
Chapter 11

"I still can't believe you thought I destroyed half the camp," Hecate chuckled as she and Percy walked down the ministry of magic to the department of magical law enforcement of the DMLE. Today was the 27th, two days after the quidditch finals. Percy had finally been summoned in order to register as an animagus.

"I'm sorry but the last time you got drunk you turned the living room into a bed of sunflowers," Percy said with a shrug, "can you blame me?" Percy walked briskly wearing his navy blue robes with his father's trident stitched on his sleeves and a pegasus on his back.

"Hey I'll have you know I haven't gotten drunk in over three months!" Hecate called back.

"That doesn't make me think any less of you," Percy shivered. Percy turned serious, "these death eaters...why didn't you stop them?"

Hecate raised an eyebrow, "I can't get involved with humans Percy, you know that."

"What about Harry?"

"I just talk to Harry Percy, I don't actually do anything to improve and ruin the way his life progresses. I'm not involving myself in such a way that it would change his life."

"Other than flirting with him you mean."

"He does turn a shade of red quite similar to a pomegranate juice," Hecate giggled, "but yes, flirting is perfectly allowed because as you know Gods can in fact mate with mortals."

"Is this your way of telling me you want to screw Harry? Because I don't know how I feel about that," Percy shivered.

"Hey you have no right to judge me Mr. 'I slept with five veelas at the same time'. By the way have I ever congratulated you for that? It really is an achievement you know. Not many have the stamina to keep up with one, let alone five. I should get you an award for that one. Really demigod stamina is a gift!"

Percy blushed red as the mini veela Hecate had bought at the world finals sat on his shoulder yawing. Percy had decided to keep the veela around, as a reminder of that night. He had actually grown attached to the little thing, he even named her Kelly.

"R-right," Percy coughed trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Have any of them kept in touch?"

"Chanel does," Percy replied, "and Amanda as well. Catherine promised to write but hasn't yet. Ebele and Ula...well I don't really know."

"Hm...well if you are going to have a social life now we should probably get you an owl soon. You can't expect to keep using the owl they messaged you with, you would never be able to message them first! And girls hate that sort of thing Percy, just saying."

"R-right," Percy stammered as Kelly chuckled on his shoulder.

They entered the lift and got off at level 2. The hallway was crowded with people dressed in red robes running around in a hurry. They were aurors, the police of the magical world and from the looks of things they all had their hands full.

"Why are they so on edge?" Percy asked as he saw a few aurors shot him suspicious looks.

"It's because of the death eater attack," Hecate explained, "they are worried that it might be a sign that Voldemort has come back, especially since his symbol was found floating above the woods."

"You mean that skull with the snake?" Percy asked as he remembered seeing the imagine a little while after he and the others woke up.

"Yes, they are currently trying to find out why this happened in the first place. If it was just for shits and giggles or it is a sign for something far more dangerous to come," Hecate lead Percy down the corridor to a double door that lead to a large room resembling a police precinct.

"Hello," called an older puggy witch sitting behind a desk that had the label 'reception', "may I help you?"

"Yes, we are here for an animagus registration," Hecate said with a charming smile.

"Right, let me just check," the witch pulled out a large record book and looked over several columns of notes. She then found the registration order and nodded, "right on time. Are you the one who wishes to register?"

"Oh no dear, not me. My ward," Hecate stepped aside allowing the witch to finally notice Percy.

The older witch raised an eyebrow as she blinked in surprise, "him? But he looks like a Hogwarts student!"

"Indeed," Hecate beamed with pride, "and I'll have you know he's got 9 OWLs under his belt." Hecate grinned looking like a proud parent showing off their child.

"Really? Well I suppose that is impressive. Well anyway it's not my place to judge," the witch looked at Percy and smiled, "I must say young man you have truly accomplished something amazing. There are only 7 animagi registered in this century! And you will be number 8!"

Percy looked proud of the fact, "thank you ma'am. I worked hard for this. But if it wasn't for my aunt I don't think I could have even transfigured a tooth pick."

Hecate grinned wider, "right you are Percy!"

The old witch chuckled, "such a lovely family. Now here is your registry number, we have assigned an auror to test you and help you out with the animagus registration process. If you need any help or have questions please don't be afraid to ask."

Hecate and Percy thanked the woman and walked into the DMLE. There were aurors sitting at their desks filling out paperwork of some kind. Each had a plaque on their desk with their name and registration number on it.

"What's our aurors name?" Percy asked.

Hecate looked at the note they were given, "Nymphadora Tonks. Gods, the poor girl. Which mother would ever name their child such a thing?"

