
chapter 3

___________....Andrew stevenson...__________

..... 2019....

Day 29 December Time: 7 pm

Andrews stevenson was on petrol duty for sector 116 .he was accompanied with a young cop Taylor richards .this particular area was notoriously famous for its criminal activity most of the buildings were abandoned here due to the chemical factory near it . While Andrews was driving he noticed that Taylor was looking at rear view and lost in his thoughts as Andrews was about to ask him Taylor intruppted, " sir,... I think this black car is following us ...I saw it before in sector 110 "Andrews looked back it was mustang .he pulled over and asked taylor to wait in the car. Mustang stopped by ,too at a near distance Andrew headed towards the car he couldn't see who was inside as it was getting a little dark and the car's windows were black he stopped at the window and knocked "open up sir "he said just then he heard a loud sound as he looked to his left his car's front window was dripped with red

Andrew couldn't process it .there was a man stands beside his car tucking his gun back in he could not see his face as it was cover with a red mask and glasses with small lenses covering his eyes with pure black clothes as Andrew looked back at the Mustang a gun was pointed at him from the other side of the door he had the same appearance but the mask was white he gestured him to put up his hands , the second came too and took out Andrew's gun and pointed him towards the abandoned house near the car

_________________Brad peters____________________

December 29 11:15 pm

Brad Peter's was driving his car towards sector 116 with Kevin rain was dripping on his car .as they reached ,the place was already crowded with news reporters ,cops and investigators. Brad saw the police car from where Taylor's body was being taken to the ambulance

then cop attended Brad "where is the body he asked" .the cop took him towards the abandoned house and led him to a room there were sound of photographs being taken as he entered Brad was shocked it was the most horrible thing he had seen since his service. Andrews body was sitting in the centre of the room strapped with fence wire his head decaptivated ,blood was splattered all over the place and behind him on the wall was written on red "all your sins will be punished" his head was just above the wall hanging in a plastic bag

December 30 5:00 am

Brad reached for his cigrattes in the car and sat there smoking Andrew's family had arrived at mid night situation was worse since then they were not shown shown his body due to obvious reasons until postmortem. Brad himself took Andrew's wife and his son to the hospital. While sitting outside the morgue he got a call "found any clue?" Came the voice from the other side ."no not yet but Taylor somehow survived from. The bullet that he took so we have to wait till he wakes up " i will talk to him first .". "Okay we'll see" said Brad. " inform me when he wakes up and don't tell dad about this Andrew was his closest freind " and the phone hung up

_________________Micheal carter_________________

31 December 2019. Time : unknown

He was standing in a dark room he couldn't remember how he reached there but it didn't seem to bother him .he looked at himself realized that he was wearing his uniform while trying to figure out what was happening he saw Andrews beside him but he was younger like in his twenty's .Andrwes was worried and was mumbling something while pointing a gun up front someone's is coming Andrews said and then he could hear footsteps coming from the stares which were where Andrwes was pointing his gun at .as the man came down slowly every thing became darker and darker. And with a shock Micheal woke up , he was sweating ,after a while Michael realized it was still mid night so he went downstairs . Made some coffee and sat on his couch gazing his garden through the window this year Emily had left and he was loonlier then ever .this was not the first time that mike was left with loneliness this feeling hit him long time ago with a great impact when the love of his life maryln ,she was the sweetest and kindest person he knew . After her Emily and Catlyn were his only support but too young to understand the true impact of the incident . He took another sip of coffee taking that family photo on the table in his hands .while he was lost in his thoughts there was a knock on the door. it was strange, nobody came at his residence even in the day except Andrews and it 3:00 am in the morning Michael took the gun Taht he gave to Emily when she was five and slowly move towards the door and hide beside the door , knocking was continuous, he slowly opend the knob and was ready for the what was coming ,door opened slowly ,Micheal grippped his gun hard although he had retired but still there was cop within him . But what came next he was not quite ready for it a big figure enters the house wearing a hat and a long coat Micheal hesitated for a minute but there was no time for this .so he gathered his strength and hit that figure in his head with the bottom of his gun the man was down Micheal was breathing heavily

After he regained his breath he flipped the body of the man he was enormous and heavy as well so it took some strength to perform the task as he flipped him he was wearing a mask ,a red mask and black shades covering his eyes , as Micheal looked closer the man grippped his throat hard Micheal couldn't catch a breath ,the man standed slowly while still gripping his throat

Micheal's face w as red " remember me " the man asked in a deep voice ,micheal was a heavy man but the masked man was lifting him like he was a toy micheal was now begging for breath,he didn't wanted to end his life like this like so he

Somehow regained his strength and kicked the masked man in his genitals with his full strength fortunate enough the masked man was down this time for real ,so heran for the exit but couldn't run far away and at that point the bitter reality hit him.he may be a young cop from inside be his body was different,it was older ,it needed rest ,so unwillingly he stopped beside a tree to catch his breath . While doing it he heard a car coming towards him it was a mustang he waved at it and shouted "help ! " As the car came closer he observed the face of the person he was wearing a white mask micheal knew what was coming he ran fast but couldn't. it hit him but he still was in his senses . The masked man came out of the car he saw micheal bloody face his eyes still open " you got some spirits old man" said the white one kneeling beside him ,micheal spitted his blood at white one's face mask the big man groaned and punched micheal in the face micheal was unconscious, the red one came from behind he was walking in a strange manner Maybe due to the kick he got in his his genitals ."you almost lost him " the white one said in a deep voice, red one didn't said anything he took out his big knife the word fate was scribbled on it in a deep black colour matching the golden knife he took it towards Micheal's face, closer to his eyes and was about to gulp it through them,just then sound of police siren surrounded the place,micheal was smart enough to call the cops while he was running away, take him said the the white one, red one pulled Micheal's body upwards and rested it on his shoulders and before cops could mcome closer they were gone