
Perfect Love : The Best Actress is Actually a Villainess

An Oscar winning actress suddenly wakes up in a book world where she became a supporting character. Si Mu, A D-listed actress who had a bad reputation in the entertainment industry. But she has another side of her identity which was unknown in the industry, along with a mysterious man who didn’t have a good relationship with her, but he actually comes to help her each time she met with a big accident. Who is he? Why does he help her every time and hides in the dark mysteriously? Why does his eyes glisten so pitifully every time they met? When Si Mu tries to improve the situation, the secret deepens. Will she be able to overcome the raging storm? A/N : All the song, movie and drama scripts will be put as reference, and some of them will be my own creation.

LingShuang · Urbain
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However, this was the best option for her if she wanted to clear her name in the industry.

Director Ning was a really picky person when it came to picking actors for his films, and he was an upright and honest person who never took bribes from actors to let them play the roles in his dramas or films.

He pondered for a while before he nodded his head as he looked at her, "Hmm… then I'll see you tomorrow. You can go back for today."

Si Mu also nodded her head politely as she turned around and started to go back for today.

Just when she was about to leave, a beautiful mellow voice came from behind. 


Si Mu looked back only to see the girl standing behind her was none other than Lin Mei, the female lead of the novel. 

'Now what?'

I didn't do anything to make her interested in me, so why does she come after me now?

She read that the original female lead becomes jealous and dissatisfied after they see the supporting character a step ahead of them.

Si Mu can't tell for sure that this wouldn't be the same case for Lin Mei. If she were to target her, then Si Mu will face a big problem. 

She already promised to herself that she will rise to the top once again, she couldn't let her dream collapse because of the Female Lead becoming a stepping stone for her!

Anyway, Si Mu can't show her guard towards Lin Mei, so she tried to smile a little as she asked politely, "Yes, What can I do for you, Miss Lin?"

But the way Lin Mei was looking at her made Si Mu doubt her own thoughts. 

The eyes that looked at her were full of pure admiration, not any malice or judgment. 

"Miss Si, you were so cool today! I almost can't recognise that you were actually Si Mu, not Dan Yuan!" Lin Mei's eyes were sparkling like a little kid who saw candies for the first time.


Si Mu didn't know how to reply, so she casually asked the girl, "You recognised me so fast?"

"Of course, Miss Si and I met before, don't you remember? It's our third meeting altogether!" Lin Mei was chattering like a sparrow which made Si Mu admire her.

This girl was not malicious, but she was actually a gentle and clever one. It won't hurt to have a friend like her, right?

But before Si Mu can take their relationship any further, she needs to apologize to Lin Mei first to make up for the old owner.

"I apologize for showing rude behavior towards you everytime we meet before, Miss Lin." She apologized to the girl which startled Lin Mei all of a sudden. 

"What? No, no. Miss Si doesn't need to apologize for such things like this! I really didn't mind you. I know that you were stressed at that time, so it's really alright!" Lin Mei grabbed her hands as she asked Si Mu not to belittle herself.

Si Mu was almost moved to tears after she saw the Female Lead to be this good person. 

She was really a good girl, but Si Mu felt bad after thinking about the things she will go through later on.

Since I'm already here, it already interrupted the original story. Should I give her a helping hand in order to save her from all these events? 

Si Mu made a promise to herself that she will save Lin Mei from everything that happens from now on.

The Male Protagonists can only save her from the troubles of outside, but in the set there is no one that can help her.

Si Mu can become the shield to protect her that time, because the long time experience she had in the entertainment industry was not something many people can have.

"Ah! Thanks for the understanding, Miss Lin," She gave a kind smile towards Lin Mei as she closed her eyes. 

"You are being so distant, Miss Si! Why don't you start calling me by my name already?" Lin Mei giggled as she looked at Si Mu with complaining eyes.

"Ok then. If I call you Mei mei, is that alright? You can also call me Mu," Si Mu laughed at Lin Mei as she proposed their nicknames to call each other with.

"Wow! That's a good idea! I'll call you Sister Mu from now on!" Lin Mei's eyes sparkled as she looked at Si Mu with bright eyes.

"Then, shall we go to celebrate our friendship with BBQ? There is a barbeque shop right on the other side of the road. Let's go there!" Lin Mei was staring at Si Mu with eyes full of expectations. 

Si Mu didn't dare to reject the Female Lead of a kind like Lin Mei, and eating barbeque was actually one of Lin Mei's specialties".

"Well, alright then. Let's go," Si Mu said as she cleaned up the cold sweat forming on her forehead and smiled at Lin Mei.

Forget everything for now, keeping the Female Lead's mind and getting into a good relationship with her is the most important thing right now!

Ten minutes later, 

Both of them were sitting in a special cabin together, waiting for the food to arrive. 

Although Lin Mei was quite excited about eating with Si Mu, things were just the opposite for Si Mu. 

Si Mu was currently sweating buckets despite the calm facade in her face. Because the shop they came in right now was not only special, but actually it's super special! 

Because one of the Main characters is the owner of the shop. Not only that, there is a high chance of the main characters appearing here.

If somehow they get to know that the person Lin Mei was eating with is none other than Si Mu, they won't spare a nano second to come here and turn Si Mu into a barbeque!