
Path to Reach Godhood

"Tatsuya bro, please tell me truth, are you some kind of protagonist or something." asked John. "No" "Then why is your talent so high?" "Don't worry, I am sure you will also get nice talent assessment," said Tatsuya. "Let's see," After 5 minutes , "John, weren't you saying something like being protagonist or something. Then, how can you say something like that with such perverted talent assessment?". This novel is based on John Bright's Path to reach Godhood. Will he be able to do something significant in his life? Will he be the protagonist of his story? Or will he be just another side-character. Let's find this out together

Dare_Devil_1650 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Chapter 4: Teaching Lesson to an Arrogant Fool

"Hey... Look isn't she Alice Bright, who is a genius in fire magic"

"Yeah, what is she doing here right now, If I am not wrong today is freshmen Awakening ceremony right..?"



"Sister you sure are famous huh..!" John said curiously.

Right now we are in the center of attention.Most of the students are currently looking towards us and whispering while pointing towards my big sis Alice.

"Humph!... Now you know how famous your big sister is, Praise me, worship me" Said Alice arrogantly, as if she was a goddess looking down upon a mortal.

I didn't say anything and just gave her a deadpan look😑.

"What..?" She asked annoyed

"Nothing, It's just that looking at you making such faces, whatever dignity and respect i had left of you in my heart is crushed. Now you just look like an idiotic and dumb sister, who is embarrassing her own brother."

"Oof..!" She grasped her chest tightly as if my words had pierced her heart like an arrow.

"Aren't you being very insensitive brother..!?"


"ughh.." Alice just groaned

As we were talking, while going towards the Academy entrance, Obviously not minding the attention we were getting, the crowd suddenly stirred and gave way to someone. He, along with four other students was walking towards Alice.

"Hey, Alice you are looking as beautiful as always" Said the boy who seems to be the leader of the group.

"Fuck off.. Brian, How many times do i have to tell you stop bothering me!?" Alice said rather tiredly

"Aye..aye don't be so angy, and why don't you introduce me to this little friend of yours" Brian said while indicating towards me who was watching the drama amusedly.

"Huhh!.. Are you an idiot?!" I asked instinctively, hearing him asking for me.

"What did you say dipshit?!" Brian asked enraged upon hearing a nobody speak to him in such a tone. Yes he thinks, I am just a nobody who had the luck to become an acquaintance of Alice.And for a nobody to speak in such a tone to him, Brian Smith, Son of Count smith is a crime that should punished by death.

Yep he is just like an ideal Noble, that's a characteristic trait present in most of them that is, Unnecessarily arrogant and dumb.

" I said are you an idiot or what, but now it seems to me that, You are not just an idiot but you must be both deaf and blind"

"Motherf*ker, Do you want to die!?" Brian said utterly fuming with rage, but he still had the sense to not attack me immediately as, I am an acquaintance of Alice according to him.

"Yes brat, do you have a death wish"

"How dare you disrespect Young Master"

"You better kneel down and apologize to young master, after that we may allow to leave with just broken bones"

His lackeys had also started cursing and threatening me, to make me kneel and apologize. But they are in for a big surprise.

Suddenly the temperature around us started increasing rapidly. And the atmosphere became utterly heavy as if a mountain was pressed on their heads. Looking at the source of such a feeling they saw my sister, Alice, utterly surrounded by crimson tongues of flames as if she was the queen of flames.

And she was looking at,Brian and his lackeys with utter wrath in her eyes. I don't doubt a little bit that, if they didn't give her an appropriate answer, then they're surely not leaving with just some minor injuries.

"W-wait Alice wait , You surely aren't going to attack us for just a nobody weakling like him right!?" Brian hurriedly said, utterly confused about what has gone wrong. Well he can think of that later, first he has to think of the reason of Alice's rage and calm her down.

Alice's was not called a genius for nothing in the Academy. She can control a destructive element like fire as if, it's child's play for her. And nobody dares to anger her, because when some idiot has angered her in the past, he was literally tortured by those flames. Brian isn't a masochist that he will try to experience those flames of Alice.

"Yes, Lady Alice please calm down"

"Yeah, lady Alice we didn't know that he was a close friend of yours"

Even the lackeys that Brian has brought with him started pleading for forgiveness. Brian is the son of a count, Alice might to harm him greatly but they were just minor nobles, they don't dare to offend someone from Bright family.

" Good.. very good, First you come here to disturb our peace and interrupt my conversation with my brother, then you threatens him and ordered him to kneel, do you think our Bright family is so easy to offend huh..!?" Alice said utterly enraged with each word she spoke.



"H-how is it possible"


They are completely surprised especially Brian. Only, now did he understand the gravity of the situation they are in. If he didn't do something soon to calm Alice, then she is surely gonna beat the living hell out of them. They will literally become the laughing stock of the entire Academy.

Even his monthly resources from the Family will be cut short as punishment for tarnishing the Family name of Smith's. He can't allow that to happen at all costs.

"But Alice, it's your brother who first tried to offend me, You seriously aren't going to blame us right..!?" Brian said with a gentleman like smile on his face.

"Fools, I called you that because can't you see, the similarity between me and Alice, and don't you see the luxurious carriage, we have come from with the insignia of Bright Family." asked John mockingly and continued: " Even, an idiot can guess that, I am related to her, just how much of a dumb person can you be to not even notice the mocking glances people were sending to you, while you're insulting me"

Finally looking at the surroundings Brian noticed that all the students were looking at him with mockingly looks. It was at that time that he realised that everyone has more or less guessed my identity and he was literally making a fool of himself infront of the whole crowd.

"Now get the fuck out of sight and the next time, I see you irritating me, I will make sure that all your bones will be burned to ash in my flames". Saying that Alice flicked a compressed ball of flames towards Brian and his lackeys.

"Booom" The ball of flames exploded right at the centre of their group sending Brian and his lackeys flying with injuries.

"Let's go brother" Saying that Alice and John entered the academy.


"I'll surely remember this and will make sure you'll pay for it" Brian muttered still lying on the ground will hatred in his eyes.


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