
Patient With My Billionaire Lover:For My Baby's Sake, Not Money

Helena, 28, is reluctant to relinquish her body to her billionaire lover, Alfred. But when she surrenders it all, betrayals and pregnancy follow. Then, to cap her woes, her boyfriend returns to marry her and billionaire Alfred is on his knees But billionaire Alfred has to prove his love by the time she revenges

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13 Chs

Chapter Six: Can't Play with my peace

" Face this way, see my face to know if I am lying."

"Just tell me, I don't need to see how you are lying down."

" I want us to have a final talk tonight," said Alfred.

He had thrown all his aces on the table but she seemed to see marks on their backsides before pulling hers.

She knew he was lying too close to her back and facing him may be dangerous.

Each time she comes to spend a night at his house, she will always find herself in the front while he sleeps at the back.

He shook the shoulder. She did not want to reply to him that there is no art to know the heart's machination on the face.

"Angel," Alfred sounded pleadingly again and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do I need to see your face?" she said and flinched her arm and accidentally, his hand crossed the crook of the armpit and touched the breast.

A gentleman who is Godfearing is expected to say sorry and retrieve his hand.

But he showed no remorse for touching a girl's breast. How could he say he is Godfearing? The next thing will be the fingers to trace the nipple of the breast. She clamped down the upper arm and his hand was trapped in the crook to give him the benefit of the doubt

And as she envisaged, her nipple entered between her fingers.

O'Lord! She lost her breathing pattern and turned. The turning was like facing who you did not want to see. Eye ball to eye ball she was facing him.

Had she known he was lying so close to her back, she would have shifted to her front first.

The first time she could see his face in detail: His carve-out nose like a pencil-nose, flat chin, and beardless hard face with a set of blue eyes.

The light was dimmed.

He crossed his hand over her and she held her breathing from betraying her.

She felt like dipping her tongue in between the two tiny lips as they opened and closed while he cooed to her.

But Satan pushed her hand to touch the square hard face and run the palm down the clean shaved jaw.

He used that opportunity to pull her closely and continued preaching to her.

She had asked him if playing on a visitor's nipple is Godfearing and he defended himself that their marriage is fated and she is not a visitor.

She wanted to be close to him from that hour but he missed the opportunity to do what he wanted all these days.

"...hum, Angel? Are you afraid of me still?" he asked while she was in a trance kissing him all over his face.

"I am not afraid, just...just are you married?"

"If I am, there would have been no need to ask you for marriage."

"So you are asking me for...for marriage ?"

"Definitely. So, you don't know?"

"Wait..." Puffs " You asked me about dating."

"Before. But marriage is transcendental."

In 0.5 seconds, she remembered he had seen his ring.

"But I told you I have a boyfriend."

"Angel. Where is he?," Alfred asked her, " Has he paid your bride price?" he asked her again, the questions he had asked her before." A bird at hand worth two in the bush." he told her.

She could not endure it all, she violently, turned herself.

"Alfred, give me my medicine! Give me my medicine, Alfred." She was looking terribly.

Alfred remembered he told her he would share the headache with her and that she should learn to live with the fact that there was no escape from his love.

He no longer cares about his status, the service he had voluntarily taken for the sake of her does not amuse him.

He stopped to drop her at her office gate and felt her head.

"Sorry. " his palm was on her forehead.

He told her he would stay with her in the house, but she insisted she would go to work.

So, he prepared to go too.

Her friend will start working today at Mushraff HQ.

She, who wanted to look for a better-paying job or as a political analyst with another media outfit, had suspended the agenda to know exactly which way the relationship was going.

He had himself said they needed to talk about that but the emotion was high that she could not remember if they talked anything about it.

He and Ruud, their battle with her is like the battle of love and law, lust and love. The foundation of Helena's heart is shaking.

Till morning, she was sleepless. What trouble, for a reserved girl.

She weakly came down from the Range Bulletproof and entered the office.

He saw the political editor, personally carrying his birthday cakes and assisted by a worker who was placing the cooler before the workers, and each, when they came to his or her table, grabbed a piece of cake and soft drink.

"What is the problem, Helena?" Mr. Max, the political editor asked her. "Whatever the case, take your cake, for my birthday. I pray that your Mom gets better so that you will celebrate yours."

Every year, after his birthday, comes Helena's but since her Mom's sickness, only a few like Mr. Max knew that was why she never celebrated her birthday again.

She thought of the possibility of celebrating it, to show gratitude to God, at least, if not to continue a social tradition.

"I will do it," she told Mr Max in his office.

" Fine, I will use that opportunity to see your Mom," said Mr. Max and he leaked something about the management promotion for her.

She smiled: problem increasing.

Now, that she will do her birthday, she began to fix up the organization in her head. 28 years on 29th September. Whoa! Marriage next. Her Mom needs it urgently to see a grandchild...

She leaned back before the computer, eyes away from the screen.

"He must be God-fearing.

"I can't play with my peace for money."

"But must I live with him to know him?"

"How will I know him if I am not with him always?"

"So, there will be sex. It is not possible to be with him without sex."

She exhaled, after arguing within.

She rounded off because he would soon come to pick him up.

They will straight go to the hospital and pick up her Mom and Damien."

She waved her head." Such a kind guy."

Many things, she could not process in her heart before he arrived.

Is Franca working for Alfred?