
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


“Theo come here right now!” Tristan called Theo

“Dad, what happened to Auntie Trisha?” Theo asked

“She got some mental issues,” Tristan said

I feel pity for Aunt Trisha, she’s not the only one who had mental issues. The hospital at the back has psychiatric confinement. It has been from our ancestors, he had a mental disorder, some say because he’s too intelligent, some say because he was left by a lover but no one knows what it was.

“Good thing Rico caught Trisha”

“If people from the outside know about this, the Ueiss family will be ruined”

“This cursed illness would never end”

Everyone in the family doesn’t want anyone to be like this.

The whole family Ueiss enjoyed this vacation and so do I, I get to meet lots of my cousins and play with them, I even found a new hobby and just love being here the entire spring. The Ueiss villa would be empty during other seasons or just not full, great grandpa stayed in the Villa.

“Theo we had to go home now your stuff is in the car,” Tristan said

“Theo! Goodbye now! And you too Thunder tale care!” Thalia bid her farewell

“Bye, everyone!” Thunder said

“Bye!!” Theo shouted

“Timothy take care…” Tristan said

“Yeah take care,” Thomas said

“You guys as if I would die take care too…” Timothy said

“Thalia and Tim let’s go, everyone we are going now!” Louanne said


Nobody expected that it would be the last time that we see Thalia and her parents, they had a car accident when they went back home and everyone was so sad since then we rarely go to the Villa and it made great Grandpa sad and he had a heart attack, Good thing he survives.

Years had pass Thunder and I gets closer and we spent time together even though we grow up and choose different paths I hope Thalia is happy for everyone.



“T.Drix zup dude the song is a hype with girls and some dudes, just wanna ask if you ever had taken it from your personal experience?” Bob asked

“Hey Bob, well it is a personal experience but I’m cool with it, it has been three years,” Theo said

“Three years? Wait is this all about that Evan you love? You’ve gone on hiatus for two years after that incident” Bob said

“Well yeah but it’s been a long,” Theo said

Theo went home after work, stopped by a cake shop, and bought 1 vanilla & chocolate cake, as a gift to Dominic and Cris.

“I’m home!” Theo said

“Papa! Wow is that cake you brought?” Cris asked

“Bro welcome home, I told my classmates that they should stream your song, and now they are asking me to have your signature,” Dominic said

“How many are we talking about?” Theo asked

“78?” Dominic said

“You’re not even sure? Ok then I’ll do it this weekend” Theo said

“Thanks, bro, let’s eat that cake now!” Dominic said

“Aren’t Ren coming over?” Theo asked

“No, we fought, we’ll just talk later probably” Dominic replied

“Then let’s eat this cake,” Theo said

Theo enjoys being with these two, even though they are not related by blood but the love they shared for Evan keeps them together and that is important.


Theo received a call from his assistant. Theo checked the clock it was 4 am.

“Sir T. Drix, Kelly is already in the studio, she’s saying she wanna do the recording quickly because her schedule is full today,” Leo said

“Can you tell her, she’s the one who requested me to record a song, and now she wants me to get there early in the morning, the sun isn’t rising yet, and how dare she woke you up for this?! The audacity! And one more telling here is she waited for 6 months to have a song produced by me, maybe she could wait for 3 hours, if not then she may continue to her schedules.” Theo said irritated

“Yes sir” Leo replied

Theo checked the clock again its 4:30 am, and he prepared breakfast for Cris and Dominic and take a bath, Dominic woke up and starts to clean the house.

Leo welcomed Theo in the studio, he saw Kelly in the hall covered with a thick jacket.

“Thick jackets we have here yet it’s still summer” Theo tease Kelly

“Oh yeah I thought it was already winter, cold like your boyfriend” Kelly replied

“Haha, dark humor you’ve been spitting, but even birds don’t know if you’re singing or yelling,” Theo said

“Tsk! Just get on with the recording will you?!” Kelly said

“Yeah fine, well I do need time to edit your voice” Theo replied

Kelly just snob Theo, she was furious. They started to record and Theo was impressed with Kelly.

“Not bad Kelly” Theo said

“Thanks, T. Drix, I should be going now,” Kelly said as she left out

Leo entered the studio and give the schedules to Theo.

“I have a concert?” Theo

“It was sponsored by Chairman Tobias, your grandfather,” Leo said

“Ok, then I sure will do it for Grandpa…” Theo said

Theo prepared for the concert and set up all the songs he will perform. Kelly went back again to Theo’s studio to record another song, making Theo feel suspicious.

“Why do you always come back here?” Theo asked confused

“I don’t have a place to hang out…” Kelly said

“This is not a resort” Theo correcting Kelly

“Hey T I’m sorry for what I have told you, I just wanna be friends with you and I chose the wrong way” Kelly explained herself

“That’s cool we can be friends, you can hang out with me… but you should treat me to a meal I’m starving” Theo made a deal

“I know a place, with a good barbecue and some delicious pasta,” Kelly said

Theo and Kelly went to the place and they eat together while talking Theo was drawn his attention to someone, *Giggles*

Theo thought: Evan?! *Looks around* that giggle I can’t be impossibly wrong it’s the same as Evan’s…

“Theo? Theo! Earth to Theo?!!” Kelly snaps her fingers

“Huh?!” Theo was startled

“You okay? You seem to be distracted?” Kelly asked

“Sorry I thought I heard someone familiar” Theo replied

“Oh anyways, as what I’m saying…” Kelly continued

Theo simply looks around but no one is familiar so he keeps listening to Kelly.

“Thank you for today Kelly, here, have some of my concert tickets it’s this coming Thursday if you don’t like them you can give them to someone,” Theo said

“Oh I’m busy this coming Thursday, I have a shooting in Eastern Asia, but I can give it to my cousin, he has a friend or a patient I guess, who I heard likes your songs, during his recovery, so do you have two?” Kelly asked

“Oh sure, here, please tell your cousin’s friend that thank you,” Theo said

“I sure do” Kelly assured

Kelly and Theo separated ways, they didn’t know that someone is stalking them.