
Chapter 20

On Saturday Percy woke up earlier than usual. He got ready and quickly put on a simple blue shirt and jeans. He wore his trademark blue hoodie and walked out of the common room with his hoverboard shrunken and tucked into his pockets.

Percy went outside and flew around on his board for a while. The morning sun looked so beautiful hidden behind the foggy November air. Winter was coming soon, luckily Percy would be able to handle the biting cold of Scotland thanks to the curse of Achilles.

After flying around for a bit he went into Great Hall for breakfast. People looked at him and giggled, Percy rolled his eyes grumbling. Photos of him in that dress had gotten around, it seems almost all the boys had them, for...hand to hand practise. And even a few girls, but mostly so that they can shoot spells at them to let loose pent up anger.

Apparently Percy's female figure was quite a hit with Hogwarts, Fleur herself admitted she felt a little insecure seeing him in that dress, which was an achievement considering she was a veela.

Heather had told him some of the girls hated his guts for being such a knockout, apparently being beautiful without even trying was something that made them envious of him, and it also sucked that he looked handsome as a guy as well.

George and Fred avoided him best they could, after all he did swear to destroy them, and destroy them he would. Even Harry was on his shit list, and Percy would be sure to make that one extra painful.

Just as he was about to eat the morning owls came down with their letters. A normal looking barn owl swooped down and landed in front of him. There were two letters attached to it, Percy removed them and passed a plate of bacon for the bird.

Percy looked over the letters and found that they were pink with a woman's scent on them, he recognized the handwriting immediately, one was from Amanda and the other from Chanel. Percy looked around, it was still pretty early in the morning, none of his friends or years mates were even up yet, so he decided to read the letters.

Dear Pudding,

Congratulations on becoming champion of Hogwarts! You did it! Just like you said you would! We are all so very impressed! And we read what those papers said about you Percy, that nasty bitch! Catherine was furious when she read it! Though we mostly believe it was because Beauxbatons didn't get half the attention Hogwarts did. But rest assured we are all on your side, you deserve this Percy, don't let anyone tell you different!

On the side note Ula's mood swings have been getting worse, we really think you knocked her up good Percy! Better be careful baby daddy!

Anyway I'm sure you are all excited and scared, don't worry, you'll do fine! We all believe in you! After all you are the guy who shagged five veela! That should earn you an eternal glory at least!

See you soon!






Percy smiled at the letter, it was classic Amanda, he was excited to see them again. He reread the letter a couple of times before he put it away and picked up the one Chanel said to him.

Percy sighed, 'what are we? She likes me, and I think she's okay, but….what about Fleur? Does Fleur like me? Do I like her? Should I tell Chanel about this? Would that hurt her feelings?'

Percy felt a headache coming, it was his third one he had over Fleur! Girls were such a pain. Maybe he should have just stayed a woman-NO! Bad Percy! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts!

Percy sighed, but even he had to admit, he was gorgeous as a woman. He took a deep breath and opened Chanel's letter reading it.

Dear Pudding,

I was happy to get your response, your days in Hogwarts seem nice compared to my days on the road. But I can't complain, I just spent the past few weeks touring Germany, lovely place by the way, you should see for yourself.

Anyway I read about what the Prophet said about you, Rita Skeeter, that bitch! You are amazing Percy Jackson, and don't you forget it! Go out there and show the people what you are made off! Got that?! Good!

I hope to see you soon again, it's nice to know you have friends in school that will stand by your side.

Also this Fleur girl you write about, I looked into her. Catherine tells me she is a nice girl, seems you picked another veela huh Percy? Well this does make things complicated, so if you want to stop….whatever this is, then I won't make it an issue.

With Love,

Chanel Brown

P.S. I left you a little something in the letter, and if you want more I suggest your next letter to me has a little something too, this is a two way street you know.

Percy blushed, he grabbed the envelope and carefully looked inside seeing another picture of Chanel and a very loose robe. Her hair looked wet as she bite her lips, slowly lowering her robes. Percy immediately shoved both the letters and the picture into his mokeskin bag, no way in Hades he's ever letting those out of his sight!

Percy returned to his meal, but he found his head even more cluttered. Did he like Chanel in that way? Did Fleur like him, would he have to chose between them? And what the Hades did Chanel mean when she said he had to give her something too?!

The idea of cutting his relationship with Chanel was too hard, she didn't deserve that, plus he wasn't even sure he liked Fleur in that way. Percy groaned as he bangged his head repeadtly on the table, 'fuck my life.'

"Well someone isn't having a nice time," Juan and the other's walked up to Percy wearing their casual clothes.

"What happened Percy? You look stressed," Gordan said as they all sat down around him picking up their breakfast.

"I don't know what to do! Ah! Girls are so complicated!" Percy sighed.

"Let me guess, it's about Fleur hun?" Michael rolled his eyes

Percy nodded and turned to his friends, "you guys have to help me. I don't know what we are!"

