
Peaceful Life

In the alternate universe where the alternate earth has two sides, the mortal side (Gaia) and the supernatural side (Alaya), countless creatures exist in this world that hasn't been known to the natives yet the peace still exists for some reason... A creature takes interest in this peaceful world so it decides to plunge into the stratosphere while turning into a speck of dust. This is a Hololive Fanfic - they are a group of vtubers on youtube I don't own the characters I didn't think I'm addicted to Fanfics and Touhou too I don't own that Don't expect too much!!! this is the first fanfic that I write

ILikeYuri · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Chapter 40

The shrine maiden is in the city walking around with a blonde Magician

[Marisa: Where are you going to meet them?]

[Reimu: they said its a tavern called Marigold]

[Marisa: I know that and we're heading in the right direction]

The Magician grabs the shrine maiden's hands and she drags her

[Reimu: (What am I? a child?)]


[Reimu: Hendricson I've arrived, and hello Misrael]

[Hendricson: ohh... Reimu and Marisa?!]

[Marisa: Yo! former Guild master]

[Hendricson: I'm still a guild Master but in Gaia]

[Marisa: Still you are a former because you are not a Guild Master here]

[Hendricson: it's true... but I am a Guild master, I have still my dignity]

[Marisa: like when the best Mercenary wall slammed you and she proposes you becoming her husband you agreed to it meekly?]

[Hendricson: ...]

[Misrael: *laughs* she got you there Guild master]

[Hendricson: Why are you still bringing that up?]

[Marisa: I think if someone sees that scene it will never erase their memories]

[Reimu: I agree]

[Hendricson: we should take a sit and talk night and Sun will be coming later on]

Everyone sits down on the very back table

[Hendricson: Marisa what is your relationship with Reimu and why are you close to her?]

[Marisa: I will say she is a close friend and my sparingpartner]

[Hendricson: sparing partner?!]

[Hendricson: You are holding back?]

[Marisa: Nope, I tried everything I can but I can't manage to hit her a single time]

Hendricson Looks at the shrine maiden that munching her food and looks back at Marisa

[Hendricson: are you serious?]

[Marisa: Yes]

[Marisa: also please don't feed her too much Misrael or else your wallet will be emptied]

[Misrael: *laughs* your exaggerating too much]

the Magician shrugs her shoulders and takes a look at Hendricson

[Marisa: I'll help, but I only know the initial idea from Reimu so can you elaborate]

[Hendricson: I'm glad you join in]

then Hendricson explains the plan


[Sun: Sundew have arrived!]

[Night: sorry we are late]

[Hendricson: don't worry I just finished explaining to Marisa what our plan is]

[Night: !!!]

[Sun: Marisa!]

[Marisa: Yo! Sun and Night long time no see]

meanwhile, Misrael is begging Reimu to stop eating because she doesn't have that much money left

[Sun: Marisa~ I didn't think you are going to help us]

[Night: I didn't think so too... especially you and Vinna doesn't like each other that much]

[Marisa: Past is passed I'm pretty sure I and her already forgot our grudges this time]


[Reimu: Hey, Misrael what is Marisa's relationship with you all?]

[Misrael: Vinna, Night, Sun, and I formed a party 6 years ago and Marisa is the youngest among us]

[Misrael: so yeah long story short they got into a fight because Vinna wants her to learn defensive spells and healing spells but she refused so strongly that it become an everyday fight between them, we disbanded 3 years ago]

[Reimu: is that so...]

The shrine maiden ordered from the waitress while Misrael is recalling her past

Four people are discussing the goal while one is eating and another one is crying


[Marisa: Reimu... why do you eat so much? now Misrael have no money]

[Reimu: But she said I can eat whatever I want and she can handle it]

[Marisa: But your stomach has infinite space so it doesn't apply to you]

[Reimu: I see...]

The shrine maiden walks towards Misrael and she gave her 2 violet coins

[Misrael: *shocked*]

[Reimu: the sentiment (food) is delicious]

[All: ???]


▪︎Most of the time Reimu talks to herself so in 3rd and 2nd person perspective, she is seen as very quiet and talk less type▪︎

[Marisa: Though Tomorrow is the operation are you sure you're going to handle the attention]

[Reimu: it's okay, I'm used to it]

[Marisa: the sun is still in the sky so we should take some quest]

[Reimu: okay]


-Hakurei Shrine Gaia-

[Ai: Hey Ina]

[Ina: What is it?]

[Ai: if Marisa is going to fall for Reimu will you accept it?]

[Ina: I guess... despite being Reimu's lover I can't be with her 24/7 because I have still my Idol activities and my job, how about you?]

[Ai: *stares at the sky* with the rate I'm going I think it's better to recruit a person to help me, so I can spend my time with her more]

[Ai: and the shrine is becoming popular each day]

[Ina: I guess we both have it hard huh...]

[Ai: I guess... and besides if Marisa is always with Reimu, Reimu won't feel she is alone anymore and being forgotten]

While the two of them relaxing a gentle voice can be heard

[Iroha: Hello are there people here?]

Ai and Ina walked towards the front of the shrine and see a blonde samurai

[Ina: oh... Iroha-chan]

[Iroha: ah! Ina-senpai, nice seeing you here]

[Ina: Why are you here Iroha-chan?]

[Iroha: because I'm looking for my Partner or party member Hakurei Reimu because I have a quest and I need her help]

[Ai: (I didn't think that this is going to be a potential problem)]

[Ai: (Stupid Reimu and Her habits to bully innocent people)]

[Ai: Why not take a seat inside and we will talk]


[Ina: this is a quite heavy consequence]

[Ai: I agree... this have become a quite difficult situation]

[Iroha: did I perhaps cause too much trouble?]

[Ai: Not at all, it's Reimu's fault after all]

[Ina: I agree it's her fault this time]

[Iroha: is that so...]

[Ina: don't worry Iroha-chan we will bring justice to you]

[Iroha: Why do I feel something is not right... ohh I need to meed lap-dono because there are some things we have to talk about]

[Iroha: Goodbye]

[Ina: take care!]

[Iroha: I will!]

the blonde samurai walks down

[Ai: I guess we could talk to Reimu now]

[Ina: umu]


[Reimu: Why do I feel something not good will happen]

[Marisa: What are you saying? we are almost there so hurry up]
