
Pawahara Seijo no Osananajimi to Zetsuen Shitara,

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantaisie
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323 Chs

Side Story 14 《Saintess Party》Elma’s POV 14: Then, I Will Become a God!

"Hi, hi, buhii…"

"Haah, haah… I-it looks like we've finally made it…"

As we were both panting heavily, we arrived at our destination, the

'World Tree'.

This World Tree was a giant tree that was born after Idiot Exa

purified Mother Earth-sama, and was said to be the object

representative of the goddess of earth, Terra-sama.

The giant tree was overflowing with vitality; it sure was worthy of

being object representative of a god.

――Wait, more importantly, your location was too remote, World


Idiot Exa seemed to be capable of flying with the power of Fire Godsama, so he might have it easy, but I had to climb over mountains

after mountains to get here, you know!?

And I had this pig as a baggage, what kind of torture was this

supposed to be!?

From halfway, I had to push this pig's back all the way over here!?

Furthermore, he was so heavy!?

What was up with him!?

Did he want to crush me to death!?

If a pig like him fell on top of me, this lovely me would definitely end

up dead!?

"Buhi, buhi… wheeze-…"

Well from the look of it, I probably wouldn't have to worry about him

for long as he seemed about to die, though!?

"—You are a saintess, yes?"


Anyways, a woman appeared in front of us.

The woman was beautiful and had a gentle countenance.

She was most likely the goddess of earth—Terra-sama.

Well, her beauty still couldn't match up to mine, though.

As the pig was dying, I went forward towards her by myself and

kneeled, "Yes, I am. My name is Elma. I'm the Sword Saintess who

has been bestowed with the "Sword Saint" skill. Pleased to make

your acquaintance."

"I see. You have come a long way. I welcome you, Saintess Elma. I

am Terra. The god who governs over the earth and life."

"Yes, I am aware."

Speaking of which, the reason why I had gone out of my way to the

point I felt like dying to visit such a remote place was, of course, to

gain the 'power of god'.

Yes, I had thought things through.

Since Idiot Exa had become Fire God-sama's agent, then to surpass

him, I had to become a god.

I mean, right?

He had become a god's agent.

In that case, if I became a god, I could command him as much as I'd

like to.

As expected of me.

This plan was nothing short of perfect.

Mm-hm, nodding inwardly, I got into the main subject, "The reason

we came to visit you this time is because we have something to

request of you, Terra-sama."

"Well, that's what I thought. Pray tell, what do you like to request of


"Yes. Actually, I've been desperately training every day in hope that I

can become everyone's strength, yet in the end, I'm still just a

human—there is a limit to what I can do, I've always been agonized

by that fact.

"Kh…" I made full use of my acting skills to make a very vexed

expression, "Hence, I would like to make a request of you, Terrasama. So that I can help a lot more people, please bestow me your


All of it, if possible!

"I see. If that is the case, then I have no reason to decline. I will give

you a part of my power for the well-being of the people."

Eh, for real?

I knew I was the one who asked but, would I really get the power of

god, just like that?

But, yes!

With this, I'll be a goddess both in name and reality! I inwardly so

exhilarated that I felt like I was ascending to heaven.


"Oh yes. You may meet someone named 'Exa' on your journey, and

when you do, please tell him that Terra is worried about him. After

all, those who possess the same power will eventually be drawn to

each other."


Those who possess the same power would what…?

Wait, didn't Idiot Exa also get Terra-sama's power!?

Gooongg, I received a huge shock.