
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


“The hell what are you doing just put it in!” King said yelling at Sewon

“Wait it’s tight…” Sewon said

“Then put it one by one” King suggested

“There… it’s in oops the white is coming out” Sewon said

“Wait! Whose shirt is that?” King asked

“It’s Theo’s shirt,” Sewon said as he pushed the shirt back in

“You are just taking the laundry in and you are making a fuss, I ordered food already let’s go,” Theo said as he looked at his friends putting their clothes in the machine

Theo went to the kitchen and took his phone out even a single message from Dominic he never received one instead all his message is full of Kelly’s name.

“Hello is this Miss Crystal from Weaver’s Web Boutique?” Mark asked

“Yeah, may I know who this is?” Crystal asked

“This is Mark Lim I would like to participate in your hiring for designing,” Mark said

“Ok then I’ll send you a link to fill up then we’ll call you once you are hired, the only requirements you need is on the link itself” Crystal explained

“Thank you,” Mark said

Mark filled up the link form and after a few minutes, he received a call.

“That was quick!” Mark said

He answered the call

“Hello?” Mark asked

“Sir Evan?” Crystal said as he saw the photo in the application

“I’m sorry I’m not, but am I hired?” Mark said as he wanted the job but was confused about being called for someone else

“Well yes you are, you can come to my office at zone 7 Faust Street” Crystal gave the address

“Okay thank you I’ll come tomorrow at 9 am,” Mark said

While Theo is in his villa Kelly decided to announce their relationship after Theo’s concert.


It was a familiar place like a place where he could call home, seeing a child watching his father weaves clothes while laughing and talking and looking at him smiling then vanishing in the thin air. A woman came out of the store so shocked at almost tearing up.

“Sir Evan!”

The woman run into his arms and hugged him tightly like it’s been forever since he was gone, Mark remain stiff as he was very overwhelmed by what is going on.

“I know you’re alive, boss I came back here as you told me that if you were to be gone I’ll come back to your father’s shop…” Crystal said

“Are you Crystal?” Mark asked

“Yeah!” Crystal exclaimed

“I’m Mark Lim, not Evan” Mark corrected her

“No way! You are Evan, I’m sure of it” Crystal said assuring him

“Okay then let me work here even if I am or I’m not Evan,” Mark said

“I’ll prove that you are Evan and of course, you can work here starting today all the designing tools are in your office,” Crystal said

Mark started to work and he designed clothes and so many more, he enjoyed everything as if he has done it for a long time.

“You told me that you aren’t Evan yet look at your designs, that one over there is your signature style, like look at these old designs of yours, you are Evan!” Crystal said as she point out the exact design that symbolizes Evan it was EDW in a cursive way weaved in the sleeves or the side of the clothes

Mark was confused and he started to feel like he was in a certain loop that all he heard was…

“You are Evan…” Mark Khozener’s Voice

“You are Evan…” Theo’s Voice

“You are Evan…” Dominic’s Voice

“You are Evan…” Evan’s Dad Voice

“You are Evan…” Evan’s Mom Voice

Mark had fainted.

“Bro aren’t you gonna give us tickets?” King asked

“Yeah your concert is coming up or maybe you could have us as special guests” Sewon suggested

“OH, that’s a great idea like we could share our demo!” King also suggested

“You are on the guest list so you two better prepare it will be a big event I heard tickets were sold out in just 3 days,” Theo said with a little bit of pride and brag

“That’s cool dude well here is my demo,” Sewon said playing his demo

“Gotta get my demo at the studio,” King said rushing to call someone

King went out to call one of his co-producer, while Leo went inside the mini studio where Theo and Sewon were in.

“Sir Theo, Sir Sewon can I ask you two about Sir King?” Leo asked

“Uhm yeah sure,” Theo said

“What does he like?” Leo asked

“He always likes to eat sweets and be alone, but we are the only exception,” Sewon said

“So what if I ask him on a date?” Leo asked

King walked in

“Who are you gonna date?” King asked confused

“You, if I ask you on a date would you come?” Leo asked

“Ehh?!~~~” King was shocked

King blushed after he heard Leo’s confession, he can’t believe it, for the first time, someone asked him on a date after all this time he is the one who asks someone on a date.

“I’ll see you at fairy street resto-bar tonight at 7 pm, I’ll be waiting, no excuses you don’t have a schedule,” Leo said

Leo walked out with a smile on his face.

While King was surprised and in shock he looked at his friends.

“Should I bring flowers?” King asked his friends

“Pfft! HAHAHAHAHAHA” Theo & Sewon started laughing

“What’s funny?” King asked

“What you thought Leo is HAHAHAHA” Sewon continued la

“You’re Hahaha bottom?” Theo asked while laughing so hard

“Wait I’m not the T-top?” King asked stammering

Sewon and Theo keep on laughing while King was terrified of what may happen to him.

6:30 PM

King arrived at the venue he looked around and noticed Leo still wasn’t there, he checked his watch and he was flustered.

“Sh*t I arrived too early,” King said

King was about to go out and wait till 7 but Leo arrived already, Leo was surprised that King arrived first,

“Where are you going?” Leo asked

“Uhm looking for our table?” King lied to avoid the embarrassment

“But the receptionist told me that my date is already at our table?” Leo said while grinning

King sit quickly on the chair out of embarrassment while Leo grinned and enjoying King like the view, Leo handed the bouquet of red roses and King was amazed and received the bouquet,

“Thank you,” King said as he accepts

“My pleasure… let’s now eat?” Leo said

King nodded and they called the waiter.

They drink wine and King who can’t handle his liquor very well drunk two bottles of wine out of embarrassment.

After they eat and drink Leo brought King to a hotel, King is very drunk and Leo seemed to be drunk to drive so he booked a couple of room and carry King to the room, dropping him on the bed and lying down, he took King to the bathroom and he cleaned himself and also King. While taking a bath King suddenly grabbed Leo,

“I’m cold hug me please…” King said while raising his hands and asking for a hug

Leo just let King hug him and still managed to continue, and he accidentally touched King’s junk while rubbing some soap,

“Ahh~~~” King moaned

Leo was flushed red after hearing King and it made his junk hard, he quickly rinsed and carry King to the bed.