"Aren't you taking this a little too seriously Percy?" Miguel suggested, "I mean it's not you and Fleur are dating or something."

"As usual Miguel, your innocence is quite cute, but wrong, oh so wrong," Juan huffed as he pulled Percy close, "you stick to your books Miggy, and let me tell our champion here how to woo the lady, after all let's admit, I am the one who had the most experience dating yes?"

The other boys grumbled but nodded in agreement. Percy sighed, "fine, I know I'm going to regret this, but please Juan, tell me what I should do."

The french born boy smiled, "now, first things first, we are all going out together, yes, but you can turn this around. If you can get her alone then you-"

"Ah actually I don't know if I even want her as my girlfriend," Percy clarified.

"What?! Why not?! She's a smoking hot veela!" Michael yelled out.

"A french veela!" Juan added, "why wouldn't want that?!"

Percy sighed, 'because I can get a veela whenever I want?', but obviously he couldn't say that. Percy thought for a moment before he began, "well….there's this other girl."

The boys all blinked. "Percy, what type of girl is so amazing that you would say no to a french veela?" Gordan asked.

Percy sighed, "she's...she's special. She and I go back, and though we aren't super close we do exchange letters a lot, and honestly….I don't really know where she and I stand."

"Is she hot?" Miguel asked.

"Very," Percy smiled.

"Hotter than Fleur?!" Michael hissed.

Percy sighed, "...kind off."

"Get out of here!" Juan gasped, "okay fine, new plan! You get in good with Fluer, when this girl..."

"Chanel," Percy supplied.

"Wow, even her name sounds hot, okay, so when Chanel comes you be with her, but don't let Fleur see, after she leaves you get back with Fleur and keep Chanel on the side! Simple as that!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "great plan dude, except one tiny thing."

"And what's that?"

"That would be emotional manipulation," Percy sighed, "I don't think it would be fair to ether girl if I tried to keep both of them. Plus I don't really think I'm that good a charmer to try something like that."

"Oh come off it Percy! You have the chance to be with two girls! Every guys dream! At least try to go for it, what's the worst that can happen?"

"I loose them both?"

"Details," Juan shrugged.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "hey Juan, of all the dates you went on, how many of those women called you back?"


"Right….well then i'm definitely not listening to you then," Percy huffed, "maybe I should just come clean to Fleur, tell her I like her but not like that."

"Are you sure?" Gordan asked, "because you don't sound sure."

"I...I'm not," Percy sighed, "I don't know what I have with Channel, whether it's just flirting or something more and I'm not even sure if Fleur likes me that way. I don't know what to do!"

"Oh boo hoo, 'I have two women who love me, whatever will I do?!'," Michael snorted, "shut up Yankee, some of us have the exact opposite problem for your information. So shut up and eat your breakfast."

Percy and the others chuckled at Michael but quickly started to eat. After breakfast Percy went out with his board and spent his time flying around some more to clear his head.

At ten he and the other Hufflepuff found themselves waiting by the main entrance. Fred, George and their dates soon arrived, avoiding Percy as best as they could, and a little while after that so did the Beauxbatons students.

For the first time they were all wearing something other than their school robes. Camille and Hugo wore muggle clothes while Anna and Peter, another Beauxbaton couple, wore robes. They meet up with the Hufflepuff students and began to move towards the carriages. Percy however was waiting for someone, and when they all left, he found her.

Fleur wore a set of jeans that were form fitting with a puffy purple jacket. She had her hair braided back, she smelt like lavender, and when she made eye contact with Percy he couldn't help smiling.

"Wow, you look hot as Hades, but you already knew that," Percy shrugged.

Fleur chuckled, "well you are a c'armer."

"Shall we," Percy pointed to the last carriage.

Fleur smiled, "pleaze." They quickly entered the carriage alone and found themselves flying through the air towards the small town nearby. Fleur smiled as she saw the sky pass by. The carriage was small, and their knees kept touching, Fleur however made no move to change her position.

They landed quickly, Percy helped Fleur out as they began walking through Hogsmeade. The others were already waiting for them near the outskirts of the village. Michael and the other sixth year boys saw Percy step out with Fleur and grinned mischievously. Percy glared and ignored their snickers.

"Alright gang what's the plan?!" Gordan asked with a grin, "zonkos?! Oh I know, let's go to Honeydukes and get some chocolate! I'm hungry as hell!"

"I wiz' for zome zugar quills," Hugo nodded, he put his hand around Camille and smled, "what do you zay?"

Camille smiled, "let's go mon amour."

Fleur rolled her eyes as she faked gagged at the happy couple. Percy chuckled. The group moved as one towards Honeydukes as Percy and Fleur pulled to the back.

"So you don't like romantic gestures huh?" Percy asked Fleur.

"It'z not that, I just don't….I don't care for the way they act in public. If you are 'appy then that'z fine, but there'z no need to zhow uz your 'appinezz."

