
Path To Becoming Master Of Death

Josh is born into a world where humans and beasts are able to use the legendary mana. Born into a poor family of normal humans, and his father dying when he was at a very young age. He approaches a girl named Chloe Fireheart, and due to sudden turn of events, he accompanies her home. He discovers her true identity as a Vampire. Weighing the pros and cons he decides to become one. After his transformation ritual. An abnormality happens. "The only way to escape death is to become stronger than death itself." Join Josh on his journey to becoming master of death. Note: this cover is not mine.

Shattered_sword444 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Revelation of hidden secrets 2

"You mean Loki killed my father?" Josh asked in a calm tone, his facial expression unreadable.

"Yes." Claire affirmed and wiped her tears, "he stabbed him in the back."

"He's probably still alive right?" Josh asked.

"Gods don't die, they continue living until they are killed by a fellow god." Claire answered.

"Then I'm going to make him pay." Josh said, his aura changing, the two women in the atmosphere felt a chill in their spine and could not look into his eyes, he had an aura similar to that of a dragon who would do anything to catch its fleeing prey.

Claire struggled to look into her son's eyes, and said in a pitiful tone, "How are you going to do that?"

"I can use mana now." Josh revealed.

Claire gawked at him as if he had gone mad, "but your powers are sealed with an unbreakable seal."

"First, why were our powers sealed?" Josh asked the question that had been on his mind for a few days now.

Claire sighed, remembering a decision she made many years ago and said, "after Loki's betrayal, the tides of the war changed. Blood was shed on both sides, we were on the brink of defeat, we had no other option, we had to retreat." Claire paused and closed her eyes as if trying to recall a past incident.

She continued, "I had a duel with Zeus, during the battle he placed a tracking treasure on the both of us, it wouldn't matter wherever we went. He would always find us as long as we could use mana. So I made the decision."

"So you sealed our soul cores." Josh interrupted.

Claire didn't mind this and continued, "Yes. Then Heimdall sent us to earth using the Bifrost bridge."

Josh sighed and said, "I get it now."

"Good." Claire nodded, and continued, " You were about to tell me about how you can use mana and who told you about your status as a half-incubus."

"About that. You know those light novels I usually read?" Josh asked.

"Where the main character gets reincarnated into another world and gets a system." Claire replied.

"Exactly. I have a system now, only that I'm not some reincarnation." Josh said, confirming Claire's suspicion.

Claire dragged her son into her warm and comfortable embrace, with her tears dripping on the back of his shirt, but he seemed not to mind.

Releasing him from her embrace, she said, "H-how?"

Josh merely turned to Chloe, and Claire too stared at the beautiful girl who had this aura surrounding her.

"I'm a vampire." Chloe revealed, to Josh's mother.

'I knew it. The atmosphere around her is exactly like that of vampires. She turned my little boy into a vampire.' Claire thought, looking at her son with a scrutinizing gaze.

'But the aura around him is not necessarily that of a vampire. It seems.. different.' Claire thought confused.

Josh, feeling his mother's scrutinizing gaze on him said, "Your thoughts are correct."

"You're a vampire?" Claire asked.

"Yes, and no." Josh replied grinning, his mood brightening a bit.

"What do you mean yes and no?" Claire asked, visibly frustrated.

"Take a wild guess." Josh replied.

"Do you want a beating?" Claire glared at her son.

Frightened by his mother's glare, Josh said, "alright, alright. I am currently a half-vampire/ Half-incubus."

'I wonder if his blood is strong enough to awaken my bloodline?' Claire thought, excited by the possibility of awakening her sealed bloodline.

"Give me your blood!" Claire screamed excitedly, "ahem. I mean, your blood might be able to awaken my succubus bloodline."

"Are you sure?" Josh asked excitedly.

"I'm not entirely sure, but as an incubus born by me your blood should do." Claire reasoned.

"It's worth a shot." Josh nodded.

Josh stretched his hand to Claire, who looked at it hesitantly. She strengthened her resolve, she refused to be weak, she refused to be a burden to her son and lastly, she refused to be a coward. She would face her fear of her past head-on.

Claire bit Josh's arm and felt the sweet taste of his blood assault her taste glands.

'It's the sweetest thing I've ever tas-'

Claire's felt a great amount of pain, removed her mouth from Josh's arm and lay on the floor, writhing in pain.

