
People in Middle Earth: Slaying the Dragon at the beginning

When he woke up, Karl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, hobbits and other civilizations with their own characteristics. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaugs, Balrogs, Demon King Sauron, and even the existence of supreme gods. Just when Karl was weeping for the upcoming wars and battles in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he... Thus, in this middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread... Middle-earth people: "That man is a legend..." Gandalf: "F*ck legend, the most greedy and shameless person I've ever seen is Karl." Queen of the Elf: "Well... it's hard to say..." Elrond: "That bastard abducted my daughter!" Nine Rings: "Carl, it's a devil." Sauron: "I shouldn't have messed with him! .. pd: daily chapters are uploaded -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Livres et littérature
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60 Chs

Sending paper

Mirkwood, located on the Great Wasteland, is the largest and most

magnificent forest in Middle-Earth

Its territory extends from the Gray Mountains in the north to the Hetao in

the south, covering an area of thousands of miles, and the vast territory is

unimaginable for ordinary people.

And in this ancient forest, there are many creatures living. Black

squirrels and elk are active in the undergrowth, while monarch butterflies live

on the upper leaves.

Of course, in addition to these vegetarian creatures, there are also those

vicious and poisonous giant insects and monsters, such as giant spiders and

dark bats.

But now, Karl and others, after crossing thousands of miles of land,

passing through the Wind and Cloud Hills, the Troll Forest, Rivendell, the

Misty Mountains, and the High Pass, finally came to this ancient forest—the


Now, as long as they pass through this forest, they will not be far from

the lonely mountain.

However, the faces of the people standing in front of the forest were not

very good at the moment.


"Gandalf, you said you were leaving?" Thorin asked with a frown.

"Yes, there is something wrong with Doggul, and I'm going to solve it."

Gandalf's face was not good.

Just now, his partner, the white-robed wizard Saruman, sent news that the

seal of Rudol's high tomb had been opened, and when he traced to Dol Guldur, he

encountered those undead...

Evil is spreading and he needs his help.

You know, Saruman is the most powerful of the five wizards, but even he

can't deal with it now, one can imagine how serious the problem is.

No matter what, he had to go there.

As for the evil dragon in Lonely Mountain, he could only say sorry to


"Gandalf, I advise you to make a decision after careful consideration,"

Carl suddenly said, "Actually, I think you should have guessed it, the guy who

might be hiding in Dol Guldur... is who."

"That guy, represents this, but the ultimate darkness, and what it

represents, is the ultimate danger."

"Besides, I've already told you that your companion, that old guy in a pure

white robe, is not as simple as you think."

"You'd better treat what he said with caution, and judge whether it's worth

your trust."

Karl looked at Gandalf and said.

The Ring is gone, and Sauron, no doubt, has been revived. That guy must be

in Dol Guldur now. If Gandalf really wants to go, he must really have to finish

the game.

After all, they have known each other for so long, but Karl doesn't want

Gandalf to lose his life in vain, so if he is willing to follow his advice and

stay, that would be the best.

But apparently, Gandalf's will was not easily persuaded.

"Carl, I know that your worries are completely justified, but I still can't

think of a reason for Saruman to lie to me. We have known each other for a long

time, how could he harm me?"

"So I still decided to go. Of course, if the facts are as you said, Carl, I

hope you can wait for me to bring this news back to Roselorian and tell Lady


After saying that, Gandalf was about to turn and leave.

"Wait," Carl called Gandalf, who was about to leave, "well, Gandalf, I'm

honored to have you entrust me with your last words, but before you are killed,

I think it's better to settle your debts first." Pay off your things."

"...?" Gandalf was speechless and puzzled.

What Karl said seems to be doomed to his death, can you stop hurting his

confidence like this? What did Karl owe him, though?

Except for the elf dagger, Gandalf couldn't think of a time when he gave

Karl anything other than that.

"Hehe," Carl seemed to see Gandalf's doubts, and smiled, "Didn't I say that

I would give you a gift when I was in Rivendell last time?"

Gandalf suddenly realized, but he was a little skeptical: "What are you

going to send me? Could it be,"

He was suddenly a little surprised: "It's that black thing?"

"No, you're thinking too much," Carl shook his head, boy Gandalf, why is he

still thinking about his crude earth bomb at this time?

Earth bombs are fine against normal things, but if you want to use them

against Sauron? That was too much.

"Okay." Gandalf lost his energy for a moment.

It seems that Karl is still as stingy as ever.

Sure enough, the next moment, Gandalf saw Carl took out a blood-red paper

from his arms and gave it to him.

This is a gift?

Gandalf was speechless.

He can find a lot of such papers by the way.

"Hey, Gandalf, what's your expression?" Carl was upset. He was usually

reluctant to use things, but now that he has taken out all the things, Gandalf

is still unhappy?

"No, nothing." Gandalf shook his head, the helplessness on his face

remained, what else could he say? Since Carl said it was a gift, then take it.

"This is not ordinary paper, it's an amulet I made, I hope you can wear it

on your body." Karl explained.

Seeing Gandalf like this, Karl didn't bother to explain to him, how could

the country bumpkin understand the mysteries of runes?

Hearing this, Gandalf was also taken aback, and then took it over.

"Thank you, Karl, I will wear your blessing, and I hope Iluvita can protect

me." Gandalf prayed.

He still thinks that this is just an ordinary card, just with Karl's


"I hope!" Karl also looked up.
