
Perseus Dominance

Perseus a child of, artemis born when artemis was raped by all male major gods and male titans and also male primordials is going to have his revenge by impregnating all his fathers wife whether through rape he does not care.

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

Third person pov

The sonic boom created by Perseus when he landed in Tartarus attracted monsters from thousands of miles away even ancient monsters such as Draco, Python, elder cyclops, Typhon and so on woke up from their deep slumber in Tartarus, their attention drawn to the massive sound and Tartarusquake (earthquake) that shook the land of Tartarus.

Billions of small monsters and hundreds of ancient monsters the likes of which the gods have never seen were all running towards the source of the sonic boom looking for food because they were expecting at least millions of people to be the source of the sound but imagine their shock upon getting there and they saw a single person standing in the middle of the 100ft deep massive crater.

Perseus grinned evilly when he saw the billions of monsters surrounding the crater he created and was currently standing in, now one might think that he will be nervous seeing the billions of monsters there to kill him but that was not the case because if Percy wanted he could command the pit to open up a wormhole to suck them all in and immediately kill them but he wanted an exercise and he wanted to attract his father's (Tartarus) attention by killing billions of monsters to lure him out.

Perseus raised his twin swords and released a little portion of his aura instantly killing at least a hundred million monsters, some of the monsters seeing this grew cautious of him while most grew angry and attacked him.

Perseus seeing at least a billion monsters coming directly at him calmly raised one of his swords and swung it at the air releasing a profound aura capable of easily killing a second generation primordial using it to easily kill half of the monsters charging at him putting their numbers at 500 million.

This skill Percy just used is a little skill he called "sword intent" other monsters seeing how he easily killed half a billion of them grew very terrified even the ancient ones as what he just did is what no being except the two creators can easily accomplish and he wasn't even sweating or panting a bit in fact he look like he just drank an energy drink.

Percy seeing them just standing there frozen in fear grew bored and rushed them head on and started killing monsters left and right.

Perseus had already killed hundred of monsters before the monsters got over their fear and started attacking him in thousands and still Percy killed them effortlessly.

After half an hour Percy already killed more than a billion monsters so the other monsters realising this started running away even the ancient ones.

Perseus smiled sadistically and gave chase to them.


Tartarus was in his palace when he felt a mass death of monsters in the pit, and normally he was curios so he tried to use his spiritual sense to check what is killing billion of monsters but was shocked when his spiritual sense was blocked and sent back to him in form of a spiritual attack.

He clutched his heart from the pain of the spiritual attack, after some time that the pain was gone Tartarus was curios and a little fearful of the entity that is powerful enough to block his spiritual sense as he believes himself to be the 4th most powerful entity alive, first being Order, second Chaos and third his elder twin Nyx, so he concluded that it was one of them that has the power to block his spiritual sense.

He decided to go there and stop whoever it was from massacring billions of monsters, if the entity is his sister he will be able to defeat her in his domain but if it was one of his parents he would resort to calming them down.

He then flashed to the scene while fully releasing his aura.

With Percy

Percy on his two billionths monster when he stopped and grinned maniacally when he felt Tartarus spiritual sense sweeping throughout the pit, when the spiritual sense was about to reach him, faster than Hermes can see he drew a complex symbol on the air and sent it to the spiritual sense in form of a rebounding formation sending back the spiritual sense in form of a spiritual attack.

After a minute Percy felt Tartarus aura appear not far from him, he faced Tartarus and grinned while shouting "Hiya Dad".


Author note : And there you have it, ending of chapter 8 of Perseus dominance.

Sword intent : A skill created by Percy that enables him to send out a wave of energy through a sword, amount of energy depends on amount of 0.0001% of users spiritual energy.

Sword intent can only be mastered by extreme sword experts.

Sword intent does not require a particular sword to use meaning any sword can be used but a sword ranging from ordinary steel sword to godly metal can only be used for sword intent once before turning to ashes, any sword ranging from a god symbol of power to a titan symbol of power can use sword intent up to 10 times before turning to ashes, primordial level sword can use sword intent at least 68 times before turning to ashes while creator level sword can use sword intent countless number of times.

Also Percy level of sword intent can only be used with creator level swords 200 times any more than that and it will reduce to ashes.

That's all and thank you for reading PERSEUS DOMINANCE.