look like a fool." Clarisse said in a condensing tone, obviously whatever self-control she previously was forcing upon herself cracked, however not much of a surprise, considering the fact that she didn't have much willpower in these kinds of situations to begin with.

"Well, I am a fool." I have to admit the fact that I, myself, don't have much self control regarding areas in all areas, except for mechanics, so, not much of a surprise that I lost my self-control nearly as fast as Clarisse.

Piper shot both of us a look, that clearly meant, 'I don't care what argument the both of you are going to get into, but don't do it in front of the dangerous subject here!'

I made a mouth zipping hand sign and gave Piper a thumbs up, though it seemed to only make her more worried, but it was this or nothing from me. Piper turned to Clarisse and a variety of expression were exchanged between them, and to sum it up, the message turned out like this.

Clarisse, rein in your temper.

Yeah Yeah-


Yeah - I got it!

Claris- you know what? I'm not going continue this hopeless endeavor.

I said that I got it! So no need to seem so disappointed.

Yeah, so Clarisse seem to get the message more or less, and throughout the rest of the conversation between Chiron and Mr. Ice, none of us interrupted.

"I'd like my sleeping arrangements to be inside of Poseidon's cabin."

Now that got everyone railed up, a god sleeping in another gods cabin, what repercussion's could occur? Or, we reject Mr. Ice, a god, and get blown up. Hmm, can't seem to choose.

Chiron was silent for a moment, before he said. "May I inquire, Mr. Ice, what enticed you into wanting such arrangements?"

I barely managed to stifle a laugh, and this time, only some wind came out, barely making any noise, and it seemed enough since everyone's attention was focused on Chiron and Mr. Ice. To be truthful, the way Chiron said 'Mr. Ice' was extremely funny, at least for me.

"I find Poseidon's nature similar to mine, so I'll probably more comfortable in his cabin, however if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll be fine sleeping in nature, it seems that the satyrs in your territory have made quite an effort to have it in it's best condition."

Chiron smiled warily and said. "I appreciate your consideration, and I would be happy to have you sleep in Lord Poseidon's cabin, however, it's traditional that only his offspring's shall take residence in there, but we'll see if we can twist the rules, for now, we can give you a tour of the woods?"

Wow, Chiron definitely was good with words, no offense made with both gods.

After that, Chiron called for Grover who took him for a tour of the woods, and after that the head councilor of the cabins of the major gods, took him on a tour of their own cabin, which included me, meaning I got to take Mr. Ice on a tour of the Hephaestus cabin. Throughout the entire tour, Mr. Ice stayed silent and just nodded, if he had been treating us casually previously, then right now, he was downright cold to us.

In the end Mr. Ice settled to live in the woods, near the lake.

I was one of the last to leave, and I said to him. "Mr. Ice I hope you like our camp! Goodbye!!!"

Mr. Ice turned his eyes on me, the lapis lazuli gems suddenly seemed dark and foreboding, he whispered in a quiet tone, so much that I nearly missed it.

"It's good, but in some way, I hate it."

I wanted to question him what he meant, so I prepared to do just that, I turned from my walking-away position to face Mr. Ice.

But he was already gone.

And for some reason, perhaps I was too startled, but I didn't share this particular piece of information.