
path of light

Opening an ancient copper-covered book, Roy was instantly sucked into the vortex inside... When Roy opened his eyes again, he found that he had traveled to the kingdom of elves... Elves, dwarves, Janna, orcs, human knights, magicians, priests... This is a fantasy world full of magic!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


Castletown's Magic Guild is located in the upper town, right next to Castletown Elf Academy, which is almost the place with the strongest learning atmosphere in the city.

Young elves running on the streets with books in their arms can be seen everywhere. The main teaching building of the Elf Academy and the mage tower of the Magic Guild complement each other here, becoming one of the most eye-catching landmarks on the west side of the uptown area.

 Young elves usually go to the Elf Academy to study.

Whether you are a Silver Moon Elf or a mixed-blood Elf, as long as you are willing to study and pay sufficient tuition, you can come here to study.

 Ms. Belinda is going to let Roy go to school here.

Many elves first find a job to earn a semester's tuition after they reach adulthood, and then go to an elf academy.

Some elves study while working. As long as they don't enroll in so many subjects each semester, they can still survive part-time while working.

Of course, there are also families with better conditions. For example, those elven nobles do not need to consider tuition fees. They only need to concentrate on studying in the academy. Such students often study more comprehensive subjects.

Roy originally needed to find a job to earn enough tuition before going to school like other ordinary elves.

However, her mother Belinda believed that Roy only had half the lifespan of an elf. If he had to work like other elves while studying, his time to enjoy life would be greatly reduced, so she planned to help Roy pay the tuition.

 Castletown is an open city with no walls around the city.

More than 90% of the city is built on the mountains by the sea. Looking from the bottom up, the streets in the city are also layer by layer.

 All buildings are built against the mountains. The higher you look up, the more luxurious the buildings become...

On the top of the mountain in Castleton City, there is a huge Silver Moon Elf statue nearly thirty meters high erected on the top of the mountain. The direction pointed by the right hand of this Silver Moon Elf statue is where the city of Buenos is located.

Standing in the big square in front of the Magic Guild, Roy looked up at the giant statue on the top of the mountain, feeling that if it collapsed, it would probably hit here.

Putting aside this unrealistic thought, Roy tightened his grip on the bag filled with Kohler's money and mustered up his courage before walking into the Magic Tower.

The guard at the door did not stop Roy because he looked like a human. He just looked at Roy with a scrutinizing look. Roy responded by speaking fluent Elvish:

 "I'm here for a preliminary appraisal."

With such a simple sentence, Roy walked into the first floor of the Mage Tower without any hindrance. In fact, the place where the primary appraisal was conducted happened to be right here.

The interior of the first floor of the Magic Tower is divided into many different areas. You can follow some guide signs and follow the corridor to go inside. Roy's first impression here is that it looks like the first floor of some shopping malls.

 There are various shops on both sides of the corridor.

 These shops are more or less related to magic, such as apothecary shop, scroll shop, magic gem shop, magic weapon shop, etc.

The people who go in and out of these magic shops are not only some elven nobles, but also students from the elven academy, and some mages wearing gorgeous robes.

Roy found the guide sign to the appraisal area, and as the crowds moved to this area, it seemed a little deserted.

Many of the shops in the forest are related to appraisal, but many shops are for appraisal of magic artifacts. Roy walked around here before settling on a store that looked a little inconspicuous, but people kept coming to it. primary laboratory.

Roy lined up quietly at the back.

Each customer enters the store alone, and the rest have to wait outside.

There were four people in line in front of Roy. They walked out one after another, with mixed expressions on their faces.

Roy was also a little uneasy.

When it was his turn, Roy stood at the door and knocked. A voice came from inside: 'Please come in! '

Roy pushed them aside and walked in. The room was not big, and it was almost full of bookshelves with some copper-covered books on them.

There was a smell of rotten parchment in the room, and there was a ladder leading upstairs next to the last row of bookshelves, but Roy didn't need to go upstairs. As soon as he entered the door, there was a wooden table with something on it. A few magic crystals.

An elf mage is sitting behind the table. The elf mage's eyes are very gentle, but also reveal a hint of majesty, which makes people dare not offend.

He was wearing a dark green robe. Roy discovered that all the gorgeous patterns on this robe were silver, and they were all dark patterns, which could only be revealed under the refraction of light at a specific angle. They were a low-key style. luxurious.

Roy could not see the age of this elf mage, and the years did not leave any traces on the face of this elf mage.

 "Young man, is there anything I can do for you?"

