

Azriel stifled a yawn as he stood in front of the mirror, checking his reflection.

"Seriously, why do I always have to get up so early in the morning?"

It seemed like no matter what world he was in, Azriel was destined to get out of bed at 6 a.m.—whether it was for high school or now, the academy.

Not being a morning person, Azriel was already starting to consider skipping the first day.

But he quickly shook his head.

'I can't just skip the first day. Besides, I'm a prince now…'

Dressed in the white academy uniform and black pants, Azriel nodded at his reflection before leaving his room.

Leaving his room, Azriel stepped into the elevator.

He wasn't in the mood to walk all the way down, no matter how beneficial some might claim it to be—especially not at this hour.

There was still 2 hours before classes would start, but knowing himself, it was better to leave as early as possible.