"I get that, I suppose," Percy nodded, "so you're saying if you get a boyfriend you wouldn't act like that?"

Fleur's eyes widened as she looked at Percy with surprised eyes. She cleared her throat, "well I zuppose if I waz to date zomeone, I wouldn't mind doing thingz like that. T'ough we would be civilized about it."

"You know what I think Fleur?" Percy smiled, "I think you are just a big soft romantic and I think you just don't like them acting that way because you don't have someone to act like that with."

Fleur huffed as she glared at Percy, "no true."

Percy chuckled. Fleur puffed her cheeks in anger, but Percy laughed even harder. He didn't understand why, but he didn't want to share her with all these people. He wanted her alone, with him.

Percy leaned towards Fleur and whispered, "hey, want to ditch these guys and go on our own?"

Fleur looked surprised for a second, before she smiled, "yez, zoundz fun." The two then carefully moved away from their group and walked into a different part of town all together.

Percy took her first to the potions store where he stocked up on various ingredients, he didn't know what he was going to do, but according to Bagman it was going to be a test of courage, so a few courage elixirs would be advised.

Fleur whistled as she saw Percy fly through the shelves of the potion store grabbing everything he needed without a moment's hesitation, "w'at are you planning on making Perzy?"

"Anything that I can use," Percy shrugged, "courage elixir, maybe something to improve my hand eye coordination, you know, just the basics."

"Amazing," Fleur nodded impressed, "your potionz zkillz muzt be zomething to be revired."

"It is, kind off," Percy chuckled, "if you want I can make you an extra courage elixir, you know just in case."

Fleur nodded slowly, "yez, that would 'elp," she turned away looking at a random ingredient, sighing sadly.

Percy groaned, 'shit, guess even she's a little down about this whole tournament thing,' Percy knew what he had to do. He looked around and found a bottle of rat tails and a greener Warlock's fang. The demigod smirked, 'perfect.' He grabbed the items and billed them all.

After paying the man they walked out and Percy stopped to the side, he then took out a rat tail and greener fang and began to rubbing them together. Fleur raised an eyebrow, "what are you doing?"

Percy looked up and grinned, "this," he thrusted his hands forward and out of the rat tail a green spark flew out. Fleur jumped in surprise as few on her back, the sparks kept coming and coming, red, blue, green, purple.

When they finally stopped Percy put away the used ingredients and chuckled, "greener fangs have a very explosive nature, rub that together with a rat tail and you can generate a small spark that can be blasted out of the tail. It's not really useful, but it is pretty."

Percy helped Fleur up, "sorry if I scared you."

The french veela smiled, "t'at waz amazing! You did t'at wit' a rat tail and a fang?!"

Percy laughed, "if you think that's impressive you should see what I can do with a Abraxan feather."

Fleur blinked, "what do you mean? Why are you zo curiouz about the Abraxan?"

The demigod shrugged, "not important. Look I'm sorry I kept bringing up the stupid tournament, this is supposed to be our day off and you and I both wanted to time away from that, right?"

Fleur sighed, "yez, I wanted time away from that zchool and my carriage. When I'm in the carriage I am forced by my 'eadmistress to ztudy, 'prepare for everything!' zhe zcreamz, and I just want to zcream at 'er back!"

Percy nodded, "well relax, today we forget about the tournament, let's just have fun."

The french veela smiled, "agreed. Now, what elze do you have planned for uz today?"

"Well honestly I'm horrible at planning things, I'm more of a 'live in the moment' kind of guy. So let's see, what can two extremely smart and beautiful magical people do in a magical town? Hum...how about," Percy reached into his pocket and took out his shrunken hoverboard, "what do you say? Fancy a spine?"

Fleur blinked, "you broug't t'at wit' you?"

Percy shrugged, "yeah, figured if I would need it if do something stupid and you start chasing me in your avian form."

Fleur chuckled, "you were counting on you doing zomething ztupid."

The demigod shrugged, "I'm not the best at, ah,...knowing my limits. Somehow the moment I open my mouth people get offended, it's like they hate the sound of my voice or something."

"Maybe it'z more what you zay then 'ow you zay it," the french veela giggled. Percy smiled, they began walking around in a random direction as Percy continued.

"Yeah, maybe. Honestly Fleur I'm not really good at the whole….well, the whole dating thing," Percy sighed, "to tell you this is the first time I've gone on a real date with a girl."

Fleur blinked in surprise, "wait, really?!"

Percy nodded, "yeah. Why do you look so surprised?"

"Well it's just you...well you are very 'andzome, zo I thought-"

Percy laughed, "yeah no, sorry but I'm not really all that popular with the ladies. In fact the first time I kissed a girl was a few months ago, and a lot of alcohol was involved. So yeah, I have next to 0 experience with girls."

"I'm zurprized," Fleur said honestly, "you are very nize Perzy, but you 'aven't found anyone yet?"

