
Peaceful Life

In the alternate universe where the alternate earth has two sides, the mortal side (Gaia) and the supernatural side (Alaya), countless creatures exist in this world that hasn't been known to the natives yet the peace still exists for some reason... A creature takes interest in this peaceful world so it decides to plunge into the stratosphere while turning into a speck of dust. This is a Hololive Fanfic - they are a group of vtubers on youtube I don't own the characters I didn't think I'm addicted to Fanfics and Touhou too I don't own that Don't expect too much!!! this is the first fanfic that I write

ILikeYuri · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Chapter 33

-Hakurei Shrine-

[Reimu: ahh~ *nom*]

Ai and Ina keeps feeding the shrine maiden in turns

making the shrine maiden feel spoiled because of such acts

[Reimu: Ina is your tournament nearing?]

[Ina: Yes it's almost nearing to compete so I have to do my best]

[Ai: Are the enemies super strong?]

[Ina: Not at all after I have Reimu energy]

[Reimu: stop making me blush!]

[Reimu: *nom*]

*phone lits up*

[Ina: ohh... I guess its times up]

[Reimu: already?]

[Ina: I'll make sure to finish it Ina hurry]

[Reimu: ...]

[Ai: ...]

Ina kissed Reimu before leaving while Reimu and Ai is speechless because of the sudden pun

A blue screen appears in front of Ai she then swipes the green symbol upwards

[Hendricson: Hello Miss Reimu I have a sudden quest for you can you please go to the guild immediately]

[Reimu: okay I could go there now]

Reimu kiss Ai before leaving


-Mercenary Guild-

[Hendricson: this is a special request miss Reimu]

[Reimu: what is it, Guild Master?]

[Hendricson: (when you called me Guild master I feel like I'm being murdered instead) Please Protect Vinna and successfully escort her in Gaia]

[Reimu: I'm pretty sure that's not the only thing you want me to do]

[Hendricson: of course if possible destroy her marriage event]

[Reimu: ...]

[Hendricson: don't misunderstand me she is forced to marry and I don't want to see my employee getting the short end of the stick because I ignore it]

[Hendricson: also We are going there to do our part but you are the essential piece missing to execute this]

[Reimu: of course, I agree]

[Hendricson: great! you can start packing and later in the afternoon you both will go]

[Reimu: okay]


[Ai: So you want to have a shrine there too?]

[Reimu: Yes it's like a gateway there and here but exclusively for us]

[Ai: still are you sure people there won't get suspicious of a sudden shrine?]

[Reimu: I'm not getting suspected here... so I'm not going to be suspected there]

[Ai: So you'll do what you want to do?]

[Reimu: of course... After all, I'm me]

[Ai: *sigh* Fine I won't question your decisions]

They hug each other and let time passes


-Mercenary Guild-

[Vinna: So who is my guard Guild Master?]

[Hendricson: Here she is]

[Reimu: Yo! the ordinary Shrine maiden is here]

[Vinna: Ordinary? what part of you is ordinary?]

[Reimu: being a Shrine maiden]

[All: ....]

[Hendricson: *coughs* Vinna here is your escort]

[Vinna: Hmm... I guess I'm pretty much safe now]

[Night: I guess it's goodbye then]

[Vinna: yes]

[Sun: Vinna-chan can you please reconsider?]

[Vinna: I can't I'm sorry]

[Misrael: I hope you will be okay]

[Vinna: I will]

[Hendricson: please don't hesitate to run to us]

[Vinna: *nods*]

Vinna and the shrine maiden goes to the inside of the guild and there is a stair to go down to the basement

They walked and walked and walked until their surroundings become vibrant and lush full of green plants... at the end of the tunnel there is a wide-open plain that has an archway point of some sort

[Reimu: It's decent]

[Vinna: after all, it's connected to the Adventurers guild there]

[Reimu: So basically Hendricson is the guild master there?]

[Vinna: Nope, He is the guild Master in Gaia but not in Alaya]

[Reimu: So the same organisation but different staffs?]

[Vinna: yes]

They step into the portal and what they see is the same plains they saw

[Reimu: Did we teleport?]

[Vinna: *chuckles* of course although you think we just passed the gates we transcend to another dimension]

[Reimu: Ehh... so there's no cutscene of viewing a mountain or something?]

[Vinna: Nope, it's just a normal gateway point]

[Reimu: I'm dissapointed]

[Vinna: *laughs* you are corrupted by games at this point]

[Reimu: it's not my fault that games are visual appeasing]

they walked to the long corridor and when Vinna Open the door they were greeted by a medieval tavern design having several different races inside

[Reimu: this is more pleasing than the modernised style]

[Vinna: although I want to refute yes it's more pleasing]

They exited the establishment while hearing the murmurs of Vinna's  surname

[Reimu: Hey Vinna are your family popular here?]

[Vinna: I guess my family is one of the biggest knight households like the Shirogane and Nakiri]

[Reimu: is that so?]

[Vinna: I'll tell you the geography of Alaya]

<World information>

The continent of the Ice

The glimmering tundra

The continent of the grass

Ecktois Expanse

The continent of the fire

The Shattered Precipice

The continent of water


The continent of forest

Clarengamau Thicket

The continent of Earth

Crosswick Highland

The continent of  wilderness

Virswell Labyrinth

The continent of the sky


The continent of sand

The Arid Expanse

[Vinna: we are in the continent of the grass or the central part of Gaia]

[Vinna: we are inside of the city called Muvine the largest city in the continent of the grass]

[Reimu: That's kinda many to memorise]

[Vinna: it's okay cause you will probably go back when I reach home]

[Reimu: (So she didn't know what we will do...)]

[Vinna: I'll tell you the most distinguished names in Alaya]

[Vinna: also the world is 8 times bigger than Gaia and this continent we are in, covers about 25% of Alaya]

<Power Information>

Continent of grass




Continent of water




Continent of forest




Continent of Ice



Continent of wilderness



The continent of the sky




The continent of fire




The continent of Earth



The continent of wastelands



[Vinna: That's all I think you should know...]

[Vinna: there are some famous people around this world but I doubt you can meet them...]

[Vinna: just in case you see a pirate girl in the town just conceal yourself]

[Reimu: okay!]


[Vinna: Here it is... the letter so you can go back to Gaia]

Vinna hugs Reimu for a little while

[Vinna: I hope you can reach happiness in Gaia]

Vinna leaves and the gates close

[Reimu: (don't worry Vinna we will save you)]


▪︎Yeah, I add some Nijien because my naming sense is super crappy▪︎