Percy chuckled, "yeah. Let's see," Percy walked to the nearest Auror's desk, a tall man with blonde hair that was white near his temples. He was looking over a file when Percy cleared his throat grabbing his attention, "ah, excuse me sir, can you tell me where I can find officer Nymphadora Tonks?"

The blonde aurora raised an eyebrow, "why do you want to know where the rookie is?"

"Well I'm here for my animagus registration and she's my assigned auror," Percy explained.

The blonde man looked Percy up and down clearly not impressed, "rrright. Sure. Look we don't mind Tonks bringing her boy toys to work, but there is such a thing as personal integrity. Tell your girlfriend that next time you two make out."

Percy blinked, "dude….seriously, what the hell? I'm not her boyfriend, I'm just here to-"

"-Yes yes, I know, you are here to 'register' an animagus form," the wizard used air quotes as he rolled his eyes, "she's three desk down and to the left. And if I catch you two playing hookie I will have her fired, got that?"

Percy blinked as he walked away saying nothing. He turned to Hecate, "what was that?"

"Can't really blame him, seeing someone so young attempting to become an animagus is a big thing, let alone actually succeeding."

"But the way he acted! I'm mean shit, he must hate this woman's guts! Just who is this Nymphadora?!"

"Who the hell said my name?!" a cry came out. Suddenly a witch with short bright pink hair came running out of her desk looking around with an angry growl, "come out right now and I won't hurt you!"

Percy and Hecate blinked. "Huh….well that's new," Hecate commented as she looked the witch over, "I didn't think I would ever find a witch with actual style."

Percy nodded, "yeah," he could help but stare at the way the auror was dressed. The pink hair alone made her stand out, not to mention the leather straps around her wrist and the tight fitting clothes that looked skin tight.

"Excuse me, are you auror Nymphadora?" Percy asked.

The witch looked at Percy and blinked, "ah, yeah. But please, call me Tonks. I don't much like my first name."

Percy shrugged, "can't blame you on that."

Tonks looked Percy over and nodded, "right. So why exactly are you looking for me?"

"Oh, right, well I'm here for my animagus registration. I think you are my assigned auror yes?"

Tonks blinked, "wait, seriously? You? You are my registry duty?"

"Yes, me, why? What's wrong?"

"Well it's just...well I didn't expect someone so young."

Percy looked her over, "says the auror dressed like she just came out off a sale in hot topic."

"Oye! I'm a punk Yanky! Not goth!"

Percy shrugged, "what's the difference?"

"The difference being that I don't want to kill myself over the stupidest things!"

"Actually I believe the suicidal goth kids are called emos. Totally different."

"Wait...so what the hell is Goth?"

Percy shrugged, "beats me. I thought punks and goths were the same."

Tonks grinned, "you….I like you," she extended a hand, "Tonks."

Percy took the offered hand and shock it, "Percy. Percy Jackson."

"And I'm Hecate," Hecate spoke up, "in case you were wondering."

Tonks blinked, "oh, sorry. Are you his mother?"

"Aunt actually," Hecate smiled, "and it's okay, girls tend to ignore me when they are too busy flirting with my ward. I'm used to it."

Tonks' hair went red in embarrassment as she immediately took back her hand. "Hecate!" Percy hissed, "when did that ever happen?!"

"Well….just now I think," the goddess replied back with a smirk.

Percy groaned, "sorry about that auror Tonks. My aunt is somewhat of a pain," Percy noticed Tonks' hair was now suddenly bright red, "woah. Your hair."

"What?" Tonks looked up seemingly just now realizing the change, "oh right. Don't worry that happens from time to time."

Hecate narrowed her eyes, "you are a metamorphmagus right?"

Tonks grinned, "yup! You have good eyes lady!"

Percy looked confused, "I'm sorry, metamorphmagus?"

"Wait, you are here for an animagus test and you don't even know what a metamorphmagus is?" Tonks asked looking suspicious.

"I'm not very good with books and remembering things," Percy rubbed his head in embarrassment, "I'm more of a practical guy myself."

"Well you see Percy a metamorphmagus is a witch or wizards that can transform parts of their body at will. They can change to look like anybody. Blue hair, long hair, short hair, frizzy hair. You think it, they can change it."

"Wow," Percy blinked, "so wait are they like," Percy stopped and realised Tonks was there with them. He cleared his throat and switched to ancient greek easly [isn't that the same ability Aphrodite and a few of her children have?]

Hecate nodded, [correct Percy. Aphrodite has a similar power, though hers is much more powerful as it automatically changes her face to whatever the looker finds the most attractive. Meaning if you look at her she will probably look like a veela.]

