
Where did you hear those names?

"'Fourth... Life...? Vessel Fortification Stage...?"

Confused, Xavier repeated it subconsciously. After all, with his Gray star Spirit, he knew that reaching Vessel Fortification Stages in cultivation is just a mere pipe dream.

And now, out of nowhere, the beautiful woman in front of him suddenly congratulates him on breaking through!? Does she look at Xavier as a three year old child that can be decieved?

Although the beautiful woman heard Xavier's mumbling, she acted oblivious to it and continued.

"Firstly, let me introduce myself"

From atop of the 10 meter tall of 'black' huge gate with a symbol 'IV' on it, the beautiful woman descended and bowed down a little while lifting her skirt sideways, just like how a princess greets noble people. She then smiled sweetly to Xavier as if giving him a hint that she is in favor of him.

"I'm Olivia, the one who will guide and supervise your growth and improvement in cultivation."

Still confused on what is happening, Xavier froze in place as he didn't know how to react.

He was eager to speak and ask Olivia about a lot of things like what happened to him earlier and what is the 'fourth life' she is talking about but... Once again, he felt like he forcefully received some information to his mind.


Taken aback by the sudden information, Xavier felt like his head was suddenly hit by a huge hammer behind. Not long after that, he saw a fixed information in a very fine and neat arrangements within his mind.

[Connection Arts - Creation after Destruction.]

(Skill Set)

[Earth Arts] : [Earth Break] - [Ground Shrink] - [Resilient Diamond Body]

[Sea Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Earth Arts to Perfection]

[Sky Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Sea Arts to Perfection]

[Essential Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Sky Arts to Perfection]

[Mortal Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Essential Arts to Perfection]

[Immortal Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Mortal Arts to Perfection]

[Saint Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Immortal Arts to Perfection]

[Celestial Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Saint Arts to Perfection]

[Divine Arts] : [Locked] - [Requirement: Must comprehend Celestial Arts to Perfection]

Receiving such unknown 'information', Xavier felt familiar with it but at the same time, he didn't know about it. With such 'understanding', Xavier felt like he is already no longer sane!

First, he questioned himself how did he survive from falling atop of a cliff with about 1000 meters above ground. With strength of a normal mortal, how did he survive such height?

Second, the memories he suddenly gained when he woke up lying on the ground but suddenly forget it eventually as if it's just a breeze flew by. He wonder why and how did those memories emerged suddenly out of nowhere and vanished as if it didn't exist!

Third, when he gained those memories that he forgot eventually, he somewhat felt restless with the names Alicia and Master Xiaoxue. Although this is the first time he have heard those two names, Xavier can't stop feeling that he knew a person who is named Alicia and Master Xiaoxue.

What makes him more confused is that, Xavier begun to have a non-stop worry to the 'Names' Alicia and Master Xiaoxue!

Although he didn't know those people, he can't stop himself from worrying! With such emotions welling up inside him, Xavier can't understand himself anymore!

Fourth, just as he was thinking deeply on his own while being carried by his big brother Xerxes, he suddenly found himself in a galaxy like space with spacious pitch black area and countless glittering stars. Such addition to the escalation of events, Xavier doesn't know how to act anymore!

Fifth, in such a barren but beautiful place, why is a beautiful woman with such beauty that can topple down nations be here? What's more, the way she acts too amiably to him and the feelings within him surge out like violet waves of ocean, Xavier believed that he 'also' knew this beautiful woman but at the same time not as well! With such an ironic feeling, Xavier begun to think that he must be losing his edge now.

Sixth, when the beautiful woman congratulated him about breaking through to Vessel Fortification Stage, he didn't dare to believe it. After all, even an individual with Green Star Spirit, he only reached Vessel Fortification Stage when he is 20 years old!

How about him? Xavier was only 16 years old with Gray Star Spirit that is more inferior than Green Star Spirit, can he reach Vessel Fortification Stage...? No! Xavier didn't dare to believe it!

Adding that when an ordinary mortal reaches the threshold to First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage, they need to integrate and comprehend a certain skill first before breaking through to First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage. However, Xavier didn't even integrate or comprehend a skill! How did he manage to breakthrough?

Thinking of reasonable things, Xavier concluded that this beautiful woman is lying to him but... What makes Xavier angry and feel out of place is that... He, within himself, he firmly believes what the beautiful woman just declared!

Xavier just met her but he already feel like he knows her and what's more, he firmly believes what she said!

Such blind trust and faith, Xavier's conscience is breaking into pieces!

Seventh, when the beautiful woman spoke of 'fourth life'.