Percy sighed, "no, not yet. Well….there was the girl, we have been keeping in touch, but she's always traveling and it's a pain to actually meet up. I don't really think we are boyfriend girlfriend though."

"Ah I zee, friendz with benefitz t'en."

Percy's face turned red, "ah, in a way, I suppose."

"Well then t'at'z good," Fleur smirked as she held her head up high.


The french veela wrapped her arms around Percy right hand and pulled him close to her. She grinned, "because now I 'ave you all to myzelf." Percy looked down and smiled, they chuckled as continued to walk around the town, talking about their lives and the things going on with them.

Around noon time Percy and Fleur got hungry so they headed to the Three Broomsticks. They entered the inn and found it very active, there were a lot of people around. Percy was about to suggest the go back to the castle for lunch when he spotted Gordan waving to him from a booth on the right.

"Hey guys," Percy said with a narrowed eyes as his friends snickered at him and Fleur holding hands.

"Where were you two Fleur? We were worried!" Camille spoke up.

"We turned around and you two were gone!" Anna shirked as she moved to the side allowing Fleur and Percy to sit next to her and Peter.

"You didn't have to worry, we just wanted to spend some time alone that's all," Fleur said with a smile.

"So when's the wedding?" Hugo asked with a smirk causing the other Beauxbatons students to laugh and Flair to glare.

"In June, we were hoping for a spring wedding but the tournament and all that I don't think we would have the time," Percy smiled back.

The others had their mouths opened as they stared at a blushing Fleur and a smirking Percy. They quickly stopped teasing them and moved on.

The food was food and the ambience was warm and inviting. The people were good enough, and there was a song playing on the wireless that Percy had heard a few times before in the Hufflepuff dorms.

"Hey do guys know what this song is?" Percy asked pointing at the wizarding radio, "it's on a lot these days."

"It's called 'Magical Force' by the Weird Sisters," Heather informed him, "surely you know about them right?"

Percy shrugged, "I know of them, but I ain't really like a hardcore fan or anything. But," Percy smiled at the lyrics, "this song seems nice enough."

"Did you all hear about the flying horse thing?" Gordan began.

Immediately Percy spat out his water and coughed. "Are you okay Perzy?" Fleur asked rubbing his back.

"F-fine, just went up the wrong pipe," Percy coughed.

"Right, anway, remember that flying shadow the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors saw around their towers at night?" Gordan asked, "well one of them says she got a picture!"

"What?!" Percy yelled out, "who?!"

"Carrie Launcher," George supplied, "we saw the photo though, not worth the paper it is printed on."

"Yeah, it's like a giant black smudge of ink!" Fred spat out, "conned us out of our last galleon!"

"I'm zorry, but what are you talking about?" Fleur asked in surprise.

"Well you see Fleur a few days before you all came something amazing happened," Juan explained, "the Ravenclaw and the Gryffindor students swore they saw a flying horse flying around their towers! And it happened again and again!"

"Really?! That'z amazing," Camille gasped, "what type of flying horse waz it? A Theztral? Oh, waz it a Aethonan?"

"No, none of those things," Heather continued, "it was a winged horse, and actually winged flying horse!"

"You mean a pegazuz?! But that'z impozzible!" Fleur cried out, "t'ey are just a myt'!"

"Not now they aren't!" Gordan sounded excited, he pointed at the twins, "Fred and George both swore they saw it!"

"We did!" they replied at once.

"We were out late that night with our lovely ladies," George wiggled his eyebrows at Angelina.

"And we saw it fly right by the window!" Fred grinned.

"Did you two see it?" Hugo asked the Gryffindor chasers.

"No, not really," Alicia sighed, "we were….distracted."

"Ya you were," Fred chuckled as he high fived his brother.

"Oh come on Gordan you know these two are a bunch of pranksters," Miguel scoffed.


"We take offence to that!"

"Why? It's the truth," Percy rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah," George and Fred blinked, "never mind."

"Fine, okay, but what about Lee? He's a joker, but he wouldn't lie about this! And even Cho said she saw it!"

They quickly began to argue back and forth about the legitimacy of the flying horse while Percy did his best to melt into the background, doing his best to not draw attention to himself. But by remaining quiet he did just that.

"Perzy, why 'aven't you zaid anything?" Fleur asked, "I t'oug't t'iz would be zomething you liked."

"Ah, well I mean, it's interesting, but there isn't really proof it exists is there?" Percy shrugged, doing his best to seem casual.

"Then we should try and catch it!" Juan cheered.

"Are you mad?" Percy snorted, "how would you even begin to do something like that?"

"Well….we could use your board!"

"Yeah! We can use that to catch the flying horse!" Heather and the others nodded in agreement.

"Hell no! You aren't using my board for shit!" Percy cried out.

"Come on Percy please! We really need it," Gordan and the others begged.

"No," Percy glared.

