
Chapter 132

It was currently midnight in the night, with the moon at its peak in the sky. Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, the base of the League of Assassins, Infinity Island, is located. Its most notable characteristic is its double volcanoes right in the middle of the island. A vast fortress complex stood tall between the volcanoes, and in front of the fortress was an open area, the ground paved with concrete. In this area, two groups clashed. One group consisted of a red-haired muscular man known as Sentry, Raven, a dark-skinned boy known as Aqualad, a white-skinned girl known as Crush, an Egyptian-looking girl known as Djinn, and a little boy known as Robin.

They were going against Cheetah, a gothic man known as December Graystone, a Chinese woman known as Lady Shiva, a little girl with a demon mask known as Mara al Ghul, a masked man known as Red Hood, a woman known as Mio, and a purple man known as Mio. Sentry fought against Cheetah, December against Raven, Shiva against Aqualad, Red Hood against Crush, Rictus against Djinn, and Mara against Robin.

Sentry dodged a claw strick from Cheetah, saying, "I don't wish to kill. Just hand over Felix Faust, and we will be on our way." He said, reaching out to grab Cheetah, but she disappeared in a tawny blur. His speed is fast enough to easily catch Cheetah, look for Felix, and be on his way, but he wanted to see the team's capability. Especially the girl, Djinn. Her magic would be of great interest to his father, Impulse.

"Tell me why you need Felix again?" Cheetah asked, appearing behind Sentry and going for another claw strick.

"None of your concern!" Raven shouted, using her telekinetic power to throw December into Cheetah.

Cheetah swiftly dodged the thrown man, appearing some meters away with folded arms. "I guess it is to attempt to revive the Titian?" She asked, looking over to Raven. "Too bad. You will all die here."

With that, she shot forward in a burst of speed, creating three sonic booms as she reached Mach three. She instantly appeared before Robin, stabbing at his chest with her claws. Robin, who was trying to dodge Mara's attack, didn't notice her, but Aqualad did. He quickly manipulates the water in his sword, moving it to beneath Robin's feet. The water made Robin slip, making Cheetah miss her attack.

But, this allowed Lady Shiva to land a heavy blow on Aqualad's throat with her palm, bringing him to his knee as he started choking. "Next time, don't get distracted." Lady Shiva said, landing a heavy kick on his head.

Suddenly, a light lightened up the night sky, and a spaceship, the size of an Aircraft Carrier, appeared above them. Before anyone could react, a white beam shot down from the ship, hitting the fortress. The collision with the fortress sent out a strong shockwave through the Island, throwing everyone, except Sentry and Rictus, many meters back. The Island shook, causing the two dormant volcanoes to erupt, spewing lava and rocks out of their top.

"We need to get out of here!" Sentry shouted, running to the Knocked out Aqualad and picking him up.

"No, we need Felix!" Raven shouted, turning to the now destroyed Fortress.

"No, Raven. We need to leave. NOW!" Robin shouted, kicking Mara al Ghul, who was still attacking him. "My brother and his team died because they were weak. I don't want to die because of your stupidity." He said as he started running away.

"What did you say-"

Sentry hit the back of her neck, knocking her out, before carrying her up with his free hand. "Djinn, let's go." Sentry said, using his telekinesis to pick up Crush and Robin before shooting away from the Island, Djinn following right behind him.

Cheetah stared wide-eyed at the destroyed fortress, falling to her knee. "My league..."

December used the knife he was holding to slash his wrist, the blood dripping on the ground and creating a red portal. Red Hood, Rictus, and Mara al Ghul quickly jumped in, with Shiva having to drag Cheetah into the portal. The portal closed right as a flaming rock slammed down on where it was.

Sentry and his team watched from far away as the white beam disappeared into multiple droplets of light. The ship then let out a low demonic hum before disappearing in a bright white light that would blind any human looking directly at it. The Island was now completely covered in lava, with any living things on it dying for sure.

"What the fuck was that?" Crush shouted, looking at the spot the ship once was.

"I... I don't know." Sentry mumbled, confused at what he just saw. He sensed a Kree on the ship, meaning the ship must belong to a Kree. But how could the Kree's advance so quick? "Let's head back to X Mansion. This mission was a failure."


Raven meditated above her bed circular bed in the center of her room. The room was dimly lit and filled with mystical artifacts and sculptures, multiple shelves that lined the walls, filled with books, with the candles surrounding her bed being the only thing that lit it. She let out a deep breath, mumbling;

"I need to control myself."

The door to the room suddenly opened with Robin walking in. He looked around the room before saying, "What a creepy room. What do you do in here? Summon demons?"

"Didn't you see the rules when Sentry allowed you in here?" Raven said, not opening her eyes.

"I saw the note." He said, walking to a shelf and looking at the books.

"And what did it say?" Raven asked.

"It's ambiguous." He said, turning to face Raven. "What do you say about Joining the team? Despite being the first one with Sentry, you are not part of the team he is putting together."

"I rather not. Now, Damian, leave my room."

He ignored her and continued talking. "I always watched the Teen Titian, and through the years, I realized they were a Joke. Tim Drake and I had our differences, but I will admit he was a great man. Despite his best effort, the Teen Titians for the past few years has been losers... a joke.

"They epitomized what's wrong with the younger generation of the so-called Superheroes team. They don't deserve to be called a Super Team. But we can do better. Seeing how Sentry is picking the perfect young heroes, training them to be their best, I would say we will soon surpass Dick's Teen Titans. We are currently Four, with Sentry being our mentor. If you join, it will be five of us. And with five fingers, make a fist, with Sentry being the wrist to lead us.

"Join us, and we will help you with your goal." He finished, holding his right arm out to Raven, who has her back to him and still meditating.

Raven was silent for a while before saying, "If I join, would you leave me alone."

"Yes." Damian said with a smile.

"Then I join. Just leave me be." Raven said, still not turning to face Damian.

"Welcome to the X-Force, Raven." Damian said, clenching his fist.