
Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

In the world of Percy Jackson, named after the Demigod son of Poseidon, a new player is involved in the game of gods. The Demigod son of Hecate and a Legacy of Ares, named after his grandfather the son of Ares Constatine Drake Jr. He gained the magic of his Mother and the Strength of the War God, along with his partner Vritra The Black Dragon King.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Livres et littérature
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Reborn Again.

In all honesty, being reincarnated for the most part can end very badly if you do not have a cheat, golden finger, or system. Sure, some rare people(MCs) can make it even when powerless, but this is not one of those stories. 

Sebastian was crossing the street to get to the parking lot to get to his truck. He was 21 years old with his 22nd birthday coming up in a week straight. He had looked both ways and even waited a bit to make sure no cars were coming which made him feel secure to cross. 

As he was halfway across the street a glowing golden portal opened up in the middle of the road as a large truck came barreling toward him. He gasped in absolute horror and shock as he just saw a truck materialize out of nowhere. 


(Go to hell, bitch.)

He ran faster and he jumped with all the strength his legs could produce managing to avoid the truck. He ran with all the intent of surviving as the truck spun around before honking with no pilot and chasing after him. 

At the last second, he turned around and fell limp as the truck drove over him managing to avoid being squished. With the terror of a cornered animal, he rushed to his feet before he ran like he was Usain Bolt. 

Truck-Kun honked as if it was pissed for missing twice already. This is why he was normally sent after the Japanese, but why was this Mexican still resisting? Truck-Kun spun around for another round, but this time Sebastian reached into his waistband and pulled out his Glock 19. 

He began to unleash round after round at the Truck trying to kill him. He shot the tires, the windows, and the doors. 


Each round that hit Truck-Kun caused the Isekai Spirit to get even more pissed. How dare this Mexican shoot him when he was being given a chance for blessed reincarnation When Sabastian finished firing all 15 rounds he ran off to get to his truck. 

He had a bigger gun in his Truck and he was going to need it. As for Truck-Kun, the 15 bullets that had hit him were forced out of his body. The damage was repaired magically, but those hurt. 

Though, now Truck-Kun made it his mission to get Sabastian to his Isekai. As for Sebastian, he made it to the parking lot, before opening the back door of his truck.

He pulled out his AR-15 and his Mossberg 590 Pump Action Shotgun before grabbing his case of Buckshot. After he loaded the shotgun with all five rounds and the sixth one in the chamber, he placed a magazine in the AR.

Once he was armed, he put the Buckshot in his pocket before he got into the back of his truck. He aimed out with his AR with a look in his eyes that spoke of a desire to live. 

"Ven, asesino de Chinos. Ven a probar libertad Americana." 

(Come you Chink killer, come taste some American Freedom.)

He didn't have to wait long as Truck-Kun slowly pulled up into the parking lot. When Sabastian saw that, he pulled the trigger unleashing a hailstorm of 5.56x45mm Armor Piercing Rounds at the truck. 

Truck-Kun didn't move from his spot as the rounds pelted his form. Each round was another reason to end Sabastian and send him somewhere else. But when the AR was out, he replaced the magazine. 


(I ain't going easy.)

After firing 60 rounds at the Truck he dropped his AR before picking up his shotgun. By that point, Truck-Kun hit the gas pedal and began to speed toward Sabastian's truck. As for Sabastian, he jumped off his Truck with his shotgun in hand. 

As he backed away he began to fire his pump action at the Truck completely determined to not die without fighting back. After he fired all six rounds, he grabbed more rounds from his pocket before loading another five rounds. 

Truck-Kun pulled back from the wreck of his truck, before honking in rage. He rushed at Sabastian who jumped out of the way before firing at the wheels. Right now, Sabastian's body was flooding with adrenaline as his Fight or Flight response was fully activated. 

He was fighting to the end without caring what happened. Truck-Kun's lights began to flash red in rage as this Mexican American fuck was still shooting him. Those bullets hurt even if they were pointless. 

He rushed again, but Sabastian kept using the cars in the parking lot to his advantage. He weaved between them and when the Truck got stuck he fired, but it seemed his luck ran out.

After loading his last 5 rounds, Truck Kun pulled back with large bullet holes all over his body. Sabastian raised his shotgun with a scowl that could kill on his face. 

"Te dije que no iba fácil." 

(I told you I was not going easy.)

Hoking his horn like a roar he rushed at Sabastian who walked forward firing Buckshot at the engine. When he fired his last round he grit his teeth and he rolled out of the way. 

This time, Truck-Kun's engine began to smoke as the Buckshot caused severe damage. Sabastian began to laugh as he saw that bastard Truck smash into the side of a vehicle. 

He raised his Shotgun above his head feeling like a warrior who defied death. 


