
Ramble Babble

Tequila's POV

"I believe she already has someone for that."

I turn at the voice as Ace stands behind me with a murderous glare. The man that I haven't learned his name yet, stood a little curious with a hint of fear.

"I'm sorry who are you?"

"I'm her husband, Mr. Landford, do you just randomly go flirting with people's wives? I'm starting to think Mrs. landford needs to keep a better eye on you."

"H-how do you. . what?" Mr. Landford looked utterly shook and I was just as surprised as him. "Mr. Marcel. Oh my I am so sorry. I didn't know. You see I could not attend the wedding so i—"

"Get lost Bob." He growled.

"Actually sir it's Pe—"

"Bob." He challenges Mr. Landford to correct him but he only pulls his lips into his mouth before nodding and scurrying off.

"That. . was so epic." I blink rapidly.


"He was so afraid! I mean I would be afraid too especially since you look like you can shoot lasers out of your cute eyes, but dang he was like shaking in his boots. Well he didn't have boots on but it's a saying and—"

"I have cute eyes?" He smirks and I avert my eyes realizing what I just said.

"No! Wait yes. But not . I don't even know what I'm saying. You know what? I'm hungry. Are you hungry? You look hungry. Wow that sounded rude. You don't look hungry, I just meant—"


"Yes?" I squeak.


"Okay." I honestly needed that because I have no idea where I was going with that babble.

× × ×

"I can't believe you're eating that crap." I eye his plate in disgust.

"What? Its just lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers—"

"Oh my gosh. Stop with the ear assault."

"No wonder you're so out of shape." He tilts his head, his dark curls falling to a side as his eyes land on my plate and I have an instinct to defend the pile of fried shrimp in front of me.

"Hey!" I frown. "This is seafood. Totally healthy."

"It's bottles and bottles of oil." He shakes his head, taking another bite of his abomination and I scoff.

"Oil? Just oil?! I'll have you—"

"Why aren't you crying?"

"What?" I nearly choke at the sudden subject change and he shrugs.

"I forced you to marry me. Why are you so cool about it?"

"Oh. . " I pick up my napkin to wipe my mouth.

Maybe because I don't want to die!

Or, or

Maybe because you threatened me!

Oh wait I have another one.

I have people who actually give a crap about me and I need to protect them.

But y'know, in all:

"I don't know." I shrug and he smirks.

"I know why."


"Because you're curious."

"I'm what?" I blink.

"You want to see where this goes. And the fact that I'm hot, and mysterious, makes you pursue that choice even more."

"Or maybe because you wanted to kill me if I said no. Ever thought of that?" I deadpanned, shooting down his arrogant thought and he frowns.

"That's what you want me to think." He says suddenly and I groan.

"Oh please." I roll my eyes. He was so. . playful at this moment. He was laughing, grinning even winking at me, and if this whole thing were the real deal I would've enjoyed it completely.

But I can't.

I just wanted to know more. Not just that bland description. I don't believe that he doesn't like anything. Neither do I believe that he's just a simple, cold hearted beast like everyone had been saying every time I decided to eavesdrop, or when people around town whispered.

So I took a leap.

"So. . where's your family?"

Where's your family?

How nice.

His whole demeanor changed. He became stiff and his eyes were back to their glazed state. He stood abruptly and I immediately regretted every letting those words exit my mouth.

"Let's go."

"Why?" I ask stupidly.

"We're done shopping."

"But I'm not done eating."

"Then take it with you. I don't care."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I told you," his voice was shivering, low. "Don't ask me anymore questions you had your chance and you blew it with your irrelevant talking and childish babble. Now get up so we can leave."