
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


Theo is taking care of Evan as he is folding some clothes.

“They said you were at the concert. How did you arrive at the palace so quickly?” Evan asked

“Well the venue is just at the border site, so after two hours I quickly jumped on my motorbike and went there, just the perfect timing that they already took you out from the dungeon” Theo replied.

“Well come here lie with me, let me hug you till we fall asleep”

“How about I sing my newly composed song for you? While you are in my arms?”

Evan nodded, Theo then lay in the bed put Evan’s head in his arms, and started to sing.

~The sun sets at the boutique

As the weaver measures are perfect,

I was told those slender hands

Would wave like magic wands…

The wine was yours to drink

Your lips make my heart shrink

Your voice sounds like a melody

I just can’t find another key

Every piece of clothing is made with passion and dedication,

I want to be in his next destination…

Whoever he holds so dearly,

Might as well give my love fully,

For he already caught me,

In his heart trapped for eternity…

Those denim clothes he wears

Walk like he doesn’t care

To the people who give him a stare

‘Cause his clothes are such perfect pair…

I had wondered which thread

Made my heart, he’s the need

It was like stitches

Sealed me, I’m speechless

Every piece of clothing is made with passion and dedication,

I want to be in his next destination…

Whoever he holds so dearly,

Might as well give my love fully,

For he already caught me,

In his heart trapped for eternity…

Now honey take me away,

By your side let me stay

Wrapped me like a treasure

I know, we are in perfect measure

Every piece of clothing is made with passion and dedication,

I want to be in his next destination…

Whoever he holds so dearly,

Might as well give my love fully,

For he already caught me,

In his heart trapped for eternity… ~

“Good night and sweet dreams babe *peck*” Theo covered Evan with a quilt and hugged him so tightly.

Cris woke up from the sound of his phone flooded with notifications from his classmates.


Jon: Cris are you done with your project?

Shawn: I bet he is done, the project is easy

Lucy: Cris is the best!

Hazel: Where is Cris? He didn’t reply to anyone.

Simon: is he alright?

Henry: CRIS!!

Samuel: Dernier are you alright?


SAMUEL: Dernier are you alright?

SAMUEL: please reply…

SAMUEL: I’m worried about you…

CRIS: I’m alright, just poor network

SAMUEL: Thank goodness you reply… I’m so worried…

Cris quickly called Samuel


“Hello Dernier? Why do you have to call?” Samuel asked nervously

“Samuel, you’re kinda sus… why would you worry that much?” Cris asked as he was only teasing

“Because I’m your classmate…” Samuel replied but Cris sensed that was not just it

“That’s not the point here Samuel… tell me the truth, I won’t judge” Cris sounded so serious, he already knew what was next to it

“I like you! Very much…” Samuel put up the courage and confessed his feelings

“When? When did it start?” Cris was curious, yet he knew already

“At the summer camp, I first saw you, you told me I got a bush hair like your father”

“HAHAHA oh yeah I remembered you cut your hair that’s why I didn’t recognize you” Cris had remembered it like it was yesterday, where there was a boy in the summer camp who had permed wavy hair just like his father, though he wasn’t sure if it is natural or done in the salon

“Dernier, when are you coming back to the city?” Samuel asked hoping to spend time with Cris when he came back

“When? Why? Wanna date me?” Cris asked half-jokingly as he was still teasing Samuel

“Eeek!” Samuel couldn’t reply he almost fainted

“Samuel you there? When I’m back I’m gonna find you”


Cris smiled as he put away his phone and he fell asleep.


“Dernier let’s have breakfast,” Dominic said as he was stretching out and then went out and Dernier followed him.

As he was walking out of the unit he saw someone familiar

“Good morning Dom” Ren greeted him

“Ren my baby you are here!!!” Dominic quickly hugged Ren so tightly, as he missed him so badly.

“How did you come here?” Dominic added

“They took me from the city and blindfolded me and I arrived at this beautiful place, I think they did a background check on me” Ren replied.

He was indeed taken from the city Tezkhen allowed Ren as he knew Ren was one of the sons of his tech professor who helped him create the security advancement technology of the Ueiss who always visited for technical support every year, which Ren didn’t know at all that his mom is secretly working for the Ueiss.


Arden is eating his breakfast with his brother at the buffet, he didn’t wake up Tezkhen as he knows he needs more sleep.

“So where is Tezkhen? Aren’t you together?” Troah asked

“Well he needs more sleep he had run through the system because he found some bugs he has to check everything till 2 a.m. so he needs more sleep, I already asked the food caterers to send Tezkhen his breakfast later” Arden explained

While they are talking the nurses who helped them pass by and Arden notices that his brother is looking at the nurse who helped him.

“I noticed you keep looking at him big bro, what wrong?” Arden asked out of curiosity

“Well I asked him how a shaft fits in a peach hole and we tried it…” General half proud and half embarrassed

Troah whose mouth is full spit out what he put in it and laughed uncontrollably

“Table manners Troah!” Troye could be heard from afar as he nagged his younger brother who couldn’t stop laughing and so as Arden.

Everyone looked at them and General Ross was getting self-conscious

“Hey enough laughing already…” he said in a low tone,

The two had stopped but they became as red as a tomato and burst into tears,

They didn’t know that Tezkhen was looking at them from afar.