"So this is how it feels huh?" Josh said to Chloe.

Chloe understood what he was trying to say, and replied, "when you were turning into a vampire, I felt my heart ache watching lay there, writhing in pain."

"I love you." Josh said to a surprised Chloe, "I really do."

"Now where is that coming from?" Chloe asked grinning.

"I just feel I'm not letting you know how much I love you." Josh replied.

Chloe looked into his dark brown eyes brimming with confidence, determination and a certain charm, she said, "I love you too.

Almost on cue, Claire's transformation had finally stopped.

Josh stared at a beautiful face that even Chloe paled in comparison to. Her curves had widened and her chest area looked larger than before. Chloe had successfully been turned into a succubus.

Josh walked to Claire, stretched his hand to her which she took, and led her to seat on the sofa.

"How are you feeling?" Josh asked.

"I feel... stronger, I'll need to absorb some soul power. My mana reserves are pitifully low, to use any of my favourite skills." She sighed, and continued, " This might take some time."

"Progress is still progress right?" Josh asked.

"You're right." Claire agreed with Josh, "I need to train you, now that you can use mana."

"I don't think there would be any need for any of that." Josh refused her offer.

Claire raised her eyebrows surprised and asked, "why is that?"

"You see when I got the system I was given two subclasses." Josh went ahead to tell Claire about the two main classes he had acquired when he just got the system.

"Disciple of Ares. That should be because your father was the god of war." Claire said after Josh had finished telling her about his main classes.

 "He always wished to become truly immortal." Claire said, smiling reminiscing the times when she and her husband would talk about their dreams and goals, while in each other's arms. She looked at Josh and saw the same confidence and determination his father had.

'He truly is a son of his father.' Claire sighed.

"No matter how much you might know from the system if an enemy is stronger than you then you stand no chance." Claire said, and continued, " If you're both of similar power levels then you will have an edge."

Josh nodded, agreeing with his mother's words, "You're right. I need to get stronger."

"And so do I." Claire added, and continued, "with your main class son of lust it turns out you're going to give me a run for my money."

Josh sighed and said, " I'm going to build a harem mum."

'This main class of his is both a blessing and a curse. I just hope he can manage a harem.' Claire thought, feeling sorry for Josh.

'Oh well, I'll be with him won't I? And this girl, I feel sorry for her.'

"Are you okay with this?" She turned to Chloe, feeling sorry for her as she would never share her man with another.

"Yes I am, If I refuse then I would be stunting my darling's growth, and that would be selfish of me." Chloe replied.

Claire turned to her son and said, "little brat if you ever hurt this girl's feelings I will personally skin you alive."

Josh felt shivers in his spine as he heard those words, and Chloe burst into a fit of laughter.

"Thanks, mum." Chloe appreciated Claire merrily.

"Anytime." Claire flashed a smile at Chloe.

"So, when are we starting?" Claire turned to Josh.

"Starting what?" Josh asked confused.

"Our journey you numbskull." Claire replied.

"Oh that. We were about to go shopping for a few items today and start our journey tomorrow." Josh revealed.

"Sounds like a plan." Claire nodded, and turned to Chloe, "you're going to be footing the bills aren't you?"

"Yes." Chloe nodded.

"Thank you." Claire said.

"Josh is my husband and you are already my mother-in-law in my book. So it's no big deal."

"You're a good kid. Make sure you get yourself some good lingerie and some sexy nightgowns." Claire winked at Chloe, who blushed heavily.

Josh watched his fiancee and mother conversing playfully with a smile on his face, etching the moment in his memory.

"Alright then." You two had better get going on your date." Claire said to the couple.

"It's not a date mum." Josh argued.

"You both are essentially going to walk hand in hand into malls, purchasing some sexy lingerie and along the line stop to rest at a restaurant, If that is not a date then what is?" Claire chuckled at her son's stupidity.

"When will I ever win an argument against you?" Josh sighed.

Claire grinned, and said, "When you get some brain cells."

Chloe burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, while Josh looked at his mum's facial expression and shook his head.

"We'll get going then." Josh grabbed Chloe's hand.

"Get me some good stuff too Chloe. I might be needing them." She smiled seductively at Josh.

Josh gritted his teeth at his mother's naughtiness and went out through the front door with Chloe.