Sebastian sighed in exhaustion as he used everything in that fight. He walked toward his Truck or what remained of it. He hoped one of his Coronas was still ok. When he looked at the smashed bed of his truck, he sighed as he picked up what remained of his AR. 

"Worth it." 

He saw the cooler he had chained in the back also a bit smashed, but otherwise in one piece. As he opened it he saw his beers were ok. With a smile, he picked up the beer and removed the lid with his lighter. 

As he took a drink of his beer he heard something. When he looked down he saw more portals open up with more Trucks. His mouth went slack as he saw that. He was surrounded and this time, there was no escape. 

He was out of bullets, exhausted, and done with it. He sighed as he took a drink of his Corona before the trucks rushed toward him. He still took one down with him at least. When the trucks hit him, and he died he was happy. He didn't die like a bitch. 

When he opened his eyes he still had his Beer in hand and his shotgun in the other. When he looked up, he saw that a woman was looking at him like he was insane. He placed his precious gun on his lap before he took another drink.


She snapped out of her shock before she turned to him. 

"What is wrong with you? You know what the Truck-Kun Reincarnation Spirit is and yet you start shooting at it and you take the last stand with it. No one does that." 

"First of all, this is America and we shoot those who try to kill us. Second of all, I am not suicidal to rush at a Truck or let it kill me. Third of all, I am Mexican with a big family. I didn't want to leave them behind." 

The goddess shook her head as she had seen the whole thing. 

"This is the last time we go for Americans." 

Sabastian shook his head. 

"Yeah, stick with the Asians who love to kill themselves. So what happens now, do I get sent to hell for fighting back against a monster trying to kill me." 

The goddess shook her head as dealing with this crazy American was not on her bucket list. 

"He is not a monster, he is a godly spirit to send mortals to their destinies." 

"Whatever you say." 

He took another drink of his Beer finishing it off. He then hugged his Shotgun as he had shot a sentient truck with it and finished it off. The goddess sighed as the spirit she sent had used a lot of effort with this one. 

To not waste it she might as well still treat him like the rest even if her opinion of him was low. 

"Look, I don't care I am reincarnating you anyways." 


Her eyes began to twitch as she had never, not in her million-year career as a Reincarnation goddess found someone this against being reincarnated. Sabastian Cardona, Mexican American and proud of it fought to the end. 

Sebastian crossed a leg over the other before placing his shotgun on his shoulder. 

"Fine, do I get to take my gun?" 

The goddess was tempted to say no, as that shotgun was responsible for the severe injuries her Reincarnation spirit took. However, since he died with it in his arms and in battle it could be considered an extension of Sabastian. 


"Sweet, how about my AR." 


He shrugged as the goddess decided to just do her job and ignore him. 

"I should just send you off with that, but I have to do this right, but since I hate you I am taking your three wishes and making them random as hell." 

"Hey, that is not fair. I was being attacked, I should have my regular wishes as compensation." 

"Either you shut up and take your random wishes or I turn you into a Nurgling in the Garden of Nurgle." 

With a huff, Sebastian waited as she got to work. She put his three wishes into her magical computer which was just an extension of her godhood. When it activated his three wishes got randomized. For his Reincarnation destination, he saw the computer say, Percy Jackson. 

He had only read the first series of The Olympians, not the Heroes of Olympus or the rest of the series. 

"The kid book world?" 

The goddess ignored him as the second and third wishes were used up to determine his Cheat, Golden Finger, or Blessing. When he saw the results he whistled as that would be fun. 

"Vritra The Black Dragon King's soul and The Black Sword of Sigismund? Not bad at all." 

The goddess grit her teeth as she saw that, after all he did to her Reincarnation Spirit he was going to get good cheats. Where was the justice in this, but rather than get caught in the details she took a deep breath to calm herself. 

"Fine then, you get these two cheats. I don't care, you even get your gun. But if I get the last laugh, I will reincarnate you at random. You could end up as a dog, a cat, a rat, a bird, or even a girl. Let us see what you end up as?"

Sabastian leaned back in his chair before he smirked. 

"Let's find out, even if I turn into a cat I will still have a magic dragon with me." 

Not to deal with this asshole anymore, she waved her hand and reincarnated him. When Sabastian woke up, he heard those magical words that meant he won the bet. 

"It is a boy." 

Currently, in the office of that goddess, she was screaming as when she reincarnated him at random she expected him to have a bad birth or turn into a blade of grass. Instead, not only was he stillborn a boy, but he was a Demigod in Percy Jackson. 

The Demigod son of Hecate, goddess of magic. With Vritra The Dragon King and that stupid Black Sword he was set for the future. He even had that stupid shotgun, but what made it worse was to send then with him they had been bound to his soul. 

They would grow with him meaning her Reincarnation Sprit took severe damage and Sebastian still got his good reincarnation. Where was the justice in the world?

(This is just a fun side project, I have not read the Percy Jackson series in over 5 years. Still, could be fun every now and then.)