
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
112 Chs


WARNING: This chapter contains violence, abduction and house explosion. Not suitable for people who have trauma related to the aforementioned warning.

Theo had a bad feeling, he can’t contact Evan. Everyone on Evan’s design team already went home, they say Evan texted them that they should go home first and Evan will stay there for a while, Theo was anxious about what might have happened to Evan.


Sofia was calling for Mark but she seems to not found her husband, a feeling of betrayal is running through her mind and heart even the tracker used to follow her husband seems to be not working. For a few moments, she thought of a person who could help her, Diego her investigator.

“I want you to look for Mark and locate his current location I’ll pay you to triple this time just find him,” Sofia said

“Yes boss” Diego replied

On the other hand, Mark tortured Evan so badly, lubricated toys, whips, vibrators, and Aphrodisiac Scent, spread throughout the room. Evan keeps on collapsing but Mark won’t stop. Consistently Evan begged to be spared of the torture mentally, emotionally, and physically. He asked himself does he deserve all of this.

The only thing that keeps Evan to fight for his life is the three people he had in his life now. He thought the kind pet he kept in his life turned into a beast that he never knew, he was betrayed by the only person he loves, the only person who he thought will share his life with for eternity, the person who showed him light when he was trapped in the darkness.

The pleasure that he desired from his first love turns to pain and despair, he was fell into a trap that he doesn’t know how to escape no one could ever save him, the hero he thought would come doesn’t know where or what happened to him now.

A few days after

“Boss I already found Mark” Diego said

“Where is he now?” Sofia asked

“He is at the abandoned house at District R” Diego replied

“Ok let’s go,” Sofia said

6 PM

Sofia went to District R, to get there they must fly with an airplane. As she arrived at the place, she saw a 3-story abandoned house, she went to the back and opens the back door carefully and heard cries on the second floor, stealthily she climbed up the stairs and saw a red flashing light inside a room as she took a peek inside, she was speechless at what she saw, she was horrified on what she had witnessed. Evan was handcuffed in both hands and was full of bruises and wounds, blood was scattered all over the bed.

Sofia texted Theo and introduced herself in the message, she then send a photo and the address. It will take two hours to flight. Theo requested a flight for an emergency and he called his friend who is a police director and they contacted the District R’s police chief, Theo brought Cris with him because Cris begged Theo so much.

8:30 PM

Theo, Cris, and the police are in District R’s airport. They ride on the police mobile. Sofia on the other hand stayed quiet outside the room, she was trembling and scared to confront her husband. *bzzt bzzzt* her phone vibrates it was a call from Theo she hung up, hoping Mark didn’t hear her.

It was too late Mark went outside the room and caught Sofia outside.

“Oh as expected my good-for-nothing wife…” Mark said

Sofia tried to escape but Mark pulled her hair.

“Leaving so soon?”

“Let go of me! They’ll arrive soon and you’ll be put in jail! You Psycho!!” Sofia screamed as she started to try to escape

“Who’ll arrive? The police? So what?! Don’t worry before they’ll come we’ll go to hell soon!” Mark said

Mark pulled Sofia inside the room where he tortured and abused Evan and pulled the two of them into the room where he first put Evan.

Theo is already near the place where the address Sofia had sent, they keep calling Sofia but she won’t answer.

Mark put the two closer.

“My wife and my lover together in one room isn’t this great? Well just try to escape or three bombs will explode together…” Mark said menacingly

“You psycho! You’re still a jerk!” Sofia yelled


An explosion shakes the house but it’s still far from where Evan and Sofia and Mark were in.

“Two to go…” Mark said

Both Evan and Sofia got petrified, they begged for their lives. The police with Theo are already near and even heard the explosion. The SWAT team was called and they stopped at the side of the house.

“Oh, they are already here.” Mark


The second bomb explodes and a huge flame spread throughout the house.

Cris started to cry.

“Daddy!!!” Cris screamed

The SWAT team was about to enter but Theo received a message.

“There’s still a 3rd one,” Mark said

The fire department arrived.

“You’re now surrounded Mark… please stop this” Sofia cried, begging

Mark just keeps on laughing.

“What are you going to say, Evan?” Mark asked as he holds Evan’s chin

“I’m tired Mark… please stop this…” Evan said

Evan thought that history will repeat itself, Cris will lose him the same as his mother did, and he’ll be an orphan, but he is hoping that Dominic and Theo and also Fiona will take care of his little Angel, he hopes to see his last cry.