
Percy Jackson: The Queen's Champion

Percy is betrayed by the person he trusted most. Not what you expect, you'll see. Lost, he vanished without a trace. He returns a different man with a close relationship with the least likely goddess. No HOO...yet. What will happen when new threats rise. Will he fight? ^^^^^^^^^^ I do not own anything everything goes to its respective owner. fanfic creator =Anaklusmos14 link=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8948741/0/

Dr_healer · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

Chapter [10]

Percy nodded seriously, "I will never get a friend killed for love again."

Artemis looked at him questioningly.

Percy's face darkened, "Every friend I lost could have been prevented if I saw through her lies, if I wasn't such a naïve and love struck little boy. My parents wouldn't have died by that bitch's hands. The last thing my mother saw was her evil face and I won't do that to another person I care about. Love is a distraction and not necessary. If there were a male version of the hunters, I would have joined a long time ago."

Artemis looked at Percy sadly. She decided not to pursue the subject as it was obviously not a pleasant one for him. Another question popped into her mind she has wanted to ask Percy for a while.

"Percy, why did Annabeth think your Achilles' spot was on your lower back?" She asked softly.

A small smile crept onto Percy's face, "Achilles."

Artemis looked at him confused, "What?"

"When I entered the Styx, Achilles was there to warn me not to as he said he did to everyone who entered. When the river spit me out, Achilles spoke in my mind. He told me to not tell anyone my Achilles' spot, even the one who tied me to the mortal world. It was Annabeth who tied me to the world. During the battle, she asked me where my spot was and I remembered his warning. I told her to guess. She guessed on my left side, and she was almost right. I told her it was in the small of my back. That's why I stabbed Luke there. It was luck, but his death was her fault as well. She told me his Achilles' spot without knowing she did. When I disarmed her, she asked how I knew where his spot was. I foolishly told her that she had guessed right with mine but also that she told me where Luke's was. It almost got me killed when Athena blasted me. Thalia saved my life." Percy explained.

Artemis smiled at his explanation, "You're smarter than people give you credit for Percy."

Percy shrugged, "Mostly just lucky."

Artemis punched his arm playfully, "Take the compliment Percy. You're too modest sometimes."

Percy smiled at Artemis. He was shocked when she blushed. She tried to cover it but Percy saw, he wisely didn't comment.

"Do you really want to visit Thalia?" Artemis asked trying to forget she had just blushed at Percy's smile.

Percy nodded, "I have missed her a lot. I think it's time I visited both her and Nico. They are my cousins and my two best friends."

Artemis nodded, "Should I bring her to Olympus?"

Percy looked thoughtful for a minute before he shook his head. Artemis looked at him strangely.

Percy smiled, "We're friends, right Artemis?"

Artemis smiled back and nodded.

"So I will be able to bring female demigods to you without being killed right?" Percy asked hopefully.

Artemis got a thoughtful look on her face, causing Percy to pale a bit, but then she smirked, "Yes Percy, I won't kill you for bringing me hunters." She said like it was obvious.

"Your hunters will keep my secret for me if you tell them too, right?" He asked.

Artemis smiled, "You're going to let my hunter's know your identity?" She asked hopefully.

"I will as long as you can keep them from trying to kill me." Percy said.

Artemis nodded, "You're actually the only acceptable male in their minds. Thalia and Zoe made them actually like you. They know you were Zoe's only male friend in her entire life."

Percy nodded, "Good, I have a young girl to save in Utah. Instead of bringing her to you on foot, I will cheat and teleport us a little bit away from your camp. I will bring her to camp as Blake but reveal myself in front of your hunters."

Artemis grinned, "Good. I think they will appreciate being the only ones who know."

"I hope your right. I don't have the curse to save me from the hunter's wrath if not." Percy said warily.

Artemis smirked, "I will keep them in line. But for Thalia, you're on your own. Her wrath you have to face yourself."

Percy paled, "I deserve her wrath. I haven't been a good friend."

Artemis looked at Percy sympathetically, "She will be mad but mostly she will be happy to have you back. She hasn't taken your disappearance very well."

Percy nodded and tried to stand up. Artemis yanked him back down.

"Not yet fish boy, I have one more question." Artemis demanded.

"Okay, what's on your mind Moonbeam?" Percy asked playfully.

Artemis' eyes widened, "Did you just call me Moonbeam?" She asked indignantly.

Percy smirked, "Yes, I believe it's a proper response to being called fish boy."

Artemis looked at Percy for minute before she smiled, she actually liked the nickname. It was nice to have a friend who wasn't afraid of her.

"How did you get so good at archery? My blessing would help, but you're better than any of my hunters." She asked curiously.

Percy grinned, "Hard work. I've practiced every day for five years. The minute I found out I didn't suck anymore I got hooked. I always liked archery but was miserable at it. Besides, our competition was easy; if the contest had been more difficult then you would have won easily. I just managed to make ten perfect shots from a short distance."

Artemis smiled, "See, archery is awesome isn't it." As soon as the words left her mouth she covered her mouth with her hand. Her face had a horrified expression on it.

Percy' eyes went wide before he started laughing hysterically, "Oh….. my…gods…. Apollo… will…. love… it…. when….. I …tell… him…" Percy managed to sputter out between laughs.

Artemis eyes widened before they narrowed. She jumped on top of Percy and pinned him to the ground. She began wailing on his chest and arms until his laughter stopped.

"You will never repeat what you heard." She said threateningly.

Percy couldn't stop himself from breaking into more laughter. Artemis began beating on Percy again until his laughter died down.

"Perseus, I will kill you if you don't promise to never repeat that." She threatened.

Percy's face morphed into a thoughtful one. Artemis narrowed her eyes at him before he smiled.

"How about another deal?" He asked.

Her eyes narrowed further, "What deal?"

"You can never call me Perseus again and in exchange, I will keep your secret." Percy said smirking.

Artemis' eyes widened, "You're blackmailing me?"


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