
Peculia and the 6th son

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it. She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did. After getting heartbroken by Stephen she meets William who will slowly but surely still her heart

Rose_Yvana · Livres et littérature
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11 Chs

Chapter 6- jerk

He looked at me up and down with a perplexed look on his face

"Why are you here? And why are you wearing this this maid's attire? The wet hairs, with who were you with, did you cheat on me?"

Peculia reacted by turning around and giving him a hard slap on the face which shocked the both of them.

"Lia...are you okay?" Stephen asked as he placed his hand on his jaw, not believing that she is just from giving him a slap. He tried to reach her but she stepped back.

"You jerk" she said frustration and deception clair on her face. How can someone assume a person cheated because they have wet hairs and are wearing a maid's attiré, he was the one who wasn't okay.

"so you've been playing with me all this time?" Peculia asked but sounded more like she was asking to herself than him.

"What are you talking about, who is playing with who, you answered none of my questions. What are you doing here !?" He yelled as he reduces the gap between them making her back hit the wall at the end of the corridor, she got a little scared because of the tone of his voice and his angry face even though she knew that she was the one who was supposed to be angry here and not him

"I-i told you that I was going to a party and I asked you to…accompany me but you said you had a meeting !. Just for me to come here and find out that the meeting was Beverly ! … H-how could you do that to me huh?" she asked her voice breaking.

"Why ?... why did you come into my life if you never loved me, was I just an object you wanted to use and throw?" A tear dropped from her eye because he wasn't replying and instead laughed softly, she was so naïve to have let herself fall for someone like him, so all this time… she spend eight years of her life being in a relationship with herself ! how ridiculous. She was losing it this was way too much of emotions for her in just one night.

"You know what? Forget about the wedding , tomorrow I'll tell my dad that you weren't worth of being the director of his company. As from today you are nobody to us ! I should have listened to my family when they said I'm doing an error being with you" she told him wiping her tears and was about to leave when he gripped her hand harshly and pinned her on the wall.

"What? Are you jealous? You're jealous because you saw me with Beverly right? She is nothing to me it's you I want to marry." Stephen said hysterically which clearly sounded like a lie in Peculia's ears.

"Stop lying !!" she yelled, "You're fucking lying to me ! this has now been eight years since you keep on lying and I won't believe you anymore !"

"If you're angry because I was intimate with Beverly and not you, we can still have sex right now if you!".

"What?" The more he spitted out words from his mouth the more she didn't' recognize him. This was definitely not the right person for her. He was just disgusting.

"What, what? You're jealous because you saw me with Beverly isn't it? So let me pleasure you too". He said as he started kissing her neck, sliding his hands inside her maid attire whispering in her ears,

"you won't do that, you shall marry me cause you're fucking mine" he whispered

"Stop Stephen, please" she had always been longing for his touch but not like this, right now he just felt disgusting to her like no one ever did. She struggled to get him off her but he didn't budge after pleading and trying to get him off her in vain, she gave him another slap across the face which made him pose for a moment. She was so tired to fight again after all the alcohol she drank she just wanted to rest.

She didn't just give me a slap but she literally was naked under her gown Stephen thought.

"Why are you not wearing any underwear?" He asked studying her body intensely. That's when he noticed some red marks on her neck and collarbone which was definitely someone else's doing. He was furious, at that moment he was literally boiling internally. He wrapped his hand around her neck as he made her look up at him

"Who is he?" He asked her in a calm tone even though he looked like he has gone mad. He could let go for the slap but not for the fact that she may have cheated on him

"I don't know" she said as she tried her best not to break down and cry again. She really didn't know who that person was. He applied a little bit more force on her neck

"So you were with someone! You fucking cheated on me just because you saw me with Beverly huh ?, nothing happened between us for your information okay !". He started increasing more and more pressure on her neck.

"N-no it's a lie, I-i saw and heard you '' She managed to say holding his hands to let him go as it was getting difficult for het to breath

"Shut up !!, he yelled and the next second her knee connected with his groin and he let go of her. She seized that opportunity to run as fast as she could, living him on the floor crying in pain. She used the stairs and went down to the second floor, she ran until she entered in a room with red light to hide a little bit, red light again? she thought.