[I am not in love with veelas!] Percy yelled back as Hecate laughed at his embarrassment. Percy sighed and turned to Tonks, "sorry about her. The doctor says she's half mad and will probably die any day now."

"Oh please Percy, the day I die is the day you become a god," Hecate rolled her eyes, "anyway we are wasting time. Tonks! Let's get this show on the road!"

Tonks blinked, "ah, right. Follow me."

Tonks lead them through the DMLE towards the back. While they walked Percy started to chat with the auror once more. "So how exactly does one become a metamorphmagus?"

"Well you can't really become one. It's something you have to be born with. It's like a natural talent passed down through the family."

"So one of your parents is a metamorphmagus too?"

"No….well honestly my powers just kind of showed up randomly. No one on my mom's side had the ability for a few generations. And my dad's muggle born so his side is out off the question as well."

"I see, well then what's the difference between simply transfiguring one's face and your powers? Like if I wanted I could just change my face to look like yours and charm my hair as well."

"Well that's true, but I can do that without a wand. And I don't have to worry about botching it up because I have perfect control over my powers whereas even a transfiguration master can make mistakes."

"I see...very interesting," Percy wondered if a child of Aphrodite had once been with a magical being and that their resulting children were blessed with this power. It was very much possible, especially considering how random demigods were with their powers.

"So where are you from Percy?"

"Well I'm from America, but I moved here after some family drama."

"Oh? Like what?"

'Well my grandfather tried to kill my dad and his siblings by possessing my cousin. I stopped him and was sent back in time,' Percy chuckled, but obviously didn't say that. "It's complicated."

"Right. Got it," Tonks nodded as they reached a door. Tonks pushed the door and suddenly tripped.

Percy reacted and quickly grabbed her by the hips pulling her up, "are you okay?"

Tonks grumbled, "hehe, yeah. Sorry about that. My sense of balance is shit." She looked down and found Percy's hand still on her hip, she gave him a flirty smile, "you know Percy you can let go right?"

Percy blushed, "r-right. Sorry."

Tonks giggled but walked forward. Behind the door was a large room with tiles on the wall and targets near the back. "This is our training area, we usually come here to let off some steam, but for now we can use it for your assessment."

Percy nodded, "right, Kelly, wake up," the mini veela rubbed her eyes as she looked up and nodded at Percy. She jumped off his shoulder and floated towards Hecate who caught her and put her to sleep in her pocket.

"I'm sorry, but was that a tiny little veela cheerleader?" Tonks asked with wide eyes.

Percy nodded, "yeah, I got her at the quidditch finals."

"Wait, you were there during the attack? Did you get hurt?" Tonks asked with concern.

"No I was fine, I...I was with a friend. We managed to stay safe," Percy danced around the issue of the mini orgy easily.

Hecate snorted, "yeah, you stayed safe alright." Percy shot her a glare that simply made the goddess laugh even harder.

"Right," Tonks said confused, "well then let's begin," she reached into a pocket and pulled out a small note pad. She then enlarged it with her wand and started fill the form up. When she was down she nodded to Percy, "right. So what exactly is your animagus form?"

"A pegasus," Percy replied.

Tonks snorted, "right, and I'm secretly a unicorn. Seriously mate, what is it?"

Percy rolled his eyes. He leapt to the side and transformed in a blur of black. In Percy place was a black horse with sea green eyes, his wings however were folded in tight, they almost seemed invisible.

Tonks smiled, "so you're a horse. You could just say that you know. No shame in-admitting….woah."

Percy flared out his wings spreading them out wide as he rose his fore legs letting out a powerful neigh. "Now do you believe me?"

Tonks dropped her pad and jaw as she stared at Percy's form. She blinked a couple of times in complete disbelief, "woah."

Percy then transformed back standing with a wide smirk on his face, "told you so."

"Mate….that was bloody brilliant," Tonks whispered, "can I see it again?"

Percy shrugged as he changed back looking down at Tonks. The metamorphmagus reached up and touched Percy's neck, "so soft," she went to his sides and felt his folded wings, "they are beautiful." Tonks couldn't help it as she imagined riding the winged horse in the open air, "can you actually fly with these?"

Percy transformed back, "I don't know. Haven't tried yet."

"What?! Your animagus form is a fucking Pegasus and you haven't even tried to fly yet?!"

Percy winced, "well I wanted to wait and register first before anything else. If I was going to fly then I would need to be somewhere open. I didn't want to risk getting caught and then thrown into Azkaban just because I didn't register."

