
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


“Theo, Dernier’s birthday is coming in three weeks, I already prepared everything except for the DJ, but if you don’t still remember it is okay, I have to call someone”

“You don’t have to find a DJ, I checked out those instruments and I think I could play them, for Dernier, who is Dernier by the way?” Theo said

“My son…” Evan said

“You have a son?!” Theo was surprised

“Yeah he will turn 14 on his coming birthday, do you need anything in the meantime?”


“Okay then we have to go back to the City I have already arranged our transport”

“Okay, handsome…”

Theo was weird after the time that he was relieved by Evan, he felt guilty and didn’t know what to do,

“Thank you so much, Leo, for helping us,” Evan said while holding Leo’s shoulder

“You are welcome Evan, I’ll do everything for you,” Leo said while he held Evan’s arm

“Let’s go already, Denim, no need to flirt while traveling,” Theo said while glaring at Leo

“Are you jealous?” Evan said while grinning

“Why would I be jealous if you are already mine?” Theo said with one eyebrow raised

He pulled Evan’s waist leading him to the private plane, and of course, Leo went in too, Theo felt irritated

“Why are you coming in?” Theo asked

“Well he is your assistant and his boyfriend which also your best friend is on the plane with us, so you don’t have to make a ruckus, let’s go”

“Alright” Theo went in and King and Leo laughed it up

“We have arrived” Evan went out

“Evan, you have arrived, how are you? I already arranged everything here and we only waited for you, I miss you” Mike hugged Evan, which stirred up Theo’s blood.

“Hey cut it out why does he have to hug you, you are mine so quit flirting with everyone, I don’t care who they are, but they got to remember you are mine!” Theo said angrily while grabbing Evan away

“Well after he lost his memory he becomes possessive,” Mike said while looking at Theo and Evan going far away

“Well he kept it in before because he loves Evan so much that he keeps his possessive side,” Leo said while holding King

“Yeah, but Evan is enjoying this, Theo is indeed boring keeping his feelings away,” King said

“Well, you like Theo now huh?” Leo said glaring at King

“No I mean at least now he is being honest with himself, you are my type, my love,” King said then pecked on Leo’s cheek.

Mike just laughs it off while waiting for his boyfriend who is the pilot of the plane,

“Theo, do you know where are we going?” Theo stopped as soon as he heard Evan asked

“Well I don’t know, I was just mad that you flirting with everyone when I’m here…” Theo said while pouting his lips

“I don’t know, but you never touched me these days, after you get back to our home, I’ll be going to a bar, follow me we have to go now” Evan walked towards the car and Theo followed him.

Evan kept looking at his tablet while Theo was looking at Evan, but Evan just didn’t care.

*Phone rings*

“Hello Dominic, I expect you all to be complete at the house, is Cris already there?” Evan asked Dominic on the phone

“Yes Bro, we are waiting for you”

*Hang up*

“Theo, once we get home just tell Dominic what you want, while I’m gone”


Theo didn’t know what to do he was confused by his feelings.

As they arrived at the house, Theo and Evan got out of the car.

“Dad! I miss you so much” Cris hugged Evan

“I miss you too my baby boy” Evan lowered down and kissed Dernier’s forehead.

“Papa Theo welcome home” Cris also hugged Theo

“Thank you Cris” Theo smiled at Cris

“Welcome home guys” Dominic went out and hugged them all

Theo felt like he already felt the same feeling of warmth. They went in, in the house and Evan went straight to his room and changed his clothes to something lewd, the clothes showed more skin and he just wore the coat on top of it to cover most of the skin exposed, he did wear it for the fashion gala held on the bar where the theme ‘wild night’ as he came out all of the boys in the living room drop their sandwiches.

“You are going to the bar with that Dad?” Cris asked as he was so surprised

“Yeah, do you see my nipples? Maybe if I remove my coat they won’t look at it for a while…” Evan removed his coat exposing more skin

“No wear the coat it is cold, but at the bar, remove it, it’s hot in there,” Dominic said.

Theo didn’t say a word but deep inside he didn’t want to let Evan wear that,

“Theo, do you like my clothes? Should I wear this there at the bar?” Evan asked

“Yeah it is nice, it is up to you if you wanna wear it,” Theo said

Evan was waiting for Theo to say no, the past Theo would forbid him but it seemed that Theo didn’t want him anymore, Evan wanna give up but Theo never gave up on him. So he just continued to go out and went to the bar.

“Papa Theo I’m disappointed with you…” Cris said after Evan left, he went to his room

“Why what did I do?” Theo asked in confusion

“Bro why didn’t you stop Bro Evan, you never let him go out to the bar with that, as much as possible you always went with him,” Dominic said then sat down

“Hey Theo is still recovering his memories don’t blame him,” Ren said to Dominic

“Does he have to be back later or tomorrow?” Theo asked

“He will be back by 12 or 1 am, you can sleep in Evan’s room right there, just sleep don’t wait for him if you are hungry, there is food in the kitchen, I’ll be sleeping now, let’s go, Ren,” Dominic said.

Theo ate some food then he went to Evan’s room and found his phone, he checked it out and saw photos of him and Evan, he then went out and stayed in the living room.

10:57 pm Theo watched a movie and almost fell asleep because it was a drama, he then decided to watch a horror series which was effective and made him awake for an hour

12:40 am he heard the door open he was still watching the horror series, and the room was dark he went to the entrance to check who it was, and as soon as the door opened he was startled that he fell,

“What happened to you?!” Evan asked Theo who was now on the floor

“Oh my goodness I forgot you are out… hold up why I’m up again?” Theo had now forgotten that he was waiting for Evan

“Did you wait for me?” Evan asked

“No, I didn’t…” Theo lied

“You know what I’m going to my room and sleep,” Evan said while removing his coat

“Wait…” Theo grabs Evan’s waist and starts kissing Evan passionately

“Theo… hold on… not here… in the room…” Evan and Theo went inside the room