"Pleaze Perzy, for me," Fleur said as she ran a finger down Percy's cheeks, turning his face towards her. She pouted her lips, "we really want to zee his horze, won't you lend uz your board?"

Percy looked into Fleur eyes, he leaned forward, "Fleur," he said in a husky voice. The french veela smiled smugly, and then Percy grinned, "no."

"Merde!" Fleur cursed as she huffed and crossed her arms in anger, "why did you 'ave to be immune!"

Percy chuckled, "sorry tweety bird, but you are going to have to do a lot better than that to try and convince me."

"Well that's amazing," Camille whispered, "I have never seen anyone do that to her of all people."

"Yeah," Hugo nodded as he did his best to block out Fleur's allur.

"It's okay fleur, if you want you can use my broom," Gordan offered, "you can also have my trunk."

"Yeah, I'll give you my broom too," Juan nodded, both had a glazed over look in their eyes.

Percy rolled his eyes, he smacked them both up the head, "enough you two. You look like a bunch of horny street dogs."

The two shook their heads clear and blushed, putting their heads down in shame. "It's okay you two," Peter explained, "we do the zame a lot. It's difficult to be around Fleur, but worth it," he smiled at the veela who gave an uncomfortable node. Anna on the other hand looked pissed as she hit Peter in the stomach whispering something into his ears.

The group continued to talk more about ways to capture the 'mysterious flying horse'. Percy stayed out of it as best he could, though Fleur did make him promise to help out with the search.

Percy sipped his pumpkin juice, "oh by the way, where's Margaret Kristine? Didn't she want to come?"

"No, she wasn't feeling well," Kristien sighed.

"That's too bad" Percy turned back to his meal, "so tell me, anyone interested in buying some Quick quills? I made a few last week and I haven't really gotten around to selling them yet."

"Iz it one of t'oze fazt writing quillz I 'ave zeen Fleur uzing?" Camille asked.


"Wait, you made them?!" Peter's jaw dropped, "that is one of the most advanced piece of rune work I have seen!"

"Yeah, and it's all yours for only a galleon."

"A galleon?! That's all?!"

"Ah, no….two galleons?" the group laughed.

"Fine, I'll have one," Peter passed a single galleon across the table, much to Percy's disappointment. Percy took out a quick quill and passed it to Peter.

"Do you always carry around zpare quick quillz w'erever you go?" Fleur asked.

Percy shrugged, "buisness is buisness. Never know when you are going to get a customer."

"Perzy may I 'ave one az well?" Anna asked passing a galleon for a quill. Hugo also bought on along with George, Fred and Alicia.

"Perzy, I forgot my purze, can you just give me one now and I promisz to pay you back later," Camille said giving Percy a cute pout.

The Demigod rolled his eyes, "Camille, I said no to Fleur, what makes you think you can convince me otherwise?"

Camille huffed while the others chuckled. The others began to talk with each other about school and studies. In the corner of his eye Percy spotted Harry, Hermione, Susan and another Hufflepuff girl by the name of Hannah Abbot sitting in one corner of the inn.

Percy was about to wave to them when he saw Hagrid and Moody walk over and speak to Harry. They whispered into his ear and then quickly left, leaving Harry looking surprised and the other girls looking confused.

Percy whistled and Harry looked over. The demigod raised his eyebrow and motioned to Hagrid. Harry nodded, he would tell Percy later.

After a nice lunch they all left the small inn and spent some more time walking around the town. This time Fleur and Percy stayed with the group, mostly because the Beauxbatons students and the Hogwarts students surrounded them on all sides and refused to let them go away.

As they walked around the town Percy noticed several people gathered around the town center, forming a wide circle around, all watching something with interest.

"What do you think's going on?" Juan asked.

"Maybe it'z zome kind of performer?" Camille suggested, "they muzt come 'ere becauze of the tournumnt."

They all quickly walked up to a few wizards standing by one corner and looked at what the men were looking at, and they all gasped in surprise.

Standing near the water fountain in the middle of the town were five beautiful blonde haired women, each worthy to be the daughter of Aphrodite. The Hogwarts student's didn't recognize them, but the Beauxbatons' did, and so did Percy.

"It's Catherine!" Camille cried out causing the five veela cheerleaders to turn towards the group.

Catherine looked over and smiled, "Camille! So good to see you! Come here!"

The Beauxbaton students all ran over, the Hogwarts student's silently followed. The girls all gathered around Catherine as the squealed in joy, the other veela cheerleaders stepping aside politely.

"What are you doing here?" Hugo asked.

"We came because of the tournament of course," Catherine answered before grabbing Hugo in a headlock giving him a rap on the head, "and look at you! You've grown so big! I thought you would never be more than a little reed Hugo!"

"Hey get off!" Hugo cied as he pulled himself free, "damn veela."

Catherine then turned to Fleur who was smiling at her, "glad to see you once again sister. How have you been?"