Tonks grumbled, "right...sorry about that," she picked up her pad and filled it out. "Okay, change back, I need to check it out fully and make sure you did mess something up. It will take a few minutes so keep the form up okay?"

Percy nodded as he did just that. Tonks then took over an hour examining every inch of Percy's body, she checked his legs distance, his wingspan, his mane and even his eyes. When she checked his under side she avoided going near his groin, luckily for them both, avoiding a very awkward situation.

When she was done Percy transformed back, "so how did I do Tonks?"

"Well I have to say this is probably the first ever recorded magical creature transformation," Tonks looked over her notes, "the moment this gets out you are going to be famous Percy."

"Shit," Percy grumbled, "that's going to be a problem."

"Why? Percy you might become as famous as Harry Potter!"

Percy grumbled, "yeah, no thanks. It would just be a pain in the ass...look is there anyway you can keep this hush hush?"

"You're kidding right? The moment I submit my report people are going start asking questions. You are the 8th ever recorded animagus in the world and the first with a magical creature. People are going to go crazy over this!"

"It's okay Percy, we'll deal with the fall out together," Hecate reassured him, "thank you auror Tonks for your time. When can we expect Percy's form to be registered?"

"Well it should be done the moment I give in the paper work," Tonks informed them, "come with me and we can get it done right now."

Tonks lead them back through the DMLE office and into the an office in the back. Percy leaned towards Hecate, [do you have a plan?]

[Yes. Just leave it to me and stop worrying about it. Just go ahead and keep flirting with the auror Percy boy,] Hecate winked.

Percy growled, [I wasn't flirting with her Hecate. I was just being nice]

[Were you being nice when you grabbed her by the hips and forgot to let go?]

[That was….I was just…..I hate you.]

"Sure you do," Hecate smirked triumphantly.

"What language is that?" Tonks asked.

"That? Oh it's greek," Percy explained.

"Greek? I thought you were American."

"I am, my dad is Greek though and he taught me. So is my aunt so we talk in greek from time to time."

"Huh, cool. My mom's family was from Rome, but they have been here since like forever. She used to say that my family taught each generation how to speak latin in order to remember our roots, but I never really got the hang of it."

Percy shrugged, "might as well not bother. Greek is hundred times better than Latin."

"Really?" Tonks raised a challenging eyebrow.

"Yeah. Everything cool about Rome is just a cheap rip off of Greece. The Gods, the battle strategies, blah blah blah."

"Right, and unlike the Greek we romans managed to conquer half of Europe," Tonks grinned.

"Hey Tonks, I don't know if you know this, but apparently some greek guy named Alexander the Great conquered half the world. Pretty amazing right?"

"Roman orgies."

"Greek orgies."

"Roman established the basis of democracy."

"Based on the ideas the greek put forth."

"Romans have gladiators."

"We have the spartans."

"Romans had the longest lasting empire in history."

"And they still didn't figure out that a toga was imple a giant blanket."

Tonks chuckled, "okay, I'll give you that one."

Percy grinned back, "thanks. So you have been an auror long?"

"Yup, just started working here this year. Finished Auror training around June and I am not officially an auror. That's why I got stuck with the animagus registration duty instead of actually auror work."

"Well think of it like this, you are going to be the one who reports the first ever magical animagus transformation. Lucky you. Your name will be in bold letters right below mine."


"Fine, next too. But it will be in a smaller font."

Tonks shrugged, "fine. As long as they don't use my full name."

"Why do you hate your name so much? Anyway? Sure it's kind of boring but usually people would just use a nickname or something. I do it myself."

"Really? So Perseus is your full name?"

"Yeah, but please, call me Percy."

"Right, well I just don't like my name. It means 'gift of the nymphs' seriously who the hell names someone that?!"

Percy shrugged, "well it's bad, but you could shorten it, like say Nym or something. Or even Dora. I know a Dora, used to be my lunch lady in school."

"Well that's nice, but I don't want to be called a lunch lady. Tonks is just fine."

Percy shrugged but said nothing. Hecate and Kelly walked back a few steps controlling their laughter as Percy and Tonks continued to talk about how Percy became an animagus.

They reached a small office in the back and Tonks walked inside. The room was filled with shelves as far as the eyes can see, both upwards and sideways. Behind the counter was an elderly wizard with a large beard reading a book.

"Oye Fargus! I got you a report to submit," Tonks walked over with a smile.

The wizard looked up and smiled, "ah little Nymphadora, so nice to see you."

Tonks growled, "don't call me Nymphadora. Here, an animagus registration form."

