
Perfect Citizen

What will happen if the criminal doer is executed for every small crime the do?

Desope · Urbain
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1 Chs




The boy screamed really loud in pain for his knee had been hit heavily by a bat. It was really painful that he can't feel his knee anymore.

"Please, forgive me." He begged someone in front of him.

He can't move at all as he can't move his leg anymore. He is just sitting there waiting for what will happen to him.

"Why should I?"

The boy his age asked while spinning his bat casually. He sees his surrounding with so many children his age lying in blood.

"Please, forgive me! I know that I've done so many bad things to you." He sobbed.

"Ah, I hate tears." The doer then drops his bat.

The victim then smiles in relief thinking that he has been forgiven.


The doer jabbed the victim's face really hard which gave the victim's face a terrible bruise.

"Remember when you jab me till I had such bruises? You were laughing there. Come on, laugh like you used to do!"

The doer pummels the victim's face till his blood and tears burst from his face.




"Oh, you finally say my name right." Surya grins.


Surya kicks the victim's face with his shoe on.

"Don't call me that casually, trash!"

Surya sees the face of his victim is black and blue,


Surya spitted his victim's face.

"How's that, Sandi? Do you like it? What does the saliva taste like? I just returned the favor, don't thank me."


Surya kicks Sandi's face again.

"As if I'd like that. My saliva is higher than you, trash."

"Please, Surya, forgive me. I won't bully you anymore."

"Yea, yea. Stop the chit-chat, kay?" Surya plugs in an iron.

"Surya, what are you doing?"

"Say, Sandi. Did you remember the time you burn my face as you just wondered how black I could be?"

"Wanna test your luck?"

Surya takes Sandi's clothes and aims the iron at Sandi's abdomen.

"Surya, please, don't." Sandi is crying.

"Too bad, I am out of mercy."


Surya pushes the iron directly to Sandi's abdomen that he's crying in pain and shuts for eternity.

Seeing that, Surya just bursts out laughing and put the iron on Sandi's face, and sets it to the highest temperature.

"We just play around, so it's normal for kids to have a small fight, right? Teacher?" Surya grins as he is facing an adult male who has been watching them.

"Yeah. Good job, Surya. You happy now?"

"Not really, they just died that fast. I think it's just not enough for what they have done."

"You'll see more fun over their family's suffer for their lost though." The man just smiles.

"I am looking forward to it."

I should have done this in elementary if I had courage to do so. Fuck religion

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