

Year .2078.06.01 Earth

"Mr President, there's nothing more that we can do, it's a matter of time before the media knows, we have to issue protocol Z6" said a young man at around the age of 26 dressed in a military uniform."God damn it Lieutenant, don't pressure me while I'm thinking!" the president said pacing back and forth frequently in his office. ' Think Jake! Think! what would dad do' he thought before he came to a sudden stop. "Mr President?" the lieutenant asked.

"Lieutenant, get me Sergeant Miller now and tell him I've got a better idea, contact nasa while you're at it, we no longer have to issue protocol Z6" President Jake Hagans said looking at the Lieutenant with a smirk.


"guys, guys come on, we've only got one more chance to do this, the concert's gonna start in a few hours, let's try to be a little more serious" Percy ordered with a strict expression on his face.

"Relax Percy, we've got plenty of time" a boy said around the age of 17 as hey plopped onto a couch looking at Percy. "Yeah, Richie's right, just 'cos your brother's the president, you don't have to act like your the boss, remember we're in this together" said another boy seated next to Richie.

" Come on Claus, you promised you were never gonna bring up that President shit, I know my brother's the president but I don't give a rat's ass about that, its not like I depend on him or anything, I'm my own man!"Percy boomed after he heard his friend's remark

The whole room went silent but after a while, Percy got up and opened up the garage door then went out." ok, since we've been practicing for a while now I think its best we take a little break then, I'm heading out for a walk, anyone of you coming?" he asked before he got out.

Soon after, both Richie and Claus followed. It was a little dark outside since it the sun had already set about an hour ago but the street lights accompanied by the alluring colorful lights from the skyscrapers and holographic billboards that littered the city allowed the boys to see perfectly.

"How about we head to the park, we can just chill there without people pestering us 'cos you know, you're the president's brother and all" Richie said

The other two agreed. After a couple of minutes walking, they finally got to the park and sat by the park's fountain. "Hey guys, how about we have a little match on Dota4, I've finally gotten a new skin for my Blood Chimera and I wanna test it out" Richie suggested as he turned on his quantum smart watch and it projected holographic three dimensional image of the game.

But before Percy and Claus could do anything, two girls came running towards the boys' direction screaming as if they saw a celebrity.

"Damn, I thought you said there won't be anyone else here Richie" Percy then tried to look away but it was no use, the girls already saw him and knew who he was.

"alright alright girl-" before Richie could finish his sentence he noticed something falling from the sky at high speeds. In a blink of an eye the object crash landed in between the two girls and the boys, spraying sand debris at them.

The object emitted an medium amount of heat but it got cold as soon as it touched the ground. "Woah!! the hell was that?!" one of the girls exclaimed. The object looked sort of spherical with runes that emitted a colorful hue.

Claus slowly approached the spherical object with curiosity in his eyes. "H-hey Claus, get away from-" but it was too late, Claus had already touched the object and a bright flash appeared in front of their eyes. The light was blinding yet mesmerizing at the same time as the runes that were on the spherical object appeared to float in front of everyone's eyes flashing different colours. In a matter of seconds the flashing stopped and everyone that were in the park that time had disappeared leaving the spherical object behind.