"Well," Fleur smiled before she turned around and grabbed Percy by the hand and pulled him forward, "guess who I found!"

"Percy?!" Catherine gasped, alerting the other veela who now looked over with shock.

"Percy?!" Amanda cried out as she ran forward looking at the greek demigod, "it's you!" she jumped up and threw her arms forward.

Percy moved quickly catching her in his arms. Amanda lips latched onto his as she snogged him hard, Percy was startled and fell on his back, Amanda pushed him into the ground kissing him as her fingers went through his hair.

The Hogwarts students watch in surprise, the twins had a look of envy and awe and Fleur looked horrified.

"Amanda!" Chanel ran up, grabbing the veela by the shoulders and pulled her off of Percy, "act decent! You know you're not supposed to act like this!"

"But it's been so long!" Amanda whined, "I haven't made out with anyone for months!"

"That doesn't mean you have to act like a slut," Catherine scolded her, "and remember what we promised, no moving on Percy until we know what his thoughts are. We all agreed."

Amanda pouted, "yeah...but..."

"No buts!" Chanel and Catherine yelled out.

"What the hell is going on?!" Hugo yelled out what everyone was thinking.

"Do you girls know Percy?" Juan asked with his jaw dropped.

"Yes of course!" Amanda smirked, "in fact I suppose you could say we know each other really well."

"Oh for the love of the Gods Amanda shut up," Ula walked up with Ebele besides her, "you're embarrassing us."

Percy got on his feet and looked around, "this is...what are you girls doing here?"

"We wanted to surprise you," Chanel spoke up with a soft smile, "the first task is soon, so we thought we could stay here until we see you then. We didn't think we would see you so soon."

"Yeah, well it's a Hogsmeade weekend," Percy explained with a blush as he rubbed his hair. He turned to Fleur who was stunned silent. Percy sighed, he gestured at Chanel, "this is Chanel Fleur."

The french student blinked in surprise before turning to Chanel and glaring, "I see," she then turned to Amanda, "and what is your relation with Percy?"

Amanda grinned, "same as Chanel's! And Catherine here too! And Ula and Ebele!"

"Actually mine is a little different," Ula chuckled. Percy turned to the greek veela and paused as his eyes landed on her belly.

Percy's mouth gaped open, [U-Ula! You're pregnant!]

[Wow! He finally noticed!] Ebele chuckled, [congratulations papa!]

[W-what?!] Percy yelled in horror.

[Didn't Amanda tell you?] Ula asked raising an eyebrow as she patted her pregnant belly, [I'm expecting it in May, you will be free then right? I wouldn't want you to miss the birth of your own daughter you know.]

"What?!" Percy's eyes went wide as in his shock he reverted back to speaking english, "how-what-oh my Gods!"

"I don't know why you sound so surprised," Catherine's shrugged, "we after all didn't use a condom. Frankly I'm surprised more of us aren't knocked up."

"What?!" Fred and George looked like they were about to die from a heart attack. The others looked at Percy in surprised and shocked while Fleur had a mask of horror on her face.

"Oh my gods, oh my gods!" Percy held his head up, "this isn't good, this isn't good! Oh shit, the baby...oh my gods it's going to be a legacy! I have to find a charm for her as well! And if Zeus….oh shit, I have hide her! And my mom! Oh my Gods she's going to kill me!"

Chanel rolled her eyes, "alright guys that's enough, I think we might have just traumatised him for life."

Percy looked up in surprise as the other cheerleaders laughed. Ula took out her wand and waved it over her stomach causing her belly to deflate to normal size as the others laughed. Catherine gave a small smirk while Amanda was wiping tears as she held her stomach. Ebele looked like she was regretting it a little while Ula just gave an apologetic smile.

"What is going on?" Percy asked.

"Sorry Percy," Amanda finally controlled her laughter, "we couldn't help it! It was too easy! We have been planning this for days!"

Ula rolled her eyes, "and I ended up with the short straw."

"So...you're not pregnant?" Percy asked, Ula shook her head and the demigod sighed, "oh thank you Gods."

"What's happening?!" Juan yelled out, "will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?! Who are these gorgeous women and why did they think Percy knocked them up?!"

"Yez, we would alzo like to know," Hugo huffed, "'ow do you know the 'Owartz champion Catherine?"

Catherine blinked in surprise as she turned to Percy, "you didn't tell them?"

Percy sighed as he rubbed his temples, still recovering form the 'prank' the veelas played on him, "no, I didn't. I figured you wouldn't like me gossiping."

"Oh Percy! That's so sweet!" Amanda cried out as she hugged him, shoving his face into her cleavage, "you're so considerate!"

"Oye! Stop it!" Chanel yelled pulled Percy free.

Percy panted, "thanks for that."

"I'm sorry but will somebody explain what the hell is going on here?!" Gordan asked as the others nodded.

