
Percy Jackson: The Queen's Champion

Percy is betrayed by the person he trusted most. Not what you expect, you'll see. Lost, he vanished without a trace. He returns a different man with a close relationship with the least likely goddess. No HOO...yet. What will happen when new threats rise. Will he fight? ^^^^^^^^^^ I do not own anything everything goes to its respective owner. fanfic creator =Anaklusmos14 link=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8948741/0/

Dr_healer · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

Chapter [9]

"So it was you that changed her so much?" Artemis asked.

Percy looked at Artemis and raised an eyebrow.

"A couple years ago everyone noticed how much kinder and softer Hera became. When she blew up on Olympus today everyone was shocked because she hadn't gotten angry once in the past two years." Artemis explained.

Percy gave Artemis a small smile, "Good, she is a very sweet woman. She was simply bitter. I know she wishes she could make amends for the things she has done to wrong you and your half-brothers and sisters."

"Well she didn't put up a fight when my mother was finally released. That is enough for me." Artemis replied.

Percy nodded, "She apologized to your mother you know. To say your mother was surprised is an understatement."

Artemis' jaw dropped, "She actually apologized to my mother?"

Percy nodded, "Yes. Your mother is a really nice person too. You two look a lot alike. You have the same facial expressions."

Artemis felt herself blush at the fact that Percy paid attention to her facial expressions.

Once she controlled herself she looked at Percy shocked, "You met my mother?"

Percy chuckled, "Yea, she crushed me in a hug when she found out it was part of my wish for her to be freed. Even for a Titan your mother is incredibly strong. Thankfully I still had the Curse of Achilles then."

Artemis laughed at Percy's description of her mother. Then she realized what he said about his Achilles Curse.

"What do you mean you had the Curse of Achilles?" Artemis asked confused.

Percy shrugged, "I wasn't lying about being both Roman and Greek. Before I started rescuing demigods, Hera and Hestia sent me to Camp Jupiter. When I crossed the Little Tiber I knew I would lose the curse since it was a Greek curse. But after about two months, I left camp. While it was different, it was too similar to Camp Half Blood. I left and Hestia and Hera began sending me on missions to rescue demigods."

"But you have a bar for a year of service in the legion?" Artemis asked.

Percy scowled, "Lycaon and his pack ambushed Lupa and her pack. Another camper and I killed most of his pack but Lycaon managed to slip away like the coward he is." Percy growled. "Lupa decided that my actions were more important than a quest and I was given the mark for a year of service."

Artemis smirked at Percy, "You have a knack for finding trouble don't you."

"Unfortunately." Percy groaned, causing Artemis to chuckle.

"Well thank you. Lupa is a friend of mine." Artemis said gratefully.

Percy nodded.

Artemis stared at Percy incredulously, "Don't you ever feel proud of the things you've done?"

"What do you mean?" Percy asked curiously.

Artemis stared at him for a minute, "Perseus, you're the greatest hero in Greek history and yet you don't even acknowledge it. Any other man who achieved one tenth of the things you've done would be as arrogant as Heracles or Zeus."

Percy looked at Artemis surprised, "I highly doubt I am the greatest hero to ever live. There are plenty of greater heroes than me."

Artemis punched Percy in the arm, "No there aren't. You just refuse to recognize your own accomplishments."

Percy shook his head, "They aren't accomplishments. I would gladly trade them all for even one of my dead friends back. They are the heroes. People say I rescued you from Atlas when that isn't true. Zoe was the true hero of that quest. She faced her father knowing she would die. She was a far greater hero than I am."

Percy looked at Artemis to see her eyes tearing up, "Artemis I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to remind yo…." He began but Artemis clamped a hand over her mouth.

"That's not why I'm crying. It's just nice to hear someone finally give the greatest huntress I ever had the credit she deserves. She was a far greater hero than Heracles, Theseus, the original Perseus or all the others. The only one who surpasses her is you Perseus. Thank you." Artemis said as she wiped away her tears.

Percy decided it was best to just nod and stay quiet while Artemis reined in her emotions. After a minute she turned to Percy with a serious expression on her face.

"The question I've been waiting to ask you for five years, is why? Why did you use part of your wish on my mother? You made sure to mention both her and Calypso when you said you're wish. I've been waiting five years to ask you why. I understand Calypso because you know her but you didn't know my mother, I'm surprised you had even heard of her." Artemis asked seriously as she looked at Percy closely for his answer.

Percy's eyes widened, he tried to look away but Artemis grabbed his face and made him look her in the eyes. Percy sighed, "I did it for you." He whispered.

Artemis' eyes widened, "Why?"

"Because of a few reasons actually. You voted to save my life after the quest with Zoe despite the fact that I got Zoe killed. Because you gave my cousin Thalia a home, something she hadn't had in her entire life. Even at camp it wasn't a home for her. She was never truly happy until you gave her a home in the hunt. And because despite the fact I am a boy, you never treated me as badly as you did other males and I kind of thought that made us friends. I thought having your mother free would make you happy." Percy explained, the last part coming out quieter than the rest.

Artemis stared at Percy with wide eyes making Percy become extremely nervous he was close to becoming a jackelope.

He was about to apologize when Artemis shocked him by pulling him into a hug.

Percy felt himself blush deeply and thanked every god he knew that Artemis couldn't see his face right then.

After a minute, Artemis pulled back with a smile of her face.

"Yes Percy, I consider you my friend. The only male friend I have." She said in a happy tone before her face darkened and she slapped Percy hard across the face.

"Zoe's death was not your fault. She knew her fate when the prophecy was issued." Artemis said angrily.

Percy shook his head, "And that prophecy may never have been issued if I wasn't such a fool. If I had seen through her lies, you may not have taken Annabeth's place under the sky, something she probably planned. Then Zoe may still be alive."

Artemis slapped him again, "I was captured by Atlas. He would have found a way to trick me under the sky no matter what. Don't you dare take Zoe's heroic sacrifice away from her."

Percy's eyes widened, "That's not wha…." He started before Artemis clamped her hand over his mouth again.

"I know that's not what you meant. It's only that and that you're my friend that stops me from adding to the jackelope population right now." Artemis said seriously before she softened.

"I know you would never try to take something away from Zoe, but her death was not your fault." Artemis explained.

Percy wisely nodded.

Artemis and Percy sat in silence for a few minutes staring at the sky before Artemis spoke again.

"Percy, are you really swearing off love like my hunters?" She asked curiously.

Percy nodded seriously, "I will never get a friend killed for love again."


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