
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


Tezkhen waited for Troah to come pass by at his office and he did indeed, Tezkhen then halted Troah.

“Troah let’s talk just the two of us inside,” Tezkhen said with a serious face and he went inside the office

“So what do you want to talk about, I’m all open ears for you” Troah smiled

“Please stop being sweet with my Arden, I know you are clingy sometimes but please don’t make the same mistake your brother has done to Champion…” Troah become irritated.

“We all know you are older than me and you and Troye and Champion are the same age but you think just because your generation is fucked up I would mess it up too? I’m not Troye! I’m not gay, and for the record I only wanted a friend outside this family, because all of you think it’s for the sake of the family, I never trusted anyone in my life except from my family and you think I would betray you and steal your boyfriend? I thought my loyalty wasn’t enough for this family yet you doubted it…” Troah held back his tears

“Troah I’m sorry…” Tezkhen has his conscience but it seems it is too late

“Get out I do not wanna see you here… please…” Troah asked Tezkhen to go, he was hurt, and his high hopes for Tezkhen all fell to the ground and broken.


“Champion! I wanna talk about what happened between me and Phil” Troye talked to Champion

“Sewon can you please leave us for a while”

“Okay sure honey, call me later when you’re done” Sewon bid his farewell

“What is it that you wanna talk about, and I already moved on Troye?”

“Phil and I have never been together behind your back, he confessed to me and I couldn’t help myself I fell for him, without realizing I lost everyone that loves me and trusted me… and I lost you and Tezkhen, that was my mistake, betraying you… I’m so sorry Champion I wish for your happiness” Troye shed tears and so as Champion.

“I already forgave you come here…” Champion and Troye end up crying

“Guys I made Troah mad at me” Tezkhen started to cry

“We can find a solution to that later but for now let’s cry…” *wah huhuhu*

“So you see, that after arranging the music score it went- was that your boyfriend and Theo’s cousin? Are they crying?” King got confused

“Yeah, what the heck is going on?” Theo went to them as he saw them crying

“Honey, how are you? Why are you crying?” Sewon asked Champion

“I don’t even remember” Champion still sobbing

“Okay come here, let it out” Sewon calm his boyfriend down

Theo asked them and they talked about everything and finally settled it.

“I’m calling Troah we will talk” Troye said as he went away to have a phone call

“Did I hear you say talk to Troah?” Ethan asked one of Theo’s cousins who is the same age as Troah

“Yeah…” Champion replied

“Well Troah went to the station, he was putting all the reports and he will also be going outside for two months,” Ethan said

“So he will be out,” Tezkhen said anxiously

“Yeah, anyways got to go,” Ethan said

All of them went to Troah’s office and luckily he was still in the office

“Troah I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to compare you with Troye…” Tezkhen said with sincerity.

“I know, you love Arden very much I’m a witness of that, and don’t worry I’m not gonna leave because of you, my vacation is already long enough, I have to be at the station to work some cases” Troah explained

“Well good luck then,” they all said to Troah

Theo went on with King and Sewon they talked about their upcoming concert,

“You know it’s very far!” King exclaimed

“You don’t have to worry about the distance because Leo is coming with Theo, how about us?! We have to leave our boyfriends and we are spending two weeks without them! While you! Ha I can’t do this I’m being impulsive I have to spend quality time with Champion” Sewon said

“Well, then the meeting adjourned,” Theo said as he went back to his unit where Evan stays.


“Troah are you sure you’re not holding a grudge with Tezkhen? Or hiding feelings from Arden?” Troye asked

“Oh yeah I love him really… *sarcastically*” Troah said sarcastically

“Alright, let me call out the nurses to let lose yourself” Troye got his phone and called the head nurse

“Hello Master Troye? How may I help you?” the head nurse asked

“Troah red code,” Troye said

“Okay sir I’m gonna send our finest female nurses” *hangs up*

Troye went back to Troah

“They are coming, and just enjoy the night”

Troye left and went to his unit he lay on his bed and fell asleep.


The atmosphere is grave as Cris is facing his father and Theo and so as Dominic and Ren.

“So I heard you have someone that you’ll meet so eagerly?” Evan ask

“Well, my classmate Samuel wants to date me and I told him yes, we will meet soon when we go back” Cris explained

Evan and Theo were confused it was clear in their minds when Cris once promised to Zoey that they would be for each other. They just shut their mouths as they smiled at Cris assuring him it is alright.

“No worries we’ll be back next week” Theo assured Cris

“Okay” Cris went to his bed happily.

“How about Zoey?” Dominic asked worrying about Zoey

“Well I think Cris is filling up the emptiness he feels while Zoey is not here” Ren explained

“I think Ren is right after everything that’s going on Cris is slowly trying to ease his pain and emotions, he is trying to cover it up” Evan concluded

The four let out a sigh and they went to their respective units.


“Zoey just a few school years later and you’ll be at the same school as Dernier, at least you could slowly start what you had been promised right?” said Zephia

“Mom we are 8 years apart he will be 16 and I will be 8” Zoey explained

“Well yeah, you know what let’s just have faith that Dernier is being true to his promise”

“I hope so”