Here there were around 20 people, even if he found her he won't do anything to her in front of all of them.

There was a mini bar with people obviously drinking and couches here and there, this mansion was build different.

"Hi beauty" a man in his thirties said. He was fat and had a lady seated on his laps.

"Don't you see that she is a maid?" the lady said, which made Peculia thought angry, what? Her A maid? That's when she remembered that she was actually wearing a maid's attire, so she let go. After about 5minutes she didn't see Stephen passing by that room so she thought that he may have went to look for her somewhere else, so she decided to leave.

Just when she reached the front of the room someone grabbed her hairs and pulled her with them, it was Stephen.

"Stop, you're hurting me". She said and he let go of her hairs pushing her to the side with force, making her stumble backward before yelling

"don't make me do things I don't want to, you good for nothing whore !" people were passing by but ignored them, certainly because she was wearing a maid's attire. Okay so this is how it was.

"Or what? What will you do next?" Peculia questioned he is just from abusing her physically anyways she will just let him continue so that she can use all that against him when she finally exit this hell of a place. He lifted up his hand and was about to give her a slap when someone stopped him by holding it in the air. peculia recognized him it was the mysterious man from the red lighted chamber.

"Don't you have manners?" The man questioned Stephen

"And who are you to come and intervene in my problems between my wife and I ? or are you the man she cheated on me with?" Stephen asked studying him from head to toe, he looked pretty rich Stephen thought.         

"Yes, I'm the one. Now what are you gonna do?" The mysterious man affirmed as he squeezed Stephen's hand, what the hell was this man made up of? Stephen asked himself. He could swear that if this man put a little bit of pressure on his hand, it will instantly break.

Stephen unconsciously kneeled in front of him as he was screaming in pain. Just then Peculia got nervous and said

"it's okay, stop now" to the mysterious man, because she didn't want uneccessary attention from people passing by


"Bring me to my hotel" Mandy commanded. She was seated at the passenger's seat, next to him as she hugged his arm tightly while slowly drifting to sleep.

"Why should I do that, wouldn't it be easier if you just got home?" he asked not able to understand her fear for her dad.

"That is where I will be waiting for Lia" she told him unconsciously with her eyes closed. He sighed and finally left beverly's mansion.

"Can I know the address?" He asked glancing at her

"It's at 10 minutes of this place, just go straight and you will see a 6 flour hotel" she managed to explain. So he did as he was told and actually saw a 6 flour hotel as she said.

He managed to remove his hand from her embrace and got out of the car before opening her door. He carried her in a princess-like manner and went with her inside the hotel.

"Give me the keys of your room" he ordered

"The what, And where are we, who are you gentlemen?" she asked alcohol still working in her.

He was so tired of this situation, why did he even decided to accompany her in the first place.

"Mandy, the keys" people around were looking at them with smiles like they were some old couple type of shit.

He asked a lady passing by to help him look for the keys in Mandy's hand bag. After she found it which was room 57, they went up to the last floor and the lady helped Alex open the room and left after he thanked her.

He placed Mandy on the bed and was about to leave when she gripped herself on his hand like a koala and said

"don't leave me, please" she sounded really desperate, like she needed him. But he was not in the mood to take care of some stubborn woman tonight.

"I feel hot" she told him, but he remained with his usual relax composure and instead unzipped her gown, undressed her and carried her to the bathroom. He placed her in the bath tub and turn on the water to fill it while she was in. At this time around the alcohol started dissipating and her senses came back one by one.

"Why was this happening to me" she heard him whisper as he left and went to stand on the bathroom door making sure she was okay. Of course staring at her with no bad intentions.

That's when she realized that she was naked. She then slowly remembered all what happened from Beverly's mansion to this place and her cheeks burned in embarrassment. She remembered calling Alex names and even asked him to marry her. What was wrong with her. But this man, why was he acting as though she had no effect on him even by looking at her nakedness, he didn't seem to be turned on, as though it was all natural. Did he see her as a younger sister or something because she was the same age as Peculia ?

Hell no she was a woman. And will have to make him see her as one