Fargus took the paper and looked them over, "I see. Ah, I haven't seen one of these in a long time. I remember Minerva McGonagall herself coming here to submit her own form. I was only a clerk at the time but….Nymphadora….what is this?"

"You aren't reading that wrong Fargus," Tonks grinned as she pointed to Percy, "his animagus form really is a pegasus."

"What?!" Fargus yelled as he jumped out off his seat with an agility that shouldn't be possessed by a man his age. "You boy? You are an animagus?!"

Percy nodded, "yeah, Percy, Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you."

Fargus turned to Tonks, "you aren't trying to take the mickey out of me are you Nymphadora?"

"No. And stopping calling my Nymphadora, I told you too call me Tonks."

"W-why this is extraordinary! If this is true then you are the first ever registered animagus that has a magical creature as his animagus form! When the press heres off this there is going to be a media storm for sure!"

"Actually we were kind of hoping you could keep this quite Fargus," Tonks asked as she leaned over the counter, "they want their privacy, so you know.."

"What? And let such an important event such as this be forgotten to the sand of time?! Never!"

"Please sir, I really don't want the attention," Percy pleaded.

"Young man you don't understand what an important step you have just achieved in the history of magic! You can change into a magical creature! Such a thing mustn't' be hidden away like some scandalous secret! It has been shown off proudly! Your privacy is but a small sacrifice in the giant scheme of things!"

"Excuse me," Hecate finally spoke up drawing everyone's attention to her. "Can you please come with me for a second?"

Fargus blinked, "and who might you be?"

"I'm his aunt, Percy is my ward, please mr. Fargus, it will only take a moment," Hecate gestured to one corner of the room. Fargus looked weary but nodded as he stepped from behind the counter and walked with Hecate.

"Oh he's going to get it now," Percy smirked.

"I don't know. Fargus is a pretty tough nut. Not even his wife can get him to do something that would break the rules even a tiny bit," Tonks replied.

"Yeah well you don't know my aunt Hecate," Percy snickered, "I'll give him five minutes."

Tonks raised an eyebrow, "is that a bet?"

"And if it is?"

Tonks grinned, "all right, you're on. If your aunt manages to convince Fargus you win, but if she doesn't then I win."

"Alright, what are the prizes?"

"Well, if I win I want a ride."

"A ride?"

"Yup, I have never ridden a pegasus before, hell I don't think any witch has ever ridden one before. I don't think anyone has, ever. So I want to ride one, even if you can't fly."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "so you want to ride me huh?"

Tonks' eyes went wide, "I-I didn't mean it mean it like that. Perv."

Percy chuckled, "sorry. Couldn't help it. Anyway, sure, sounds fair. And if I win…." Percy thought about it and slowly smiled, "dinner. I want you to take me out for dinner."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Tonks smirked.

"Yup, and you're buying," Percy smirked, "anyway, what do you say? Deal?"

Tonks chuckled, "deal. P.s. I don't like chinese food."

"Pizza okay?"

"Since when is pizza not okay?"

Hecate and Fargus soon came back with the older man looking shaken. He looked to Percy and gulped. Hecate shoot him a smile and the man flinched, "reconsidering I believe it would be best if your secret wasn't shared publicly. After all that would draw attention yourself and your abilities. So I shall do my best to keep the registration as quiet as possible, for your safety of course."

Percy nodded, "of course. Thank you Mr. Fargus, you're the man."

The wizard smiled as he went behind his counter and quickly started filling in his paper work. Tonks turned to Hecate and whispered, "how did you do that?"

"Trade secret," the goddess whispered back.

"So when are you free?" Percy asked.

Tonks smiled, "well I'm just starting out on the force here, so I don't really get free days off. But I will be free in like two weeks, that okay?"

"Not really, I'll be in Hogwarts by then, it might be a little difficult," Percy hummned.

"What?!" Tonks screamed, "you're in Hogwarts?!"

Percy blinked, "ah, yeah. I just joined, I'll be in my sixth year, why?"

"S-sixth year?! Your a sixth year?!" Tonks looked scared. Hecate giggled causing the girl to turn red both in face and hair. "I-I'm sorry but I can't keep up the deal! Goodbye!"

"Wait! Why-" Percy began but Tonks was already gone as she ran into the DMLE as fast as she could. She even tripped and fell halfway, but got up so fast she looked like a track runner.

Percy turned to Hecate, "what was that about?"

Hecate rolled her eyes, "you really are clueless aren't you?"

"Well then care to enlighten me?"

"Sigh, it's simple Percy. She's older than you, probably by a few years. So when you told her you were just in Hogwarts she probably felt embarrassed that she was flirting with an underaged boy."