The elf mage said calmly.

"I would like to ask you to help me identify whether I have realized magic..."

Roy sat down on a somewhat cold chair, stretched out his right hand with his sleeves rolled up, and placed his palm up on the table. There was a little firefly-like light in the open palm.

Seeing Roy's anxious face, the elf mage couldn't help but comforted him:

"Silver Moon elves not only have the talent to be archers, but each elf is also innate with magic elements and can learn magic with a little guidance."

"I can see that you are a half-elf, so if you want to learn magic, you can definitely study at the Elf Academy. After you officially become a magic apprentice, you can register with the Magic Guild."

 "Can I really do that?"

Roy just wants to know if he can become a magician. ˆ

 His obsession with this was entirely because of the boy in his memory with the lightning mark on his forehead.

It would be great if you could become a mage.

Roy imagined that he was holding a magic book and a cedar staff in his hand. As long as he pointed it casually with the staff, a fireball would float out. Thinking about it, he felt cool.


The Elf Mage hesitated for a moment, but did not give a definite answer.

He then picked up a magic crystal from the table and slowly brought the tip of the magic crystal close to the faint light in Roy's hand.

What surprised the elf mage was that the magic crystal almost touched the faint light, but there was no reaction at all.

This magic crystal wand usually lights up when it comes into contact with even the smallest amount of magic fluctuations, but it didn't react at all in front of the light in Roy's hand.

The elf mage then picked up a magic crystal to detect the strength of magic, and approached the shimmering light, but there was still no reaction.

 He hesitated for a moment before slapping his forehead.

 "It's not magic!"

  The Elf Mage came to a conclusion.

Roy was originally full of expectations, but when he heard the elf mage say this, the expectations on his face suddenly collapsed.

"…However, you can go to the Temple of the Moon…or the Temple of Liberty."

When the elf mage said this, he paused in the middle. His suggestion was that Roy should go to the Moon Temple to see it, but the Moon Temple in Castletown City is only open to Silver Moon elves, like Roy. Half-elves and mixed-blood elves are not allowed to enter at will and desecrate the Moon Altar there.

 So the elf mage changed his mind and suggested that Roy go to the Temple of Liberty to have a look.

"The ball of light in your hand is neither a fire element nor a light element. I guess it may be magical... Although I can't identify it here, you can go to the temple and ask. I believe they will welcome someone who doesn't need it. Through enlightenment, young people can come into contact with divine arts."

The elf mage said to Roy.

Roy was a little at a loss. He didn't expect such a result at all.

Even the final appraisal fee was not collected by the elf mage on the grounds that he could not provide Roy with valuable help, so Roy did not need to pay the appraisal fee.

Looking at the money bag in his hand that was still bulging, Roy didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed when he walked out of the primary laboratory.

 Seeing Roy coming out, the young elf in the back took the opportunity to walk in.


 In the Silver Moon Kingdom, the Moon Temple is the largest temple with the most believers.

Nearly all Silver Moon elves worship Elune, the goddess of the moon.

However, it is precisely because the Moon Temple is extremely large and the goddess it worships is the Moon Goddess who symbolizes holiness, so this temple only accepts Silver Moon Elf believers.

 According to what the elf mage said, the flame in Roy's hand belonged to the category of divine magic, so he had to go to the temple to find the answer.

It is impossible for Roy to enter the Temple of the Moon, he can only go to the Temple of Liberty...

 Speaking of which, the Temple of Liberty is able to spread its teachings in the elven kingdom precisely because of the exclusive approach of the Temple of the Moon.

The priests of the Moon Temple pushed the mixed-blood elves out of the door, and the Temple of Liberty accepted this group, so the priests of the Temple of Liberty were able to build a small temple in the lower city of Castleton City.

And this temple is not far from Roy's home...

  'If I had known this, I might as well have gone to the temple first! ' Roy complained in his heart.

 When he walked out of the magic tower and saw the bright sunshine above his head, his original depression was swept away.

Roy even bought a piece of iced watermelon from an ice cream shop across the street from the Magic Guild and ate it while walking along the long street...

When you return to Brown Street, you almost just walk all the way down the stairs and ramps, which is much easier than when you came here.

Roy finished his lunch on the way and went directly to the gate of the Temple of Liberty.

Recalling the scene where I saw the thief who climbed over the wall yesterday morning, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

The main door of the temple is closed, but the side door is open, and there are no clergy guarding the door.

Roy held on to the iron railing of the side door and walked in. This was the first time he walked into the front courtyard of the temple...