
path of light

Opening an ancient copper-covered book, Roy was instantly sucked into the vortex inside... When Roy opened his eyes again, he found that he had traveled to the kingdom of elves... Elves, dwarves, Janna, orcs, human knights, magicians, priests... This is a fantasy world full of magic!

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


Roy, who was wearing the robe of a novice priest, held a book of sacred prayers in his hands and walked through the outer corridor of the townhouse. The walls and columns here were covered with murals describing the glorious deeds of the Statue of Liberty.

There are many benches in the temple, and there is a high platform in the innermost part. The wall next to the high platform is a relief of the Statue of Liberty.

This Statue of Liberty is in human form.

She held the storm sword high in one hand, and held a length of black chain tightly in the other hand.

Standing barefoot on the dark ruins, looking into the distance.

Priest Theodore was kneeling in front of the relief statue at this time. He clasped his hands in front of his chest in a prayer gesture and muttered something in his mouth.

 The voice was just very low, and Roy couldn't hear it clearly. He didn't know what prayer he was reciting.

No matter how pious he was when reciting his prayers, the statue in front of him did not move at all.

 The light clusters floating around Priest Theodore slowly converged towards his body.

Roy discovered that there was a side hall next to the main hall. There was a one-meter-square pool in the center of the side hall. The water in the pool was almost overflowing, and a small amount of holy light was constantly emitting from the pool.

Those faint holy lights are like fluttering cotton wool, floating above the pool.

Roy discovered that since he was able to perceive the faint light groups around his body, the world in his eyes had undergone some subtle changes.

Every time you concentrate your thoughts, you can see the light groups floating around.

If you don't want to see them, it's easy, just close your eyes and disperse your thoughts...

The stone platform in front of the holy pool was empty, where the Holy Grail should have been.

This was Roy's first time entering the temple. The huge reliefs in the temple created a solemn and solemn atmosphere, which made Roy shut his mouth.

When approaching the stone platform, you can still see the circular traces left after the Holy Grail was taken away from the stone platform. The stone inside the circle looks darker than the surrounding color.

Standing next to the stone platform, Roy closed his eyes.

Fantasy about how he would leave the temple if he were the elf thief.

 Because it must have been in the morning, someone must have been cleaning the pool in the courtyard in front of the temple. No matter how stupid the elf thief was, he would not go out through the main entrance. If he didn't go through the main entrance, he would have to jump out of the window if he wanted to leave the main hall.

The windows in the main hall are designed to be very high, and there are no easy places to climb around.

There is a staircase on the back of the right wall near the main hall, but it is not the way out, but leads to the second floor of the main hall.

The second floor of the temple only has an internal terrace like a cloister built along the wall. It is probably because if the main hall is full of believers, the remaining believers can still stand on the internal terrace on the second floor.

Roy walked straight up the steps to the second floor. Sure enough, the terrace here was next to some stained glass windows.

The sunlight outside passes through the stained glass, casting some strange colors.

Roy tried to push open the windows that had accumulated thick dust and were almost always locked from the inside.

Walking to the end of the terrace, Roy finally discovered that the glass window was actually ajar, and the dust that should have accumulated on the windowsill looked messy.

The thief should have left from here.

Roy thought and pushed open the window. From here, he could just see the wall in the northeast corner of the temple.

Out the window is a lush lawn. The grass on this lawn has grown very tall and should have been pruned long ago.

The lawn ground is only four meters high from the window. It is not difficult for a thief to jump out from the window.

 Actually, Roy thought in his mind that it had been several days since the incident. If the thief had been more alert, the Holy Grail might have changed hands long ago.

Roy did not tell Priest Reed what he had discovered, because he was worried that if he messed up the matter, he would be labeled as "frizzy" in the eyes of Priest Reed.

I saw the trainee priest Jasper coming in from the outside and rearranging the benches in the main hall.

Roy also hurriedly ran down to help...

"It's difficult to learn the magic here. Roy, if you don't understand anything, just ask me. Although I've only learned a little bit, at least we can find the answer together." Jasper sat On the bench, he extended a hand to Roy.

Roy shook hands with him and nodded.

 "How long have you been here?" Roy asked.

Jasper rubbed his forehead and said, "About six years ago, I heard that the Temple of Liberty was recruiting trainee priests who could learn spells that were completely different from magic, so I came here."

 "Would you like to see my magic?"


Jasper recited a prayer quickly, speaking so fast that Roy couldn't hear what he said.

 The last sentence was when he took the initiative to slow down, and Roy could hear it clearly. It seemed to be something like '...the darkness recedes! '

 Then a beam of light lit up on his body. Although it was very faint, the divine aura filled Jasper's whole body instantly.