Xavier doesn't believe about reincarnation and only believes that there is only one life to every individual and when they die, they either go to heaven or hell for eternal life. With such belief, he doesn't dare to believe what the beautiful woman spoke of 'fourth life'. After all, if he is indeed in his 'fourth life', doesn't that mean reincarnation exist...? What's more, it's 'fourth', which means, he already reincarnated three times already!

But, when he thought about the 'feelings' welling up inside him for worrying non-stop to the 'names' Alicia and Master Xiaoxue and his blind faith and trust to the beautiful woman named Olivia, he can't help himself but somehow try to reconsider reincarnation.

After all, he is just a normal boy living within the village of Spring Valley for entire sixteen years, how come would he felt 'familiar' to somebody else he didn't knew of?

Such speculation of reality and belief that just collided, Xavier's life within his eyes are already dimming bit by bit.

Eighth, the 'Skill Set' information he just gain. Knowing that he didn't integrate or comprehend any skill before, he no longer have the strength to ponder over it anymore on how did he obtain it. Due to unbelievable escalation of events, Xavier lost strength already of thinking thorough now.

In fact, He never bothered himself anymore about why is he so familiar of the skills he 'newly' obtained.

Like the [Earth Arts], Xavier felt like [Earth Arts: Earth Break] is the 'active' offensive Skill of the three earth skills while [Earth Arts: Ground Shrink] is the movement skill. As for the third, [Earth Arts: Resilient Diamond Body], Xavier felt that this skill should be a 'passive' the defensive Skill.

After thinking of all of those eight, Xavier felt like his world just torn apart because of it.

As Olivia saw Xavier's confusion, restlessness, eagerness, hopelessness and various expressions until his face became distorted while holding himself up to speak, she spoke in her own initiative as if she knew what Xavier is thinking.

Like a mischievous child with no mature impression coming from her, she spoke amiably.

"Don't worry about those guys outside. Your now here in your World Conscience. Spending your time here is almost insignificant to outside. An equivalent of one day here is about one second outside, therefore you don't have to worry about Xander and Xerxes condition at the moment.

Anyway, let's not waste much time.

After all, I still have a lot of 'novels' to read and I also still have to create a 'plot' to make sure you enter Transcendence Stage once again."

Out of nowhere, a chair suddenly came out beside Olivia. She sat down on the chair and raised her hand as if she is holding a book in empty air. Suddenly, a book came out of nowhere once again and was placed exactly on Olivia's hand.

"Hmm, let's see... Let me do a little review first..."

Unknown to Xavier, he suddenly just realized that Olivia is already wearing a pair of glasses while flipping the book she is holding.

In a wider perspective, Xavier was a little bit shocked when he saw that Olivia is already surrounded with who knows how many books.

Looking at Olivia actions as if she is studying, Xavier realized that she will explain something to him now, therefore, he first plan to listen to her 'lessons' before he asks about the answers of the questions he wants to know.

As for Xander and Xerxes situation outside his World Conscience, he once again firmly believe in Olivia's statement earlier.

'Hmmm.... since he have already reached First Degree... Xavier must be confused why he suddenly gained a set of skills... Hm, let's begin in that topic!' With that in thought, Olivia looked at Xavier at the distance while wearing her pair of glasses.

"Xavier, as you have already known, all cultivators in this world 'must' take a 'skill' before advancing into the next degree.

For you to understand it easier, the mechanics of taking and comprehending a skill is in this manner. This is the leveling system of Vessel Fortification Stages.

Level 1-99 is equivalent to the entire Vessel Fortification Stage.

Level 1-9 is equivalent to an ordinary mortal strength.

Level 10-19 is equivalent to First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage.

Level 20-29 is equivalent to Second Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage.

Level 30-39 is equivalent to Third Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage.

Level 40-49 is equivalent to Fourth Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage and so on.

When an ordinary mortal reaches level 9, which is the threshold to First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage, they need to integrate and comprehend a certain skill first before breaking through to First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage.

Same with all the threshold of each Degrees of Vessel Fortification Stage, one must take and comprehend a skill first before having the qualifications to breakthrough to the next Degree.

The skills can be taken in many different forms, you can either take a skill from a skill stone, from a beast core, from an ancient scroll and other more.

Anyway, that's that. That's the usual cultivation method taken to advance each Degrees.

Now, for the main point in this topic.

Xavier, you should have noticed that you can't integrate nor comprehend a skill when you were at the threshold of an ordinary mortal, right?"

Thinking of what happened to him, Xavier nodded to Olivia's question. When he felt like he was at the threshold of reaching First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage, he tried to integrate and comprehend a simple skill but to no avail, he didn't able to.

He first thought that he must be mistaken about feeling of reaching the threshold and just continued his daily deeds. After all, with no master to teach him and the lack of source of knowledge, he didn't know exactly what is his current condition.

