
Perfect Tamer (Kindly One)

I was hated and hunted but at least I always had some friends to take care of. They always liked me even before I got the system and got transportated to a new world that is of course animals.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

The Prophet Problem

The closer we get to the castle the more guards I see so I check their levels which are quite high for normal people most are around the 40s but when I look at regular people who don't kill things I get confused cause they are around level 10 at average. I think so there is a way to level up without fighting it probably is not that effective on.

As I walk into the castle I get surrounded by spiders with levels around 50 and get escorted to what seems like a throne room but more open and a council table at the throne that can fit around ten people and I see 7 people there and 6 of them are only level 5 weirdly but the one on the throne is level 106 so I greet him respectfully but he immediately says "What do you have to do with fate?"

I say "what do you mean. I serve no thing you all call god nor person but the One true God a trifecta Holy spirit, Son, and Father."

He says "There are many gods yours may be powerful but none can overcome the three fates you must have something of The fates or Nemesis's protection."

I say "If you cannot believe me. I cannot open your eyes but may God grant you forgiveness for the sins you have done and may he lift your descendants ears to his words here." I toss him a bible which he catches but his hand recoils from it as he tries to pick it up. I see the demon holding his hand back in the shape of three old women. I pray for God to cast this demon out from here and to protect him from its influence.

The man picks up the book but burns it and I can only hope that gods word may reach him as I spread it more. He looks at me and says "Get out demon. Fate may not affect you but you shall suffer in life and death for the fates shall cast the strong into your path." His rage is evident but my sadnesses only spreads for I could not save a lost sheep like the Messiah Jesus.

I walk out in sadness but one guard comes and asks me "why did you save Amy?" I think about it and remember the lady I helped and say "God compels me to help lost souls but it is a joy to have a task given by God." I remember preaching to the goblins and how some believed me but others just ignored it because they still didn't trust me. I also taught them the common language and reinforced their villages.

I see him nod and walk off but I quickly grab his shoulder and hand him a bible which he grabs and says "Thank you for letting me see the sacred scripts of your god so that I may understand them." He turns back around but I see him reading the first page as he walks away. My heart lifts as I see him walking the path of salvation I only wish I could do more but forcing God upon someone is not good as he only wants us to choose not be forced.

I go out of the city the next morning after selling the demon cores heading north to a mountain range where apparently yetis reside which are surprisingly supposedlt not intelligent. I walked there and heard some movement behind as someone pushed me to the side. I saw a dagger fly by as me and someone else disappeared into a portal to another realm.