
Perfect For Me

Michelle is the normal, carefree average student. She had the perfect life in her opinion until one day, her parents said they were getting divorced. Her whole life snatched away from her in a matter of minutes, her parents were the two people she knew loved each other the most.... So, she couldn't just let things go, how was her scared little brother going to survive. To make things worse, her teacher assigned Ellyn, the most cold, introverted and handsome boy in her class and also her desk mate to tutor her because of her declining grades. What caused her life to fall apart... she was definitely going to find out

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Michelle POV

After the movie everyone retired to bed, in the girls' room we talked about everything and nothing, Isabella kept talking about how handsome Ellyn is and I felt like I was back at school listening to how the girls behind me praise his face while Elisa laughed at her facial expressions. They drove asleep while talking, I picked up my diary from under my pillow, tried not to wake Elisa or Isabella and switch on the torch to fill in my diary about the day.

Hey diary,

It's been a long time I've filled you in about my life, I'm sorry, actually I've been really busy, for the last two weeks I've been studying with that annoying jerk, Ellyn. Can believe that I'm studying during summer? I have never open my books during summer. Dad came back from work early and he made us a game to play, though it was homemade it was interesting. Can you believe Ellyn hasn't kiss any girl before? And he really love playing games. Isabella is acting like those girls at school who have fallen for a guy that hardly regards them. Well Ellyn wasn't really annoying today he was more helpful today. During lunch Ellyn was picking on his food and I thought I should add onion and carrots to make it more of a salad and ended cutting myself before I got to the sink Ellyn appeared from nowhere and rush my hand into the sink to rinse away the blood with cold water. Can you believed he scold me when I was in pain because of him? at least he apologized when he saw tears in my eyes. I think he thought the tears were from the pain or the scolding but it was actually from the onion sting. I stared him while he applied the first aid because I just noticed he has a warm side but I don't want to over think it. Today he was not cold as usual he was friendly and laughed during the game. It was my first time seeing him laugh with people. I only see him smile when he's on the phone with his mom at school. Now Ellyn is nextdoor having a sleepover with us. I wish I could see more of his warmness, I should be sleeping but I can't sleep even though I had a busy day. I got to go.

                           11 August 2018

I quietly left the girls' room and went into the dark sitting room which only source of light was the moonlight emitting through the huge glass terrace, I sat down on the floor few meters away from the glass and stared at the sky full of stars.

'Staring the stars?' Ellyn said sitting down beside me I almost freaked out, I didn't hear his footsteps behind me. 'What's on your mind?' Ellyn asked after I calmed down

'Just how far the sky is and what it takes to reach it' I said still deep in thought

'So you are thinking about the future, so what kind of future did you want?' Ellyn asked, now he was totally warm than I've ever seen.

'I know that my ambition is as hard as reaching the sky but I still want to give it a try, I would like to start by getting good grades maybe not best at least average and be able to get mom back, she promised me that she would be back even though she should have at least seen me for an hour, I'm okay with it' I stopped realizing I've been talking for a long time and turned to Ellyn who has been listening and staring at the sky.

The moon shone on his face and it was such a beauty. He turned to my face, I quickly turned my face to the sky

Now I got caught staring at him

I felt his face move closer to mine I turned to him, he was an inch away from my face, he stretched his arm to towards my face soon his hand was on my hair he pulled out my hair ribbon and my pony tail fell on my shoulder.

'You look prettier with your hair down, I don't like the ponytail' he said sitting up and looking back at the sky. I breathed out the air I didn't know I was holding, I was stunned and kept looking at him but couldn't say a word.

'Stop staring or your eyes will fall out' he said still looking at the sky.

I got myself together and asked 'What kept you up?'

'I couldn't sleep without...' Ellyn stopped and looked at me, I was waiting for him to complete his words

'Without what?' I asked curiously 'Don't tell me you sleep without your mum' I teased

'What!' he blurted out

'Then what?'

'What sort of spell I'm under that I can't lie to you'

'Chelly's Truth spell

'Ok, I will tell you' he said and put his hand into his pocket and brought out a baby gloves


'I can't sleep without them, I feel secured anytime I have these on' he said in embarrassment and held head low. I felt bad for making him feel embarrassed.

'You shouldn't feel embarrassed telling me anything, I'll keep your secret for you, what are friends for' I said nudging him with elbow before he looked at me and smiled, honestly his smile made my heart tingle in some kind of way I didn't expect it to.

'Are we friends?' he asked

'Yeah, we are, starting from today, seriously you don't understand girls' I teased

'Yeah, I really don't under....' he was interrupted by a voice entering into the sitting room. We quickly his behind a chair, it was Lila voice we heard.

'It's going according to plan' Lila said to her phone like she is making an entry.

'Gaining bond with special subject, I'm hoping it's a strong bond, it's still loving the deleted subject, I wish I could control a  human heart' she sighed and stopped the recording. I wanted to speak out and Ellyn covered my mouth and gave a sign not to speak until Lila left for her room.

'What? did we do anything wrong' I asked not understanding why we had to hide.

'Don't you think she sounded suspicious? He asked 'What special subject and why does she want to control a human heart' he asked with series of questions written on his face.

'Maybe it's an hospital project, maybe she's thinking of working in one or something' I responded in an I-don't-care tone.

'Whatever, but I don't trust her, promise me you won't get too close to her, uh, aren't you gonna promise me, just to keep my mind at rest, won't you Chelly?' he asked with a serious concerned look. He called my nickname for some weird reasons it sounded good too hear like really good. I don't really see anything wrong with Lila but I couldn't overlook his concern.

'Ok, I promise' I said bringing out a Pinky finger he intertwined his with mine, I didn't know he would do something this childish, 'Lila isn't the one suspicious, we are' I said removing' I said removing my pinky from his.

'Then why did you hid with me?' Ellyn asked with a steady look, I can't believe he asked such a question

'Because they might think we were' I stopped, too embarrassed to continue

'We are...?' Ellyn said inching his face closer.

Why is time so slow

'You know what forget it and let go of my hand' I blurted out, he didn't realize that he has been holding one of my hand since we went to hide from Lila. He quickly let go and went back to our spot and was murmuring to himself. I went to join him but I sat bit closer to him than before

He raised his head continued

'We were what?' he said in teasing tone. I didn't respond

'Let me help you, we were hugging or even kissing' he said tormenting me.

'Ellyn, if you want to torment me about kissing Rence, then just do it, he kisses me first and I return it' I said a bit angry

'You said it yourself I didn't even ask' he continued innocently. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at his face. I wished his good night and went to the girls' room, I felt his eyes follow me and he smiled at me.

He really know how to get me embarrassed

I tried to enter the girls' room noiselessly. I closed the door behind me when I turn around I saw Elisa.


'Where are you coming from?' she asked with a demanding tone.

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