"Before that I explain why you can't integrate and comprehend skill at that time, I will first explain what is 'Skill Slot'.

Skill Slot is what you call the 'Vacant' place within your soul. That vacant place is where you put the skill you want to integrate and comprehend. Skill slot can only be achieved when one reaches at the threshold of every degree.

To add your knowledge about this topic, I'll explain it to you in a very simple manner.

Normal Cultivators use this 'Skill Slot' to obtain skills and breakthrough. In short, the higher their cultivation stages, the more skills they can integrate and comprehend because of those 'vacant' places within their soul.

Well, that's for the Normal Cultivators, as for you, Xavier, you belong to the special category."

Once again, Olivia looked at Xavier in a very loving manner. As if he didn't notice Olivia's gaze, Xavier looked at her indifferently as if saying 'go on, continue'.

Seeing such cold reply from Xavier, Olivia childishly pouted but she still continued.

"As for those Cultivators within the special Category, they are the people who possess special characteristics since birth or inherited an inheritance from a complex method.

These special people are called special because even if they reached the threshold of a certain degree, their soul doesn't have a 'vacant'place which where the skills are placed.

People with Special Body, Special Bloodline, Special Spirit, Special Inheritance and many more, those kind of people doesn't 'have'... No, those kind of people doesn't 'need' such thing as 'Skill Slot'.

After all, the 'Skills' they possess are already within them. Causing their soul to be 'full' already without any vacancies.

That's why, taking Skills from an external method is not necessary. And so, the method to those who are in this category uses the usual way of elevating their strength to breakthrough or some needed to comprehend a certain skill within them.

In your case, Xavier, the reason why it took you longer to reach First Degree of Vessel Fortification Stage is because of your Gray Star Spirit. Although you have already reached the threshold to breakthrough a year ago, the one who unnecessarily delayed your breakthrough is none other than your Gray Star Spirit who can only absord one percent efficiency."

Hearing the 'lesson' that Olivia spoke of, Xavier finally get the reason why he broke through to Vessel Fortification Stage without integrating and comprehending a skill. But another question once again sorryfloated around Xavier's head, and that is... 'What type of 'Special' is he...?'

Looking at the Xavier in a loving manner, Olivia enjoyed seeing him pondering. But, as Olivia is not as dumb as Xavier is thinking, Olivia knew that Xavier have something to ask her. After all, Xavier's actions most of the time is restless as if signalling he want her to finish speaking as early as possible.

"Xavier, if you have any questions, please ask."

With a beautiful smile on her face, she look at Xavier once again and spoke amiably. While wearing her pair of glasses, she looked even more beautiful and enchanting.

Waiting for this time to come, Xavier took a deep breath and asked.

"First, let me ask you, who are you?"

"... Eh...? Didn't I already told you earlier? I am Olivia, the one who will guide and supervise your growth and improvement in cultivation."

As if he didn't like the answer of Olivia, Xavier put his palm on his face as he sighed heavily. Thinking of something more direct, Xavier asked.

"I'll change my question, Olivia, who are you to me?"

Wanting to know and confirm why does he blindly trusts and put his faith on her, Xavier asked her solemnly.

As if Olivia just heard a wedding proposal, she blushed until her whole faced turned red as an apple. Olivia then spoke stuttering like a panicking young maiden in love.

"... Ehehehe... I... I do-don't know... E-even if you ask me...

Ah! Yes, that's it!

Whatever you take for, then that's what I am to you."

With a bright shy smile on her face and blushing cheeks, she replied vaguely.

When Xavier heard her reply, his cheeks twitched. Looking at Olivia's matured appearance with her young maiden's heart reply, Xavier felt like she is toying with him. Feeling irritated, he want to speak coldly but... He himself is wondering why can't he do so!

Giving up on probing and knowing why does he put so much trust and faith on Olivia, he asked about the two other names who he can't stop worrying.

"...*Cough* ...*Cough* Olivia, I just want to confirm, were you always with me in each life I had...? Well, you said that this is my fourth life, therefore----"

"Therefore you want to ask me if I am by your side at your first, second and third life...?"

Olivia continuing what Xavier want to say, he subconsciously nodded to her.

"Well, yes, I am with you all those times."

Hearing the declaration of Olivia in cheerful tone, Xavier took the chance to ask.

"The-then, Olivia, do you know people who have a name 'Alicia' and 'Master Xiaoxue'....?----!!!"

As if he stepped on something unnecessary, the whole area was suddenly engulfed with huge and thick black aura coming from Olivia. With glowing Red eyes, she asked Xavier solemnly.

"Where did you hear those names?"