

A naive girl who leaves with her Aunt Kate. She goes from home to school using the woods as her passage. She always gets bullied by two girls in the school named Rose and Linda but was saved by her knight in shining armor Alex who she loves so much. Her peaceful life came to a halt when she came back from prom night and saw Aunt Kate crawling away from the house. Some hidden talents she never knew she possessed were about to unfold before her. She finds out how her parents died and then who she really is, a hybrid the last descendant of her clan which makes her heart the key to the blood moon. She was always protected by Alex, her highschool sweetheart from FINITE, Alex's rival. But FINITE is not the only one after STAR ,someone else is after her heart. Years past and Alex goes on a search to find out the connection between Crystal and Star

Grace_Benjamin · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs



When I walked into the sitting room Aunt Kate was nowhere but it smelled like a wet dog."What was here? ."

The kitchen was downstairs, at the extreme of the room . It was a joint kitchen with a dining room. I stepped into the kitchen and it was properly cleaned. Turning to walk out , I noticed two used tea cups at the counter. Saying to myself"Aunt Kate had a visitor. ``But who may that be ? She is rarely visited , I thought to myself with a frown on my face. Where is she ? " Aunt Kate Aunt Kate

" Screaming on top of my voice. Where is she?

"Finally you're home. I thought you lost your way home" Aunt Kate said walking from the sitting room into the kitchen with a red hand towel.

Rushing to hug her, she opened her arms welcoming me.

" I am sorry, it was." I tried explaining but she cut me off.

"Shhhhh, it's ok . It's in the past now. You are safe and that is what matters. Go upstairs,take a shower and rest. Breakfast will be served, ok. Sure you are hungry. '' She said this while rubbing my back.

Pulling away from her I replied "Yes I'm famished. But I will take a shower first."

Turning to move, I pointed at the used tea cup .

"Just one of the neighbors who dropped by." she waved at me.

I was not fully convinced with Aunt Kate's answer. Something seemed off but I hesitated for a while thinking of what to say to her but nodded and left. I was really tired and hungry. When I feel much better, I would ask her. Moving upstairs, I walked through the hallway which consisted of two rooms at each side, and a bathroom at the end of the hallway. The second room at my left close to the bathroom was mine and the first room by my right belongs to Aunt Kate. My room is designed with rose flower paintings on the wall with a white background. Frames of nature hanging on each side of the walls. My bed was positioned at the center of the room properly decorated with Teddy bears of different colors with a weaved white and red rug close to the bed. My reading table is positioned close to the window. I love looking at the moon especially when it is a full moon.

I stripped and stepped into my little shower. No school today, it's Saturday. I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling . Closing my eyes for a brief moment.

His hands were stroking me from my laps to my side , over my left breast in a slow agonizing manner. He came up and I could see his face. ALEX … he placed his right index finger on my lips to silence me.

Coming close to my right ear he whispered "Shhhhh, don't make a sound. Your Aunt might hear us." and bit it sending electric waves down my back to my core.

He kneaded my breasts through the cotton shirt I was putting on. Positioning my both hands above my head, he rubbed my flat tummy and moved south parting my thigh with his knee . Twisting my panties to the side, he brushed my clit. I moaned deeply in response.

" Please" I begged

He inserted one finger and I gasped. The movement was immediate and mind blowing.

Moving his finger at a slow pace, he whispered"You are mine."

I bit down on my bottom lip. He added another finger and was a bit faster . My hips moving in their own accord, begging for more.

"Faster, please" I was pleading as if my life depended on his skilled hands biting my lower lip.

" Star, Star." I could hear someone calling me but who was that.

"Star, Star wake up." That was Aunt Kate.

Opening my eyes , I saw her standing close to my bed with her hands on both sides looking directly at me. I blushed and sat up . Marveling if she knew what my dream was all about.

"Breakfast is ready, come downstairs. And wipe that smirk on your face ,it's annoying." She said this leaving the room.

When she left I sat there remembering my dream. I couldn't believe my own dirty dreamClosing my eyes shut , I held my chest . "Alex, I need you." The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes and jolted out of my bed towards the door.

Sitting by my bedside with a chilled beer positioned at my left hand and my phone at my right, I was scrolling through messages and tried deleting some. I switched off the phone and dropped it on my bed. Standing up to close the windows I was caught off guard with what I heard. From a distance I could hear a voice calling out to me. I looked up STAR, I heard her "Alex I need you".Voice so smooth and filled with desire . It took every willpower not to go over her house and claim her. My wolf was as inpatient as I am but I was confused. How could she communicate with me through her thoughts?


Watching Star ascending into her room, I breathed out. She notices things too fast. How time flies. I recalled her first fall. How she weeped and ran to me for comfort. I also remember when she lost her first tooth and how she cried that she looks weird and she won't go to school because her friends will laugh at her. How she looks so cute in her sleep and how she makes funny faces when she notices I'm upset .A lone tear rolled from my eyes, I cleaned it with my hand towel. Feeling so sad that all that will come to an end very soon. I wish I would be by her side in the most difficult circumstances that will befall her. I hope she is ready to bear the truth. She is a strong woman no doubt but I hope she will be mentally and emotionally strong for what is about to unfold. The truth.