
Perseus Dominance

Perseus a child of, artemis born when artemis was raped by all male major gods and male titans and also male primordials is going to have his revenge by impregnating all his fathers wife whether through rape he does not care.

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Third person pov

It was during the winter solstice meeting that Artemis heard a prayer from one of her hunters " milady please come to camp Orion is trying to rape Zoe, immediately she heard that she flashed out of the meeting not noticing the evil look the male gods have on their face, after Artemis flashed out Zeus declared the council meeting over, all the goddesses flashed out leaving the male gods, Poseidon then said are you ready for the plan, all of them answered YES.

Third person pov ( at the hunters camp)

Artemis immediately flashed in and was horrified seeing Orion tying Zoe to a tree and undressing her, immediately she knocked an arrow to fire when something hit her at the back of her head and she promptly passed out.

When she wakes up she saw that she is tied down and unable to move, she then saw all the male gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Dionysus, Charon, Triton, Hercules, Terminus, Janus, Eros, Apollo, and Hermes. She also saw the male titans Oceanus, Krios, Koios, Perses, Monoetius, Pallas, Prometheus, Hyperion, Iapetus, Atlas, And Kronos She also saw the male Primordials consisting of Pontus, Hydros, Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegeton, Erubrus, Tartarus, Moros, Thanatos, Hypnos, Chronos, Eros, and Ouranos and what was worse is that some gods from other patheons were also there this included Odin, Ra, Loki, Raijin, Izanagi, Suijin, Shiva, Indra, Brahma, Vishnu, Anubis, Horus, Apophis and also to her immense shock she saw Order lady Chaos husband.

And last she saw Orion, and all of them were surrounding her naked that was when she realized that she was also naked, horror filled her as she figured out what they were trying to do to her, immediately she start struggling but alas it was effortless, they all proceeded to rape her one by one and cum in her also fertilizing her.

Nine months later a child was born, his name is Perseus and Artemis vowed that she will use Perseus to have her revenge as he is very powerful even more than all primordials combine and he is also not a god because of Orion is a human, so the child cannot become a god.