
Percy Jackson: Beyond Gods

Percy Jackson had just lost his mother in a car crash. If that wasn't bad enough, he soon found himself pulled into a world of monsters and gods. Trapped in a game of life and death between unimaginable beings of all kinds, Percy had only two choices, die, or survive and become more than what anyone thought possible. Beyond The Gods Themselves. ----- ----- Note: OOC Percy ----- ----- I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series or any of the characters associated with it as that belongs to Rick Riordan. This is a fanfiction outside of any source material and I'm writing this for fun without making any profits.

Imagine_Thinker · Livres et littérature
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 - Bloody Revelation

Running to the armory, Percy quickly found Annabeth and Luke who were currently putting on some leather armor. The former wielding a golden dagger and Luke doing some maintenance on his sword. There were several others including those wearing a red color scheme that glared in Percy's direction.

"You just made it." Luke said, throwing leather armor consisting of a chest piece, bracers, and shin guards at Percy before pointing down a hall. "Try them on in one of the mens section over there and tell me how it feels."

Percy looked at them and walked into an empty room in the hall before he put them on quickly and efficiently. Even though it was his first time holding such equipment there were no problems putting them on. As Percy finished, he couldn't help but smile as he looked pretty good in them from his reflection in the mirror.

Walking out, Percy found Annabeth giving out orders to four individuals including Luke. They looked to be leaders of their own little squad of five as after the conversation was over, they left to their own group.

Walking over to Annabeth, Percy asked. "So what's my job in this death game?"

Annabeth smiled mischievously as she stated. "You're the decoy."

"Excuse me?" Percy asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Since you've managed to take down Clarisse, her entire team is most likely going after you. In fact, I'm about ninety nine percent sure that she's ordered everyone to find you and try and cripple you in some way." Annabeth said as if that wasn't a problem.

"Oh. Just that, I thought you had just sent me to my death." Percy said rolling his eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be smart or something?"

"I am." Annabeth said, a little irritated from Percy's words as she continued. "I've heard you've fought against a horde of monsters so what's a group of demigods."

"Well for one, I kinda don't remember how I fought." Percy said as he explained. "My body kind of just reacted and to be honest, I don't think I could control myself in a life and death situation."

Annabeth seemed to think for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm sure it'll be fine. If you do somehow become bloodlusted then then Luke will stop you."

"He's just one guy?" Percy said before feeling a little embarrassed after noticing that he sounded extremely cocky.

"We'll he's the strongest demigod and swordsman in camp so if you beat him, I don't think any other demigod can beat you." Annabeth said with a laugh before explaining more in depth about her plan.

The plan was simple, for Annabeth at least, as she explained that the four squads would spread out and defend their half of the field using the wall strategy. As for Percy, he would be in the middle of everything, charging in the middle while yelling out Clarisse's name. That would draw her attention as well as the most of her troops which would leave their flag open for the taken. The person taking the flag being Annabeth herself using a secret ability she said she possessed.

"Simple and easy." Annabeth said as she started walking away.

"Simple and easy." Percy said as he wondered why he had joined in the first place. "Oh well. I might as well win this since I'm already here."

Getting ready for the game to begin, a bright red and blue firework was released into the air as it exploded and it started. Everyone ran out with their groups and Percy jogged through the middle of the forest which was their game field. Avoiding the tree roots and rocks was harder than it looked but as with everything he was experiencing, he quickly adapted as if he had done this a thousand times.

Very soon Percy felt the energies of ten individuals coming towards him and he frowned. They didn't move in any random fashion but as if they knew where he was going. Someone had tipped them off but as for who, Percy couldn't come up with a face or name. He was still relatively new in this camp after all but since someone had something against him, Percy decided to stay wary against everyone. Anyone could have been his enemy as he didn't know anyone too well. Contact was soon made with the ten individuals quickly as it was indeed Clarisse and nine individuals Percy had never seen before.

"Well this isn't good." Percy said with a chuckle, trying to joke around to suppress the already growing anger within him. "You might land on my knuckles again like just a few hours ago."

Instead of getting angry like Percy had expected, Clarisse smiled before stating. "You won't have any knuckles in a second. Besides, after we're done with you, your liddle widdle mommy will be crying in her grave."

Percy's smile faded within a second as he glared at Clarisse, barely containing his anger which already spread all throughout his body.

"Not answering? Didn't your mommy teach you to be better than that? Then again, she is in hell for a reason." Clarisse laughed.

Percy's vision turned red before darkness over took him. Flashes of images appeared before Percy's eyes as he felt his entire body burning apart, almost like he was dipped in lava. Blood, bones, flesh, screams and cries rang throughout all of his senses. Everything seemed to blur before finally stopping as his vision returned.

What he saw however made him puke as the surroundings were dyed red with human entrails, blood, limbs, and everything consisting of a human covered everything within several meters. A completely different sight compared to monsters turning into gold dust after being killed.

"Please! Please don't kill me!" A voice took Percy's attention away as he looked down to find Clarisse underneath him, or rather what was left of her.

Her arms were torn off, her legs bent at unnatural angles, her ribs sticking out of her sides with her entire chest cavity opened before him. Her heart, beating strong but slowly in the palms of Percy's right hand as the veins and arteries stretched and pulsed.

