
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


Ken, Seb, and Leslie are behind with all of this,

“We should send him far away,” Leslie said

“No we shall use him for a while,” Ken said

They called out Evan

“Evan, if you want Theo to comeback hand over the kingdom”

“Don’t do it, Evan!”

“Shut up *slap*”

“I won’t give the kingdom to you, by blackmailing me makes me even know that you are no good for a king so I say give back Theo!”

“You will regret this Evan!” yelled the person on the other end of the phone,

Ken ended the phone call out of frustration.

Ken was even more frustrated, he then put Theo inside the car and drove away,

“What will he do to Theo?” Seb asked

“I don’t know…” Leslie said smirking

As Theo was blindfolded he still could hear his surroundings and he finally heard the place he was taken to, Ken removed the blindfold and Theo saw that he was on top of a cliff,

“They will see you die” Ken set up the camera in front of his car and started the engine he then hit Theo the impact was so strong that no one would survive.

“I finally killed a family member of Ueiss HAHAHAHA a war is coming,” Ken said laughing evilly

He then sent the video to the Ueiss

“Oh my goodness, Theo!”

“NOOOO!!! *cries*”

Evan fainted as he saw Theo was hit by the car

And most of the elders had a heart attack

The hospital was in a rush and all of the nurses and doctors rushed, and so as Thunder,

“How could this happen? It is way too fast” Thunder said

“Someone is already looking for his body but they haven’t found it yet also they are looking for the perpetrators but none,” Tezkhen said

“We have to find him” Theo’s mom cried, her only son, whom she wished to live a happy life, but now it looks likes it is impossible,

Evan woke up on Theo’s bed and he suddenly cried,

“Please be alive Theo I can’t do anything without you… please…” Evan could not stop crying,

It’s been 2 weeks still no signs of Theo, and it is already Dernier’s summer vacation and Lucas arrived at Dernier’s place.

The doorbell rang at the Weaver’s residence.

Dominic opens the door

“Hello I’m here to visit DC, I’m Lucas Oliver Scott”

“Oh you are Lucas I’m Dominic, Cris is in his room you can come in”

“Well thank you”

Lucas went in and was led to Dernier’s room he knocked and went in

“DC you there?”

“Lucas? You are here already?” Cris said smiling, but his eyes are looking sad, full of pain, his disheveled look and messy hair

“You look devastated, very devastated,” Lucas said, worriedly to his best friend,

“No I’m fine…” Cris said, while faking a smile,

“No you are not, what exactly is the reason? When something happens to your family you have this positive attitude that everything will be alright but now you are not” Lucas said

“I’ll tell you but do not tell anyone,” Cris said with his eyes begging Lucas

“Okay you can tell me, you are my best friend”

“I was harassed by my tutor”

“WHAT?!!! Who?!!!” Lucas was mad

“Shhh They might hear you, it’s okay even though he is on the loose”

“But still, I now decided I’m moving here, I should protect you from that scumbag!” Lucas was definitely furious, how can he let this happen to Cris who he treats like his own younger brother and best friend,

“Okay fine you can move here, but for now let’s go to the Kingdom, Dad is there we have to check on him” Cris said, with the tone of his voice he is definitely worried of his Dad,

“Oh, the kingdom? Wow I never thought I had a friend who is a Prince, well let’s go your palace majesty” Lucas teased him

The kingdom chauffeur arrived and the two went in as they arrived at the palace,

“Cris, you’re here, what are you doing? Who is that?” Evan asked, wondering who is the young man with his son,

“Oh Dad this is Lucas, my best friend”

“Well nice to meet you, your majesty” Lucas said, and bowed to respect Evan,

Evan smiled. Cris and Lucas went to the chamber they spent the day looking for Theo. Cris and Lucas had been tutored by Tezkhen before and so Ren’s mom became their tutor as well in terms of technology.

“Wait according to the latest data I received, the current in that sea is going east, his body went there before they could check,” Lucas said

“Let me call Tezkhen” Cris said, as he picked up his phone on the table and dialed Tezkhen's number and placed the phone on his ear,

As soon as it rang Tezkhen answered

“Hello Cris?” after hearing his name Cris handed the phone to Lucas,

“Have you checked the eastern current on the sea? During that day the current is pretty strong going east, there is a nearby island where the edge of the eastern current is, and maybe we will find something” Lucas said on the phone

“Okay, wait is this you Lucas?”

“Yes sir I’m present” Lucas informed Tezkhen

“Well good job boys I’ll check it out now we will send people there”

Nobody thinks that Theo would be swept away by the current going east, the first island to the east is so far that it is impossible to reach just riding a boat from the area where Theo fell,

Tezkhen received a call after 2 hours

“Hello sir, we already found Sir Theo but we have a problem”

“Good job, just address the problem later when you arrive!” Tristan exclaimed

As soon as Theo arrived the doctors and nurses prepared the aid

“He has a dislocated bone in the ribs…” they are all busy

After some operations, Theo woke up,

“Theo, do you see this?” Thunder asked as he showed an eye chart

“Who are you?” Theo asked

They were surprised by Theo’s question

“What do you mean?” Thunder ask

“Am I supposed to know who you are?”

“Thunder, I checked his brain scan and there is no problem, but that doesn’t mean there was no impact that would not cause amnesia, and with further diagnosis, I think Theo is suffering from amnesia”

“What? I don’t understand?” Theo ask

“Theo!!!” Evan screamed from across the hall

“Who is that cute guy running towards me?”

“He is your fiancé,” Thunder said before Evan jumped to Theo with a tight embrace

“What happened to Theo?” Evan asked

“We think he had amnesia after the impact” Thunder explained

Evan was half happy half sad knowing his beloved was suffering.

“Handsome can we go out for a drink? I like your suit…” Theo said

Evan didn’t have time to remove his clothes from the palace, well indeed he designed them himself, but a certain memory came to mind on Evan.