"But I'm not underage! At least not in the wizarding world!"

"Yes, but she doesn't know that does she? Etherway she probably is scared about people calling her a cradle robber or something."

Percy blinked, "do you think I should go after her?"

"No, there is no point. You'll be leaving to Hogwarts in a few days, you and her won't really work out."

Percy grumbled, "burger."

"Actually it's bugger Percy."

"Oh? Right, bugger."

They waited for a few minutes for Fargus to finish up his work and soon walked out with Percy's fully registered an an animagus. Fargus assured them he would keep it a secret for as long as he could, but if people start asking questions he won't be able to stop them.

Hecate and Percy then apparated to Diagon alley. The place was crowded filled with younger children shopping for their Hogwarts list.

"What are we doing here?" Percy asked.

"Well we agreed to get an owl yes? After all if you wish to continue to talk too those five veelas you slept with you will need someone to carry those letters."

Percy nodded as he looked away, "r-right."

They walked to Eeylops Owl Emporium, a small dark shop near the northern limits of the alley. There were cages hung up outside with owls inside of them hooting at everyone that passed by. They stepped inside and found themselves in an enclave filled with owl cages.

"See anything you like?" Hecate asked.

"I don't know. Owls are more of a child of Athena thing."

"Alright, let's see...how about that one?" Hecate pointed at a brown and black owl with a round head and big amber eyes.

Percy shrugged, "why not?" Percy approached the cage and looked at the bird, "hey little guy. Do you want to come with me?"

The owl looked at him sideways and flapped it's wings.

Percy smiled, "I guess that's a yes." The called the shop keeper over and asked to pack up the bird. Percy reached home and set up a cage of the owl in his room. He opened the cage and the small elf owl, which was it's breed as Percy later found out, flew at perched itself on the stand.

Percy smiled, "okay little guy, what do I call you?" Percy stroked its plumage, when suddenly the owl bent down and bite him. Percy drew back his finger, "dude! Not cool!"

"Hoot!" the owl hooted back as it flapped it's wings and glared at Percy.

The son of Poseidon sighed, "great, guess you hate me then. That's not even fair, is it because I'm a son of Poseidon? Is this like the children of Athena and spiders? DId Athena curse me so that all owls hate me?"

"Hey Percy, how's our new friends adjusting?" Hecate asked walking in.

"Not good, he hates me," Percy grumbled.

"Really?" Hecate stroked the owl who purred at her touch, "he seems to like me."

"Good for you. He still hates me," Percy groaned, "stupid chosen animal of Athena."

"Hoot!" the owl screeched as it took off at started scratching Percy mercilessly. Fortunately for him the curse of Achilles was still in effect, unfortunately his robes were not part of the curse.

"Oh come on!" Percy looked at his ruined sleeves and groaned, "I liked this robe."

"Oh relax, you can just reparo it later," Hecate picked up the owl and cooed at it, "so cute! We need to name it. Any suggestions?"

"Yeah, dumb motherfucker," Percy grumbled as he cast the repairing charm on his robes making them look brand new again.

The owl shoot him a glare which Hecate mirrored. "Meany. Let's see….how about….Twister?!"

"No," Percy rolled his eyes, "I won't send mail through an owl that is named after a stupid game based on colours."


"No...too cold blooded."

"Winged death?"

"Now I know you're joking."


"No, and before you say 'Claw', no to that as well."


Percy raised an eyebrow, "not bad….although it is strangely familiar."

"Great! Hoothoot it is! Simple, uncomplex and funny!" Hecate grinned. Even Hoothoot hooted in joy. Percy however just grumbled, "oh relax Percy, I'm sure Hoothoot will come to love you as well."

"Yeah, sure," Percy grumbled, "anyway I'm going to write a few letters now, think Hoothoot will deliver them even if he hates my guts?"

"He's a well trained carrier owl, he will do it no problem. Just don't try and touch him too much, he might scratch you."

"It's okay, I have thick skin," Percy grumbled.

"Right, well then don't forget I want you up bright an early tommorow. I want you to train you animagus transformation more. It can be very useful for the future you know. And if you master partial transformation you can use it if you ever decide to have an orgy again with those five veela. Why if you wipe out your horse co-"

"Okay that's enough!" Percy pushed Hecate and Hoothoot out, "out! Out! Out!"

"Don't stay up too late!" Hecate chuckled as she and Hoothoot walked away.

The next day morning Percy a letter to Harry, telling him how excited her was too see him and start Hogwarts and a letter to his veela 'friends'.

