
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


The sun has risen and Evan woke up,

“What happened I felt like I was in a blender with many different fruits turning around me,” Evan said

“Oh you are awake, and you must be thirsty here have some water…” Theo said

“Thank you, what happened last night?” Evan asked

Evan looked around and noticed he is in a huge room,

“You passed out last night so I brought you to my room,” Theo said

“Oh did I? I’m sorry… wait I thought—“Evan

“What you thought you could easily hide away from me?” Theo asked

“Sorry I can’t say to your aunt,” Evan said

“It’s ok, now let’s go have breakfast at the dining house,” Theo said

Evan took a shower and wore Theo’s clothes and they went to the dining.

“Theo this is so big but I can’t see any guests from last night,” Evan said

“Well, all you see here are my family,” Theo said

“How many are you?” Evan asked

“61 but only 60 left my cousin Thalia died,” Theo said

“Oh really, anyways let’s go” Evan said

Evan and Theo walk towards the tables.

“Theo honey greet your great grandfather” Samantha *Theo’s mother*

“Yes Mom, by the way, Evan this is my mom Samantha Ueiss Mom this is Evan Weaver,” Theo said

“Hello Mom I mean ma’am,” Evan said

“Hahaha you are a cute guy, you can call me Mom if you like to thank you for the dresses and suits last night, come to greet Grandpa” Samantha

Evan and Theo walked through the huge tables and then Evan saw this old man and woman sitting together in Evan’s mind these two should be 80-90 years old.

“Hello Grandpa Grandma this is Evan, my boyfriend,” Theo said

“Oh goodie you brought your boyfriend” Rose

“You should guess our ages then little Evan it’s been so long since I saw you” Thazion

“Well nice meeting you madam and sir, if I were to guess your ages it's 80-90?” Evan asked

The three laughed at Evan’s guess.

“Grandpa is already 101 and Grandma is 99,” Theo said

“What? But they look somewhere 80 or 90” Evan

“Well we don’t spend much in the sun, maybe that’s why, anyways go on eat” Thazion

“There are lots of food prepared” Rose

“Thank you I would eat a lot hehe,” Evan said

Evan and Theo settled down and eat.

“Theo how come this place is so big but it’s a secret place?” Evan asked

“Tezkhen always hides us from the government,” Theo said

“Yup so if you need to hide away I can help you” Tezkhen

“Really?” Evan asked

“If you need support or protection just call me” Troah

Evan was surprised,

“Do all of you have all different professions?” Evan asked

“Yes we aren’t bound by traditions,” Theo said

After Evan and Theo ate, they went around the mansion.

“Do we have to ride a golf car around the manor?” Evan asked

“Yes we can also use cars around,” Theo said

The manor is huge that it could be full of an estimated 800 thousand people,

“This place is hard to manage but they did well,” Theo said

“I haven’t seen you with lots of guards,” Evan said

“Well no one could mess with the Ueiss,” Theo said

Leo suddenly showed up.

“Sir Theo your friends Sewon and King is already at their perspective chamber they have already eaten breakfast and they request to meet you sir” Leo

“Evan this is Leo, my assistant,” Theo said

“Hello nice meeting you,” Evan said

“You too, Sir Evan” Leo

Leo drives the golf car where Theo and Evan were his passengers, they arrived at the lounge and saw King and Sewon.

“Hello Evan I’m Sewon bestfriend of Theo” Sewon

“Hi I’m King also best friend of Theo” King

“Hello everyone,” Evan said

“Evan, can you wait for me at the cafeteria?” Theo asked

“Sure,” Evan said

Evan left and Theo and the two best friends of his finally had a chance to talk with each other,

“You completely forgot about us after you searched for Evan and I was left alone because King and Leo went somewhere, I was bored to death” Sewon

“Sorry bro Evan collapsed last night,” Theo said

“And Leo brought me to the observatory” King

“Aren’t you on good terms with my cousin?” Theo asked

“Eh, which one?” King

“Champion,” Theo said

“Really? Twin of Victoria?” King

“Yes that one,” Theo said

“Who is the top?” King

Before Sewon could say something a loud tiny voice called him

“Hyung~~” Champion

The four went looking back, only to see Champion screaming Hyung at Sewon.

“Hyung I have been looking for you” Champion

“So the bottom is the winner” King

“Champion what are you doing here? Aren’t Aunt Tory looking for you?” Theo asked

“Dear cousin, she isn’t I told her that I’m getting along with Sewon hyung whether they like it or not, I’m not an entitled Ueiss like you so it’s fine if I become Champion Kim, don’t I hyung?” Champion

“Yeah fine, I’ll see you later…” Sewon

“Then I’ll warm the bed bye…” Champion

Champion has left.

“What a brave boy” King

“I just found him cute” Sewon



“Didn’t I tell you to stop this gay thing of yours?!! I know you are just confused but don’t let the Ueiss’ gayness run into you” Winston *Champion and Victoria’s father*

“Just let me be for who I am!” Champion

*slap!* Winston slapped Champion so hard that blood came out from his mouth,

“I don’t have a gay son” Winston

“What happened?!” Tory

“We are leaving tomorrow!” Winston

“Champ are you ok?” Tory

Champion walked away from the house and went to the garden near the house and cried

“Champion? Why are you crying” Sewon

“Hyung I’m sorry for what I act recently… I’m sorry for being gay…” Champion

“Why are you sorry for being gay? You don’t have to be, I like you for who you are, being gay is not to be sorry about… come let’s go to my room” Sewon

Champion had once again seen his hero,

7 years ago

At South Korea

“Gwaenchanha? (Are you ok?)” Sewon