
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs



7 years ago

At South Korea

“Gwaenchanha? (Are you ok?)” Sewon

After I bumped into someone and fell on the ground I saw a guy asking me and reaching his hand unto me, I quickly accepted his hand and stood up,

“Thank you” Champion

“No problem next time take care” Sewon

“Hyung what is your name? My name is Champion by the way” Champion

“I’m Sewon, anyways I have to go, take care” Sewon

“Ok bye~~” Champion

After that, I finally found someone I like so badly,

The next night at a bar, I also meet Sewon Hyung he helped me with some troubles,

“No sunbae, I can’t drink anymore!” Champion

“What?! You are disobeying your sunbae?! Then drink more!!”

“No-- *chug, chug* stop~~ ngh” Champion

“Oh you are good at moaning too”

“Ngh mmgh ahh~~” Champion

They kissed me all over,


“What the-- *PUNCH*”

I saw Sewon hyung punching my sunbae,

“You should not be messing around!” Sewon

“Hey, kid you alright?” King

“Yes…” Champion

“Champion right? Stop wasting your time with those guys” Sewon

“What did I miss?” Theo asked

“Sewon just punch some juniors!” King

“Really why di—, Champion?! Why are you here?! What happened to you?!” Theo

“You know him, bro?” Sewon

“He is my cousin,” Theo said

I never thought that this is how small the world is, from then on Sewon hyung and I would meet through Theo but day by day my love for him grow,

But then Theo and Sewon hyung and also King didn’t have any contact anymore so I thought I should stop and move on right then I met Diego Allen, who trained under the Ueiss information assistant and secret agent training,

“Cham, just relax ok it won’t hurt later” Diego

“Wait ughh, it hurts… ahh ughh” Champion

“Shhh it's okay” Diego

But because of what happened Troah and grandmother were enraged so Diego was kicked out and I blamed myself for it, then he worked under his first love Sofia Pythone as a private investigator, and unfortunately, he died and was mistaken as Evan,


In Sewon’s room

“Hey, why are you bruised?” Sewon

“It’s nothing…” Champion

“Nothing? Well… let me put some ointment” Sewon

Sewon took the medicine and he put some ointment on my busted lips, then I started to cry,

“The day I first met you I already like you… but then when you left I felt so alone, I missed you so badly, my family doesn’t want me gay and after Diego was involved with the Pythone’s and almost sold the Ueiss I was devastated, hyung I’m sorry, I think I’ve talked too much” Champion

Sewon just stared at me and pat my head,

“Don’t worry I’m here” Sewon

I felt like someone finally chose to stay with me,

“It’s getting late now go to sleep here in my bed” Sewon

“No stay with me… please” Champion

“Champion if your dad will know about this he will punch you again” Sewon

“Won’t you save me? And stop calling me Champion just Cham will do” Champion

“Ok Cham, I will save you don’t worry” Sewon

“So are you going to sleep with me?” Cham

“Fine I will, I will take a shower first” Sewon


“Theo, I’m just surprised that someone else in your family is gay,” Evan said

“Well yes not just me the third generation are gays but not all of us, some had kids already,” Theo said

“Believe me or not Tezkhen is straight but he looked like he was not, he liked someone that we don’t know even him,” Theo said

“Oh really…” Evan said

“Enough with my family how about you and Mark before?” Theo asked

“What about him?” Evan asked

“Well, you two are best friends, right? Like what are you exactly” Theo said

“I don’t wanna talk about it and why are you asking?” Evan asked

“I’m just curious, if you don’t wanna tell me then fine let’s go to bed,” Theo said

Evan can’t help it when Theo acts like this

“Fine, when we first met….” Evan said


It was the start of the school year, Evan and Mark were classmates during high school,

“Hey, Mark let’s play basketball!” Mark’s friends were in the next section, he had higher grades than his friends so he was assigned to the star section, the Vice President who is Evan always stays alone in the classroom,

“Evan, would you like to join us?” Mark asked Evan, who they just had their first encounter after Evan lent him a ball pen, on the first day of class Mark doesn’t have a ball pen,

“What? Uhm no I don’t want to” Evan decline

“How about you President?” Mark asks their classroom president, who he asked for papers earlier,

“I’m busy”

Mark went out with his friends to the outside court and they played,

Evan had no friends and he was so surprised when he was selected as vice president,

“Evan can you check this out for me I have to go to the teacher’s office to ask for copies of the handouts,” the President told Evan,

“Sure no problem,” Evan said as he looked at the back of their president, he is indeed slim and looks fragile just like Evan differently from Mark who is more muscular than them,

One time Mark was staying in the classroom during lunch because he forgot to bring his lunch box Evan and their class president noticed this and they offered him a portion of their lunch since then the three would eat together and study together as well. After high school Mark and Evan went to the same university and they never had seen their class president and even forgot his name.

Mark become close with Evan eventually as they spend each day together until Evan lost both of his parents, Mark was there and he was a shoulder to cry on by Evan,

At that moment Evan thought that Mark would be the guy for him.

“Wow I wish I was at that moment but I was studying in South Korea when I had my college years but damn, Mark sure leaves a great impact on you so that may be why you have hopes for him before,” Theo said

“I sure did,” Evan said

“Oh I just remembered Grandpa will tell us what happened to you and your dad here in the mansion,” Theo said

“Really?” Evan asked

“Yeah tomorrow,” Theo said

Evan felt excited when he heard that Theo’s grandpa would tell him something his dad doing in the Ueiss mansion before.