
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


“Uncle, should I be studying fashion in the future?” Cris

“It is up with you, if you like designing then take designing but if not then don’t, we won’t pressure you, just do what you wanna do and be passionate about” Dominic

“Well I wanna be an analyst” Cris

“Then study about analyst” Dominic

“Ok well, when would Dad come home? He enjoys more time with Papa Theo than usual are they gonna leave us?” Cris

“Of course not maybe they did some important things” Dominic

“Like what?” Cris

“Let’s call them then” Dominic

Dominic called Evan it took a few minutes just ringing then it was answered.

“Hello Bro how—“Dominic

“Ughh,” Evan said

*Hang up*

“Why did you hang up? How was Dad? What was that sound?” Cris

“Well they are busy doing exercise” Dominic

“Really?” Cris

“You’re too young to know” Dominic

“Okay” Cris

King and Leo spend their time at Leo’s place.

“I hope you like it here” Leo

“I sure would” King

While Leo looked at King he felt like the world was only turning around the two of them it looks like a movie scene where the main character and the leading lady stare at each other as if there is no tomorrow. In Leo’s eyes, he sees the same pair of eyes look into him when he was younger, the eyes that give him hope and a chance to once more feel alive and his inspiration to survive, for him those pair of shining brown eyes was his trophy the only thing that motivates to succeed, he wants to achieve his King and be on his throne for eternity.

“What’s with that look, Leo?” King

“Nothing I’m just happy to see my King with me” Leo

“Oh really?” King

“May I ask you a favor?” Leo

“Yeah sure as long as I can do it?” King

“Please be mine forever, you have been my goal and my dreams since I laid my eyes on you, I did my best to be in this position so I can have you for the rest of my life, and will you accept me as your lover?” Leo

“*sniff* *sniff* you think highly of me, but I don’t deserve you…” King

“You are enough for me King, I will try my best to be worth it for you, I will let you think of it as long as you want, you don’t have to answer me now” Leo

“But Leo… I want to be with you forever too, so it’s a yes!” King

“I know you can’t resist me” Leo

“Will you kiss me now?” King

“Yes… my pleasure” Leo

Leo grabbed King’s waist and kiss him, as he caress King’s skin under his shirt, to his back, he kissed him on his neck, making King moan.

“Wait, a minute I have to clean first” King

“I’ll just wear a condom” Leo

“No, I have to put some enema first, wait for me okay” King

“Sure” Leo

After a few minutes, King went out of the bathroom,

“Now we can continue…” King

“Then lay down” Leo

King lie down in the bed and Leo removed his clothes and so as King and the two passionately kissed Leo then grab his butt cheeks, and then he reached for King’s hole and caress it slowly, as he felt it was already soft, and one of his fingers is inserted.

“Relax… oh it’s sucking me in…” Leo

“Ahh Leo… please… Haaa put more… you are almost there… Haaa” King

Leo inserted another finger, he then searched the soft inside of King and to the extent of his finger, he reached King’s prostate.

“AGHH!!” King

“Oh, you cummed already…” Leo

Leo then inserted his dick into King’s hole, then he shoved it gently and then slowly as he is going deeper.

King can’t help twitching as Leo reached the depths of him, one to another Leo thrust in, King’s mind went blank as he was pressed, and he kept moaning and groaning and he kept on cumming. King felt numb as time passes by, he won't know what to do anymore and then he suddenly passed out Leo just casually take out his dick and make sure that King would be comfortable sleeping he held King’s head and place it on his chest and hugged him tightly and put the quilt around them,

“We’ll take a shower tomorrow… *whispers*” Leo

As he pecks on King’s forehead and falls asleep.

King woke first and he was looking around and saw that he was hugged by Leo and wrapped in his arms, he kissed him lightly on the lips and just stared at him,

“Do you like the view that much?” Leo

“Well my sunshine is handsome early in the morning, I can’t take my eyes off you…” King

“Wanna continue then?” Leo

“No, my body hurts so badly…” King

“Ok let’s just sleep honey, I have no work because I’m on leave…” Leo

“Okay then let’s sleep” King

King hugged Leo, as they squeezed together.

“Uhm… Leo? Can we take a bath first I feel sticky… I can’t go to the bathroom all by myself…” King

“Oh yeah I forgot, let me carry you then” Leo

Leo rises and switches to the other side of the bed and flips the quilt that covers King he then carries King like a bride and they went to the bathroom, Leo put King in the bathtub and he turned on the faucet as it gets higher he prepares the bathrobe and turned on the shower and took the shower head and points it on King as he washed him while soaked in the bathtub, Leo took a shower too, King tried to stand up and Leo assist him. King tries to take out some cum inside him because Leo forgot to put condoms last night. As he takes it out Leo can’t help but look at him like he is planning on something.

“Hey stop on what you are thinking I’m tired” King

“Yeah sorry… just keep going if you can’t still walk properly call me, I’m just gonna prepare some food for us” Leo

Leo just left King, and King was able to walk again he went to the kitchen and sat at the table after Leo prepared the food they eat already.