"Ahhhhh!" Percy screamed in shock before falling back, pulling the heart with him and ultimately killing Clarisse as she gave one final exhale of life.

"What did I do?" Percy said as he threw the heart aside and looked at his bloody hands.

"Something pretty bad." Percy heard before something hard hit him on the back of his head, knocking him out.

***** *****

Opening his eyes, Percy found himself tied up with golden bronze wires he knew as Celestial Bronze with Chiron, Mr. D, and the other demigods surrounding him. Percy found that he was in the middle of the demigod cabins and that there was a blazing bonfire of green flames behind him, heating him up uncomfortably so.

"Do you understand what you have done, Percy?" Chiron said, his kind eyes gone, replaced with an icy chill.

Percy wanted to explain himself, to explain the situation but those thoughts vanished as he simply said. "I do."

Turning to Annabeth, Percy grinned sadly as he stated. "Told ya."

As he said this, Percy suddenly felt her emotions which came off as regret, sadness, and anger as she turned her face away. Beside her was Luke who gave off a sense of sadness, as well as what felt like guilt. This was strange to Percy but before he could think any more into it, he sensed someone run up to him. Turning to this person, Percy saw his fist pulled back as the older teen punched him hard on the face.

At least it should have been hard but Percy could hardly feel any pain. It simply felt as if someone had pushed his head a little hard. The older teen tried to punch again but was pulled back by Grover who pushed the demigod back into the crowd.

Grover then turned to Percy and begged to know. "Why did you do it Percy!"

Percy thought for a moment before answering. "Well what did she think would happen after talking bad about someone's dead mom."

Grover had a confused look for a split second before realization hit him as he muttered. "I didn't mean to... This is all my fault."

Extreme guilt could be felt off Grover as Percy also connected the dots. The only person who truly knew of his situation was Chiron and Grover, the later of which probably wouldn't have disclosed this information to others. Grover on the other hand who was still young, or just slightly older as he now knew that Satyr's aged two times slower than humans, couldn't possibly know better.

"Who am I kidding." Percy whispered as he suddenly glared at Grover. "I shouldn't have expected anything else from you. I guess I'm the idiot who thought he could make real friends."

"No. I..." Grover tried to say something but was pulled back by Chiron.

"We have decided your punishment Perseus Jackson." Chiron said as he stated. "You will be thrusted into Greek fire to be burned alive until only your soul remains to be taken by Ares. Whatever happens to you afterwards in the hands of the God of War will be due to your own actions."

"Cool. I get to meet two gods in a single day." Percy said without feeling any guilt or fear, something that surprised him greatly.

Chiron grunted before asking. "Any other last words?"

Percy looked up in thought for a second before he laughed. "Fuck you for bringing me here just to kill me."

Chiron's expression turned red in anger as Mr. D grinned, seemingly happy to see Percy die. As Percy closed his eyes to die in a blazing flame of magical fire. He found that too much time had passed for someone to push him into the flames.

"So am I going to die or did I just die that quickly?" Percy said as he opened his eyes, finding everyone silent with shocked expressions as they all looked at him.

More specifically they looked at something above his head which Percy saw was like a holographic projection of a blue trident.

"Perseus Jackson is, the son of Poseidon, God of the oceans and storms." Chiron said lightly.

"So my dads one of the big three huh." Percy said as he started chuckling, which then turned into an uncontrollable frenzy of laughter.

Percy couldn't help it as he thought back on the first third of the year. His mother remarried to Smelly Gabe, she then suffered abuse from the ogre including himself, she then died in a car crash which left him alone with the ugly being himself. If that wasn't bad enough, he was almost killed three times in a single week, four counting his near execution. Hating the gods for his life and how they were seemingly helpless to do anything, Percy suddenly found one of them, his father saving his life.

"This is all a joke." Percy couldn't help but say as he thought in his mind. "This can't be the real world. It's just too crazy. I must be in the looney bin with six white padded walls surrounding me in a constraint suit. At least that's more believable than this."

"Your punishment will be postponed until the camp director and myself properly make a decision after gaining this sudden piece of information." Chiron said as he ordered a group of demigods to grab Percy. "Lock him in the Big House's basement."

They nodded but Percy could see the fear in their eyes, especially the kid who had punched him in anger at killing the Ares group. Percy couldn't help but scoff as they were afraid of him just because of who his father was.

Not able to hold himself back, Percy chuckled and told the teen. "Don't worry man, I'll specifically tell my dad what you did so you won't get in trouble."

The teen fell to his knees and Percy couldn't help but laugh manically as he was taken and shut into the basement of the big house.

Despite being in the darkness with no heat or a full stomach, Percy felt at peace. More so than he had ever felt before, until he remembered the girl he had met at the pool. Emotions returned to him for a split second before they vanished again in a vortex of emptiness. In that moment however, a single tear drop fell from his eyes before his face turned blank once more.


So yeah, this is the turning point where the timeline splits and the entire universe as you know it changes to become even crazier. Hopefully in the good way and good bad way.

Also, what do you think the current Parental Guidance rating? Is it good enough cause I don't exactly want to be banned or something.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.