
Peculiar System: Rebirth Of The Great Lord

Shen Li is a 16 years old teenage boy, who live by himself at the old apartment near Riverzon Road Wexiang. At a young age, he do every job he found just to survive from cruel world, but frequently sell sweet potatoes or cooked egg. He's in 2nd year in Highschool, even though he's poor, and has no money to spend on his school year. It thanks to the scholarship that his school have, that's why he manage to reach at 2nd grade in Highschool. Despite of being weak in the outside, he's a genius inside. After selling all his sweet potatoes from his regular customer near his school. He found an unconscious young boy at the side of the road. Its clothes is too dirty and crumpled. Passer-by didn't even take a glance to the poor boy and just mind their own business. Shen Li also wanted to ignore the young boy and head back home, he thinks that maybe its parents would come and pick him up. But at the other side of his mind, who would gonna leave their child in this kind of state? Are his parents was too cruel? Shen Li just shrugged all his worry, then decided to pick the young boy, and bring it back to his house. Even it is crappy, he can called it his home, than having not. After that incident, many things changed, the secrets of the world become visible to the eye of the ordinary people. Numerous of people started to awakened their ability. Chaos spread regularly in every part of the world. Organization that keeping lay low started to fight evilness for the peace of humanity. Yet, in an old apartment, there's a teenage guy, who awaken with a peculiar system that different from others. To be distinguished about his system, Shen Li and his newly found cute younger brother, Shen Yui, begin their journey to find the answer about themselves. And willingly keep pace from their allies or rival just for the knowledge they wanted. Even killing them is also included, if they wanted to stopped Shen Li from his ulterior motives.

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14 Chs

Chapter 14: Recreating The Abode Of The Looter

Shen Li sighed in disbelief before he glimpsed at the people behind him. He later found the blonde young man who was following him since he moved his feet to their abode.

"What's your name?" He said.

"Me, Great Lord? I'm Lin Yaoshin. But you can call me Yaoyao!" Yaoshin joyfully replied before he bowed to his Great Lord.

But Shen Li just frowned at what Yaoshin did. Up until now he can't get used to it. He knows that he's younger than them. Yes! All of these people seem older than him by a year or two.


That's why he doesn't understand why they kept on kneeling or bowing their heads to the young ones. It should be the young ones needed to pay respect to the elders.


He's not a child of a rich or aristocratic person. He's just a normal, ordinary person who wanted to live more for a certain reason.


To make his younger brother live a better life and not think about the future.


He wanted to warn Yaoshin and the others not to bend their heads when they were talking.


Yet, he remembers about the system that's why he just shrugged it off first and faced Yaoshin again.


"Is there any particular reason why people hate you? Or want you?" Shen Li inquired making Yaoshin dumb.


Yaoshin even raises his eyebrows because he doesn't understand what their Great Lord said.


What is the Lord's thinking? Is he out of his mind? He thought.


However, he saw the calm expression of his new leader. No worries whatsoever. Unlike him, who still wondered if their new leader was a stupid blockhead.


But then realize that Shen Li is waiting for his answer. So he foolishly scratched his nape while recollecting his bad old memories.


The memories of his former leader and alliances. They keep on mocking him, hurting him, and making him the bait just to satisfy their benefits.


However, despite being a slave to them, he's keeping on serving them. He doesn't know what to do or what life he'll face if he ever leaves the group. That's why he decided to stay and be a fool.

Yes, he's the idiot one.


"Being a brainless person?" he released a question mark expression on his face.

After hearing the response of that young man, named Yaoshin, Shen Li released an intense sigh.

He already knows that it will come. Because of its action, telling how stupid Yaoshin was.

Like what he did back then, from Shen Yui's job. Shen Li tapped the plus button on his profile on the system and started to type the name Lin Yaoshin.

Captured its image. Then add its job as 'Brainless Person.'


However, he erased it later on. And set it into Crazy Killer. He'll place another job for Yaoshin if he needed to.


Why did he think that this would be Yaoshin's job? Because he noticed that there was something different about this man.


It's just his instinct. He'll see it someday. If that day will arrive because there's a chance that he'll never come back to this world after the remain's end.


And then Yui has had enough of increasing his points. He just did what the system told him to buy Geo Fruit.


Shen Li rolled his back again and didn't answer Yaoshin. He began to buy that fruit and simply ate it after it fell into his palm.


Shen Li's face winced when he bit the Geo Fruit. It tasted like soil at first, but in the end, it changed and turned into sweet candy. The flavor is like fresh honey.


When he was done chewing the fruit, he started to control the ground. The people who were near the old walls moved fast with shock on their faces.


Yaoshin was also surprised at what he saw before glancing in the direction of Shen Li. His face was still calm while moving his hand as if dancing to the music and the wind blowing on their face.


For the second time, he paid attention to the ground again and found the high walls that circled them. It's like they were in the dungeon.

It happened so fast, Yaoshin didn't even notice their leader leaving in front of him.

Shen Li went to a house in the middle and looked at them with a serious expression that still cannot be explained to this day.

Shen Li also felt extremely tired, he didn't expect that it will absorb a lot of energy just to control the earth.


He needs to start selling to expand his business and increase his points.




Shen Li initiated to ask everyone to renovate their abode, he didn't continue what he said before, about the 8 teams.

It's better to have everyone work together on something to get it done right away.


Everyone began their job. From walls to the top, from the ground and borders. And water resources to food supplies.


They even changed the sign of the flag and turned it into 'Business First, War Later.'

It's nonsense for others, but for Shen Li, it has a deep meaning.

Don't disturb him, let him sell, if not, death would be faced.

So, it's a warning for everyone.

"Great Lord, is there going to be a war in this world?" Yaoshin asked as night fell.

They were both sitting on the ground that now had weeds after they take all the stray weeds to put inside their camp.

Shen Li looked up at the sky, looking for stars but he couldn't see a single one. Only three or more moons.

"..." Instead of answering Yaoshin, Shen Li just proceeded to stare at the sky.

'From Lin Yaoshin +999'

Shen Li was stunned. He peeked in the direction of Lin Yaoshin and saw how he grimaced.

Resentment appeared on Yaoshin's face because of his attitude. Instead of being anxious, Shen Li just shook his head at the young man.

'It's not easy to trust anyone here.' Shen Li thought.