And a small ball of light also appeared in Jasper's hand. It was probably only the size of a snowball. It was exactly what Priest Reed said...it could be used to learn spells.

When the light ball approached Roy, Roy felt warm, as if some of the darkness in his heart had been dispelled.

"I can feel the warmth, it's really good!" Roy said.


Probably the elf patrols also discovered these clues. The lawn in the backyard of the temple was covered with messy footprints, and Roy could not find any useful information.

 He even found some obvious signs of climbing at the northeast corner.

Roy even ran around outside the fence, but found no useful information except that a basil bush was trampled down. ˆ

 There is nothing going on here at the Statue of Liberty.

Roy only needed to stay in the temple for half a day, so Roy left the temple in the afternoon.

Jasper and Abbot are both a little envious of Roy. They only have one day off per week. Jasper chose Monday and Abbot chose Tuesday. They are far less free than Roy.


Walking along Brown Street towards the pub, Roy saw the naughty kid from his neighbor squatting in front of the pharmacy.

He was carrying a wooden bow behind his back and was peeking into the backyard of the pharmacy.

Probably all the children on Brown Street will regard Mrs. Winnie's night saber as an imaginary enemy. Before they become rangers, they will definitely find ways to defeat the big cat.

Seeing Roy coming from a distance, the naughty kid immediately stood up, wiped the dust off his butt and ran away.

 In his opinion, Roy was much scarier than the night saber.


The tavern is still so deserted, with few tables empty of customers.

Probably it will be until the evening, after the workers on the dock finish work, that this pub will become a little livelier.

The magic conch in front of the counter still has the song of a banshee singing inside.

Lucy, the elf waitress, is sitting alone at the square table near the bar, listening to the song intently.

Roy walked into the tavern. The waitress stood up quickly and turned to look at Roy.

Roy stood in front of the waitress.

 "Lucy, can we talk?"

 Seeing that Lucy was in a good mood, she waved her hand to Roy and asked him to sit down: "I know you, Roy, what do you want from me?"

"Do you remember what happened that day?" Roy asked cautiously.

"Of course, that was my unluckiest day this month." Lucy frowned, as if she didn't want to think about that day.

Roy smiled apologetically, and then said:

"When I left, a male elf with a package in his arms walked in. Do you know him?"

 Lucy thought about it seriously and said:

"After you left, the place resumed business. At that time, I was questioned by the elf patrol for a long time. Later, many guests came one after another. I'm sorry, I can't remember which one you were talking about."

"He was the first customer who entered the tavern after that incident," Roy said.

 Lucy lowered her head and thought for a while, then shook her head again.

Roy felt a little disappointed, and the last clue seemed to have been cut off from here.

"Well, if you can remember anything, let me know."

Lucy smiled and said cheerfully: "No problem."

 It seems that every elf smiles easily...


With no clue, Roy went to the dock again.

There are several more large ships docked at the pier, and Castletown Port is always so busy and noisy in summer.

This time Roy didn't look for any more guidance work, he just walked around aimlessly.

Some crew members were hanging outside the ship's side on both sides of the deck, using shovels in their hands to clean the shellfish on both sides of the hull, and boxes of cargo were lifted off the ship along the gangplank.

 The fish market is still full of sewage, and there are some octopuses on many stalls.

 The elf thief was not found, but Sabrina was helping Ms. Gillian sell fish.

Ms. Gillian is a very special Silver Moon Elf. She is independent in character and never wants to accept help from others. She sets up a fish stall on the pier to feed her family of three.

As a Silver Moon Elf, Ms. Gillian is very emotional, and her bones are filled with the romantic feelings of the Silver Moon Elf. Every relationship comes very suddenly, and they always part ways after a short time together because of some trivial matters in life. .

"Roy, why haven't I seen you fishing these days?"

Ms. Jillian skillfully cut off some bright red tuna meat on the meat table, wrapped it in banana leaves, and handed it to a waiting customer in front of the stall.

Roy stopped quickly and said to Ms. Gillian:

"Ms. Jillian, I plan to report to the Elf Academy next week, and I have been making some preparations for admission in the past few days."

Ms. Jillian was a little surprised. She looked at Roy again and said, "You're even going to school! Time flies so fast. Then you and Sabrina will become classmates..."

 In Ms. Gillian's eyes, Roy, like Moira, is still a child who needs care.

Sabrina on the side ignored Roy. She was cutting the banana leaves she collected into squares to make it easier to package the fish.

On days when Sabrina helps at the fish stall, there will always be more customers here.

 Ms. Gillian called Roy to the back of the fish stall and asked him:

"I heard that you were there when Jefferson was killed by those strangers?"