Hecate took Percy and apparated him to the middle of a giant field of grass. There was a forest near the background and a small farm far away over a hill. Percy looked around and found himself on the side of a mountain with the wind blowing strongly across the field.

"Why are we here?" Percy asked.

"Oh come on Percy, use your head."

Percy thought about it for a moment and replied, "you want me to fly here?! Are you serious?!"

Hecate grinned, "yup! Figured it was finally time! Now hop to it Percy! I want to see a son of Poseidon fly!"

"You realized you just said a oxymoron right?" Percy grumbled as he ran forward and jumped transforming into his pegasus form. He trotted around the grassy field for a moment before he threw open his wings and flapped them.

They felt strange weird, heavy weights that he weren't used. Percy felt the way they moved, the way they were attached to his back. He looked across the field and lowered his head.

'Alright Percy think this true. Think of all the times Blackjack took you flying, how he moved, how he acted.'

Percy reared back and charged forward. He spread his wings out wide and felt the air rush through his wings. He stretched them out to their limits and kicked his legs up, jumping into the air. Percy then flapped his wings, sending a gust of wind down while throwing him across the air.

'Steady! Steady!' Percy flapped his wings over and over, generating thrust upwards. Percy left his legs free as his wings took him higher and higher into the sky. He looked down and saw the field below grow more and more smaller as he flew towards the clouds.

Percy neighed in joy as he sword into the fluffy white clothes, feeling the moisture on his skin and feathers as he broke through to the air above. His legs galloped across the clouds, his heart beating faster and faster from pure joy. He let out a might cry as he flew up and over himself before flying down.

Percy let his instincts take over as he slowed down by cupping his wings. He reached the ground and safely landed trotting to a halt in front of Hecate.

"Had fun?" The goddess asked.

Percy turned into his human form and smirked, "Oh Gods yeah. Now I know why Zeus doesn't let the rest of us fly in his domain, he wants to hogg it all for himself!"

Hecate chuckled, "I think you are right Percy. Now, you think you are up for giving me a ride?"

Percy grinned, he turned into his pegasus form and needed loudly, "get on!"

Hecate smiled as she climbed over Percy's shoulder tucking her legs between his neck and wings. Percy then charged forward and flew up into the air. Hecate wrapped her arms around his neck screaming in joy, "YAHOOOOOO!"

September 1st

Percy stood in King's cross station with his trunk all packed and shrunk inside his pocket. He wore muggle set of clothes, complete with a black hoodie and carried Hoothoot cage under his arm. Kelly the mini veela was sleepy so Percy tucked her into his hoodie which she used as a tiny hammock to sleep in.

"Now did you remember to take everything?" Hecate asked, "wand? Sword? Watch? Cauldron?"

"Yes, yes, yes and yes," Percy grinned, "relax Hecate, I'll be fine."

"Well you can't blame me for worrying can you? Honestly it was like it was just yesterday when you came to me completely lost about the magical world, and now look at you. About to start Hogwarts," Hecate smiled as slowly tears fell out as she cried.

"Oh come on, don't cry," Percy wrapped his arms around the goddess drawing her close, "I'll be fine Hecate, after all you were the one who trained me right?"

"If anything happens you call me, okay?"

"I promise, if anything happens I will get you right away."

"Good. Now go on," Hecate broke the hug wiping her tears, "make sure you have plenty of adventures Percy, and if anyone gives you trouble don't be afraid to prank their asses to Hades!"

Percy grinned back, "you got it aunty!" He waved to her one last time before the goddess suddenly disappeared into thin air. Percy smirked, 'show off.'

He walked to the barrier between platform 9 and 10, just like Harry told him, and waited for a few moments. Eventually a family dressed in strange clothes passed by. Obviously they were wizards who didn't have the first clue about looking muggle. They had their little girl with them pushing her trunk forward. They ran into the platform and in front of Percy's eyes vanished through.

Percy sighed, 'alright, I'll just do what they did.' He walked up to the pillar and took a calming breath. He then ran forward into the pillar and the moment he expected to feel the hard ose breaking solid slap of the stone pillar Percy found himself stepping through the barrier.

"Woah!" Percy said as he looked at the platform before him now. In the station was a crimson red train engine with the words 'Hogwarts Express' written on a plaque. There was smoke coming out in spades covering the entire platform that was filled with parents saying goodbye to their kids.

Percy walked passed them all towards the end of the train. He ignored all the crying and emotional moments by focusing on his excitement to finally see Hogwarts. He put Hoothoot in the storage compartment, he knew the owl would be automatically taken to his room in Hogwarts. Percy then climbed into the last compartment and looked around finding none of them empty.