"Well you see Percy is an old friend," Chanel spoke carefully, "we meet him after the world cup and we got to know each other."

"Wait!" the twins cried out.

"You're Chanel?!" one of them asked.

"The one Percy snagged?!" the other clarified.

Chanel blushed as she rubbed her neck, "yes, I didn't realise you told them bout me Percy."

Percy blushed, "ah, yeah, they were annoying, kind of forced me too. Sorry I didn't tell you."

"Well this isn't fair at all," Amanda huffed, "you told them about Chanel but not me?"

"Did he snog you as well?!" the twins asked, the gathered students looking at Percy with more awe and admiration by the second.

"Well I would say we did a lot more than just kiss," Catherine huffed.

"You too?!" Hugo gaped.

"Catherine!" Chanel hissed.

"What' the point Chanel?" Ula shrugged, "the cat's out of the bag anyway."

"Does that mean it's my turn to kiss him now?" Ebele asked with a frown, "it's not fair, I'm always the last!"

The veelas bickered amongst themselves as the students just looked at Percy in awe. Percy gulped as he turned to the twins, "please don't make this a thing."

"My lord!" the fell to one knee.

"For as long as will it we shall be your servants," one began.

"Come what may, be it teachers of monsters of epic proportions-" the other continued.

"We will stay by your side, always."

"We crown you the stud of Hogwarts," they said together, "we give until you the unquestioning loyalty that all who claim to be a man!"

"All hail Percy Jackson!"

"King of studs!"

Juan blinked, "this is so unfair."

Percy groaned, "gods help me," he looked up at Fleur and gulped, "Fleur I-"

"-You zaid it was only one," she snapped her eyes at him, growling.

"I-I didn't know how to tell you," Percy felt scared, scared he was going to lose her, "it all happened so suddenly, we never even got a chance to discuss what we were and then I had to leave and-"

"Was I just zuppozed to be another veela in your 'arem?" Fleur spat, "another blonde floozy to kizz? Iz that all I waz?!"

"No Fleur it's not like that!"

"Fleur we don't see Percy that way," Chanel spoke up, "we are just friends," Amanda snorted causing the others to hit her up the head.

"Fleur I'm not a playboy or anything like that, please believe me," Percy begged.

"Non, I was a fool, don't ever talk to me again Perzy Jackzon," Fleur spat out as she ran away with tears threatening to break free. The Beauxbatons students followed her, sending Percy confused looks.

The Hogwarts students did know what to say, they remained silent as Percy watched Fleur run away from him.

"I'm sorry Percy," Chanel apologized.

"It's not your fault," Percy spoke in a defeated tone, "I'll see you all at the first task," and without another word he took out his board and flew into the air. He wanted to catch up to Fleur and tell her he didn't see her as a prize, but he knew she wouldn't listen, she would think the worst of him, the girl's ego was so fragile as it was. He instead flew back to Hogwarts, alone.

The next day found Percy on his board again, he tried his best to clear his mind of Fleur, but she kept coming back. So instead he went for a swim in the lake, meet up with Nick and had a nice long chat with the giant squid.

Percy's 'relationship' with the five veela cheerleaders spread out wide into the Hogwarts rumour mill. People didn't believe it of course, most just chalked it up to a rumor, but Fleur's reactions to him made the rumor seem more and more real.

Percy didn't want to deal with the bullshit that was school drama. He had just gotten over the whole American champion thing when this happened. And not to mention the fact that he made for an attractive woman was still popular talk in silent rooms made Percy unable to deal with the constant stares.

After breakfast he returned to the Forest, he didn't talk to anyone, he didn't look at anyone. He was focused on only one thing, working to keep himself busy.

The cape was still floating in one corner of the room, not moving an inch. Percy sighed, he took out Kelly's sleeping form and placed her on his desk, don't want her to see this. He walked up to the cape and wrapped it around himself, tightening the fastings.

Percy walked up to the window and pushed it open. Taking a deep sigh Percy stepped up and hoped forward. He mentally told the cape to take off and suddenly Percy found himself shooting forward into the sky.

"SHHHIIITTT!" Percy yelled as the cape seemed to blast off, ten times faster than his board. Percy turned his head to see how far he went and suddenly the cape stopped and did a sharp 'U' turn before flying back towards the castle.

'Fuck fuck fuck!' Percy yelled as the stone walls of the castle came closer and closer, he closed his eyes and put his hands up telling the cape to stop immediately. And just as he was about to hit the wall the cape stopped, billowing over him.

Percy landed on the sixth corridor roof and skidded across the tiles. He finally stopped and got back on his feet. Sighing the demigod looked over his clothes and cape, luckily the cape wasn't damaged, but his clothes were.

'Fine….round 2,' Percy growled, he was going to master this thing, even if it was the last thing he did. Well obviously it won't be the last thing he did, if it doesn't work out he could just stick to using his wings instead.

