
Perfectly Measured

Evan wakes up from a coma which was the cause of his best friend and first love, Mark, and forgets who he was, found love with Seb. His actual lover in the present, Theo, thought he was gone, as years went by he gradually moved on and meets Kelly, but Evan came back to his life. All the memories came back and their love reunites. It was only the beginning of their story. Things were more complicated than it seems, this time it was Theo who forgets everything and Evan tries to win him back. It took them a long time to even get married but someone from Evan's past came back, the mother of his son, Stella, what should they do? Could this affect their marriage? Theo founds the last thing he wants to know, the perfect plan of Evan. How should he deal with him? When he found out that he was the last option and now the other option is making his move to get to him again, Seb. Who would Evan choose? Theo from his childhood that he never include in his perfectly measured life or Seb that he founds out that was from his high school days who is the second option after Mark. Delve into the life of Theo and Evan, as Theo creates the music of their path and Evan weaves their journey into the Perfectly Measured life. Get to know about them and the people around them. Discover how they will reach the Perfectly Measured life they want, but the question is, are you ready for it? Contains Prequel, Epilogue, and Side stories at the end of the Story.

Zhaga Penzy · LGBT+
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112 Chs


“Who the hell are you?” Evan asked while still holding the glass,

A tall silhouette blocks the light he saw his green hair covering the right side of his face and shaved side of his head making him look cool, his lime green eyes reflect the light in the bar, seeing the man standing beside him making him stunned as he steps in the light his alabaster skin and his pinkish lips.

“My name is Theo, What’s yours?” he asked, as he smiled seeing his curly brown hair hazel brown eyes, and porcelain skin with pinkish lips.

As the footsteps are getting closer the more he trembles.

“How are you, my love? Do you feel cold? How about we warm up in bed?” Mark said while grinning

“Mark?!! You psycho! Let go of me?”

“Then what you’ll go back to him? To that Theo?”

He flinch and opened his eyes it was a dream or a nightmare perhaps, blinded by the bright white light, he heard someone speak.

“Doc the patient has woken up”

The doctor quickly checked the patient’s vital signs.

“Sir, Can you tell me what your name is?”


“Ok, Sir Mark do you remember anything?”

“Fire, bomb, explosion, pool,” Mark said, who is still confused and shocked

“Ok sir, will you remember any family members?”

“No I don’t” Mark replied, without hesitation.

The doctor writes down everything.

“So Sir Mark your bills will be free and so as your medicines, if one day you’ll know who are your family members or by chance you get the money you can pay or you can also pay me by your service, but for now you should stay here in hospital you are not fully recovered by the way my name is Doctor Sebastian you can call me Seb,” Seb said, as he took pity with this lost guy, who resembles someone he knew.

“Thank you Doc,” Mark said, as he looked at the doctor and smiled,

“No problem, if you need anything just call me there’s the buzzer over there,” Seb said, as he pointed out the red buzzer with his name on the label.

“Doc how long I am here?” Mark asked, all of the sudden,

“You’ve been here for 1 year and six months, we thought that anytime we’ll lose you but you fought and now you are alive” Seb replied, assuring Mark

“Thanks, doc,” Mark said, as he was indeed grateful.

Seb went out and Mark saw a remote, he checked it out and he turned on the TV, he found a music channel he stop to watch and listen to the station.

“Next up is the song Missing Lover written by T. Drix and performed by Scott and T. Drix” the MC announced

~Is it cold out there or warm like the summer, I’ve been thinking about you, can’t you come back to me, darling I’ve been all alone I’m waiting for your presence~

Mark liked the song and he had LSS, he asked Seb if he could borrow any gadget to search for T. Drix, as he searched for limited information about T.Drix he still followed him and he became a fan.

Everything seems like a dream to Mark, he misses someone he never remembered, a scent like the roses in the spring breeze, butterflies fluttering away, dandelions flying and birds singing, a man standing in faraway with a smile as bright as the sun, reaching his hand waiting for him to grab and follow him somewhere.

Theo’s POV

Piano keys, Violin, flute, harp, and guitar are all I heard in the room just like in the old days.

YEAR 2001

I was running in the garden playing hide and seek with my cousins Thunder and Thalia, Thunder was the one seeking, he is very competitive, he always wins so I looked for the best hiding spot and I was running far.

“5…6…7…8…9…10…11…” Thunder counted

As I went to find a place to hide I entered the music studio of the Ueiss family, where we do our hobbies if we are music inclined, I fell in love with the rhythm even though they play different songs. It was like an orchestra lead by a conductor, with different instruments combined in a single symphony.

“Baby Theo what are you doing here I thought you are playing with Thalia and Thunder?” Tony asked, who first noticed me at the entrance.

“Yes uncle actually we are playing hide and seek and I’m hiding here…” I replied innocently,

“Oh ok you sit with your uncle Tim at the piano they wouldn’t see you there,” Tony suggested to the me,

“Uncle Tim, can I hide here? Please...” I asked politely,

“Sure *Smiles*” Tim said, as he had an awe with this cute little boy, which is me,

I was sitting with Uncle Tim and he let me play with him it was amazing as he teach me how to play the piano, Uncle Tim is an architect he only comes to the Ueiss mansion when there’s an event and Uncle Tony is a Physicist, they are my father’s cousins. My greatest grandpa Thazion Ueiss had 10 sons and 2 daughters, meanwhile, my grandpa had my dad, and my dad only has me, same as to my cousins Thalia and Thunder, Uncle Tim or Timothy is Thalia’s dad and Uncle Thomas is Thunder’s dad, while Uncle Tony is still single.

I didn’t notice the time and I already learned how to play piano, guitar, violin, drums, Dj pad, harp, harmonica, flute, keyboard, and electric guitar.

“Paging Baby Theo, Thunder, and Thalia are looking for you, you’ve been hiding for too long it’s been 3 hours come here at the headquarters office,” Uncle Thomas said

“Oh no baby Theo you have been hiding that long,” Uncle Tony said

“Well I learned how to play instruments, I wanna be a musician,” I said proudly,

“That’s cool, then fulfill it in the future no matter what you choose it’s up to you” Uncle Tim advises

I went to the headquarters where Thunder and Thalia waited for me. It was 7 pm already and we went to the dining house, which looked like a restaurant. Currently, there are 396 in the villa mansion. The Ueiss family has a huge land it has 10 mansions and a huge dining house, identification gate, music studio, pool resort, headquarters, storage room, hospital, garden, repair house, servants lounge, forest, and 2 parking lots.

“Hey, Theo come here let’s eat!” Thunder called me,

“Ok” I replied

I slowly walk on the pathway and near the dining entrance then suddenly the nurses are running and they seem to look for someone, I was distracted by the nurses and suddenly a woman in a hospital gown ran past me and went to the identification gate, and head nurse KC shouting out.

“Oh no, Trisha is running away!! Capture here and tie her up!!” nurse KC shouted, from a far

“Theo come here right now!” Dad called me to come immediately.