Percy grumbled under his breath, 'well might as well make some friends.' Each compartment was filled with different types of people. The first one had kids around Harry's age, the second with a few rough and tough looking guys and the last was filled with older girls.

'Okay, so the one with guys is out, they look like bad news with only 20 IQ points between them all. The one with girls look promising, and since I managed to hold my own with a group of veela cheerleaders I should be good now as well. But so far the most logical choice seems to be the younger kids. Well….fuck it, compartment of girls it is.'

Percy knocked on the compartment door and slide it open, "ah, can I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

The girls looked at up him and smiled. "Sure," a girl with blonde hair with brown streaks running through it and dark eyes.

"Thanks," Percy smiled as he sat down, "I'm Percy by the way, Percy Jackson."

"Katie Bell," the blonde haired girl said.

"Angelina Johnson," the girl had light black skin and black hair. She had a very pretty face and smiled with her eyes.

"Alicia Spinnet," said the last one. She also had light black skin and black hair. Her eyes however were bright blue putting her aside from Angelina in a very different way.

"Where are you from Percy?" Katie asked.

"Can you tell Kate? He's from the states," Alicia said with a smile.

Percy nodded, "she's right, I'm from US, I just transferred into Hogwarts recently."

"You transferred here? Which year?" Angelina asked.

"I'm a sixth year."

"Wicked! So are we!"

"Well expect Katie," Alicia explained, "she's a year younger."

Percy smiled, "cool! Guess I lucked out meeting you guys huh? What house are you in?"

"We are all in Gryffindor," Kate Is said, "and we are all on the quidditch team."

Percy blinked, "you are? Oh wait I know you! You are….you three play chaser don't you?"

Angelina gasped, "yes, how did you know that?"

"Oh my neighbor told me. He's from Hogwarts too, actually he's your teammate too if I recall correctly. He plays seeker."

"You mean Harry?" Katie asked, "you're Harry's neighbor? Seriously?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I just kind of ran into him before and we started to hang out. He told me all about Hogwarts and such."

"I see..." Alicia hummed, "so Percy what house are you in?"

"Well I don't know. I haven't really been sorted yet," Percy shrugged, "but I'm thinking ether Gryffindor or Hufflepuff."

"Wait, seriously? You want to be a Hufflepuff?" Katis asked astonished.

"Yeah, a house of loyal people that work hard and won't betray your trust? Come on! That's got to be the best house to join!"

"Actually most don't see it that way," Angelina shrugged, "for them it's more like this place that all those who aren't smart, cunning and brave go. It's like the dumping ground of Hogwarts."

Percy shrugged, "I don't really care. As long as they are good people does it matter?"

Alicia grinned, "spoken like a true Puff!"

"So you guys heard about what happened at the quidditch world finals?" Angelina asked.

"Yeah, my parents and I left after the match, but it seems Fred and George's family stayed and saw the thing first hand!"

"Wait you guys know the Weasley twins?" Percy perked up.

"Yeah," Katie nodded, "they are the beaters in the Gryffindor team."

"Huh...I see...tell me do they visit you guys during the trip to Hogwarts?" Percy asked.

"Yes, why?" Angelina narrowed her eyes.

Percy grinned, "perfect."

And hour passed and the train slowly pulled out off the stations. The Weasley's made it just in the nick of time and managed to board the train seconds before it left. George and Fred said goodbye to their parents and told their younger siblings and their friends they would see them later.

They made their way through the train searching for their friends and greeting them. Eventually they reached the last compartment and smiled as they saw their three female teammates inside.

George threw open the door, "hello ladies!"


George and Fred blinked as they found themselves once again drenched in water. They looked around and then at each other sighing.

"Come out Percy, we know it's you," Fred grumbled as he dried himself and his brother off.

"Oh you guys found out, that's not fun," Percy stepped from behind the door and grinned, "looks like I'm going to have to change things up."

"The moment we step onto Hogwarts's sacred grounds you are going down Jackson," George growled.

"Sure, that's going to happen," Percy sat down next to Katie.

"We are going to make you regret ever messing with us Jackie," Fred teased as he moved next to Alicia.

George moved and sat down next to Angelina, "-and you better watch your step because we will get you when you least-"


George and Fred blinked, the moment they sat down two farts let loose. They looked at each other and blinked. They got up and found two whoopee cushions in their seats.

"It's a muggle gag joke," Percy smirked, "figured you two wouldn't recognize it."

The twins looked at each other and then at Percy. "You do realize-"

"-That this means war?"

Percy smirked, "I have all year tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Bring it."