Percy got ready and jumped, 'up,' Percy thought picturing himself flying the cape safely. And again, he crashed. He tried a third time, and again he crashed. Though he did manage to do a loop before that.

The fourth time he had enough control to land properly, though he did kind of drop himself there. Again and again he tried, and again and again he failed. But on the 12th try, he managed to get a hang of the cape.

It was all about visualizing, the speed at which you wanted the cape to go, the height and the angle. It took a few tries but Percy got the hang of it. He flew back into the Forest and landed on his feet safely.

Kelly yawned as she woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked up and blinked, she spotted the cape around Percy and yipped. Percy chuckled, "relax Kelly," he then lifted off the ground and hovered in mid air, "I think I got the hang of this thing."

Percy took off the cape and started to record every single pattern and rune he carved into it, in case he needed to make another one. He kept the notes he made inside the mokeskin pouch around his neck, just to be sure they didn't get in the wrong hands.

'I need to improve this thing though,' Percy realised, 'if I can somehow summon it towards me...yeah, yeah that could work. If I can summon it towards me then I don't need a wand to accio it! It can be like my emergency parachute!'

And so Percy spent the better part of the day working on a way to summon the cape to him without the use of a wand. By the end of the day he had an idea, but it wouldn't be completed anytime soon.

Eventually Percy and Kelly had to come down for dinner. As he mentally prepared himself for the stares someone called out for him, "Percy! Wait!"

Percy blinked in surprise, he turned around and saw Harry run down to catch up to him. "Hey Harry, what's the rush?" Percy stopped and asked.

"I need to talk to you," Harry looked around, "in private."

Percy looked confused, but one look from the younger man and he knew he was serious. Percy nodded, the climbed down to the first floor corridor and walked down until they were in an empty region.

"Okay, we're alone, so what's the big deal?" Percy asked in a whisper.

"I know what the first task is," Harry whispered back.

Percy's eyes went wide, "what?"

"Yes, Hagrid told me yesterday to meet him in the woods with my cloak. He was….well I think he was out on a date with Madam Maxim, and he told me to follow them under the cloak. He took her deep into the woods where he showed her what Fleur had to fight, what you and I had to fight," Harry took a deep breath, "dragons. It's dragons."

Percy's eyes went wide, "oh fuck me. Are you serious?"

Harry nodded, "yes, I am. I saw four of them, four for each of us."

"Do you remember their breed? Anything else we can use?"

"Well...I know one of them was the Swedish Short-snout, and the other was a Chinese Fireball. I don't remember the other thing's name, but it was long and green, thin neck too."

"Welsh green, has to be," Percy hummed, "and the last one?"

Harry gulped, "t-the Hungarian Horntail."

Percy's eyes went wide, "fuck me. Shit….no...no this is good. This is good. We know what we are fighting now, we can prepare for it. Thank you Harry, I don't know how my chances would stack up against an actual fucking dragon if I went in there unprepared!"

Harry nodded, "you're welcome, Maxim would have told Fleur, and I also saw Kristoff hiding in the woods, so Krum would know too. I thought it was unfair if you didn't know also."

Percy smiled, "thanks Harry, you're a real friend. Don't worry, now that I know what we are up against I'll make sure that we both walk out of this alive. I'll brew up some fire resisting portions tomorrow, we can use it with the dragon."

"We aren't allowed to carry potions with us remember?"

Percy grinned, "oh Harry Harry Harry, did you forget what they said? We can bring a wand, and with that we can summon anything we want. So all we have to do is make a box containing everything we will need and then summon it to us after the match begins!"

Harry's eyes went wide, "that's brilliant! I can use the summoning charm!"

"Exactly! And you know what, you can summon me if you want! That way I can help you fight the thing! Technically it won't be interfering since you called me into the ring with only your wand!"

Harry chuckled, "I don't think they will allow that."

Percy shrugged, "fine, whatever. But I swear Harry, I'll figure out a way to repay you, I swear." Harry smiled and they quickly walked back to the Great Hall.

Percy and Harry split ways, Harry sitting with Hermione in the Gryffindor table and Percy going to the Badgers. He sat down in his usual spot, between Gordan and Juan, he greeted them both and quickly began to dig in.

Halfway through the meal someone tapped Percy on the shoulder. He turned around and was surprised to find Fleur standing behind him looking down with hate.

"Fleur I-" Percy began to apologize only for the girl to drop a note into his hand and walk away, sitting with her friends who patted her on the back whispering into her ears as she nodded.

"What did she give you?" Juan asked.

Percy opened his hand and saw a crumpled up piece of paper inside. He carefully opened it and saw a note written down hastily in beautiful cursive;

The first task is us facing dragons.

Percy smiled, "I...I don't think she hates me."

"What makes you say that?"

Percy shrugged, "just a feeling."

"Think you two are ever going to be friends again?" Juan whined, "I miss the french veela."

Percy sighed, "I don't know...I hope we can. But I don't know."