
Path Of A Monarch

Noah was a hardened soldier versed in the way of wars and battles on Earth, wading through multiple battles with his friends. The only friends he had in his world. In the end, humans were humans. Before greed, things like friendships didn't matter much. Before treasures that could change the course of their lives, that could elevate them to greatness, Noah was betrayed. Left to die by the same friends who had fought with him side by side for multiple years. But his journey wasn't over. Through unknown methods, he was reincarnated. Waking up in a younger body with magnificent potential, Noah, now plagued by the betrayal of his past, forges his path with his exceptional talent, possessing the legendary Space and Gravity type Battlesouls. He brings with him his Battle experience from his past life and a cold heart forged from his close encounters with the true nature of humans. With his new identity, he seeks strength and power, aiming to achieve one thing. To live his life uncontrolled by others. Will his stone cold heart be melted once more or will his silent wrath sweep across the world he had ventured into? *** "If there's one thing I hate the most in this world…" With two swings, the boy's arms and legs detached from his body, falling limply at his side. "… It's betrayal."

NightSeraphim · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Limit Breaker: Omnipotent Body!

Limit Breaker was a very ancient art back on Earth. It was created with the mindset of evolution, that is, overcoming the limits of a normal human being, hence its name and it succeeded but only to some extent.


The Limit Breaker did manage to make humans evolve, but it was only temporary. And at the cost of their lifespan. The art was so powerful that the human body could not handle the strain of its power, something as mind-blowing as casting off the entirety of human impurity and creating a near perfect being would need energy of such mind-blowing proportions. And since energy like that could never be created, the art could only feed upon the energy of its executor.


Noah had practiced with the Limit Breaker a few times and was able to conclude a few things. First, the art would feed upon both his lifespan and Essence. Second, after use he would lose multiple weeks of his life even at the shortest possible moments of its execution, furthermore, if he used it too long he could quite possibly lose a level in his strength. And third, the consequences of the second fact would worsen the stronger he was. This was because, if he were stronger the energy needed to transcend his limits would be vaster, therefore the more lifespan would siphoned.


Yet Noah at this moment chose to use it against the opponent before him. His wounds were just too gruesome and the fatigue he felt at the moment could knock out most. Yet instead of attempting to run, he simply kept his hard gaze on the Druid. "You better make this fight worth it." Placing his hand over his heart, he smiled while accumulating all the Essence and Blood Essence in his body. 'I'll use the first true Martial Art of Earth against you Dream Druid.' "Limit Breaker: Omnipotent Body!"


The sound of a broken chain resounded within Noah's body and a moment of silent fell upon the battlefield. The intelligent Druid gave a mocking gesture at the absence of any action from its opponent but its body stiffened as a terrifying sense of dread washed over it.


Like a vacuum, Noah sucked the Essence within a 500 meter radius dry as he rose up in the air. Vein like signs shone from underneath his skin as the art performed its miracles while his heart beat madly like that of a beast. He could feel an indescribable sense of euphoria as that energy welled up and dived into his body, healing and strengthening it. It wasn't the same as normally training but he felt the muscles, organs and skin within his body strengthen and achieve something similar to the Pseudo Adept Stage.


The druid attacked, retrieving its roots from the ground and morphing into a humanoid 4 feet monster before it tried and failed to attack the suspended Noah but was forced back by a compressed air strike.


It was too late. Noah had already finished his transformation. At the moment, he stood at a solid 2 meter height, looking nothing like a 12 years old boy. His clothes had already torn off revealing the rippling muscles that lay underneath, his new visage was so overwhelming that multiple men in the audience clicked their tongue in shame and diverted their gazes. Luckily his pants seemed to be intact. His wounds seemed to have also all healed up and his skin featured a bright red color, releasing so much steam that his silver hair seemed to rise up in the air.


Unfortunately despite his looks, Noah knew he didn't have much time. The current rate at which his lifespan was being siphoned was about two years per minute and if he didn't wish to lose a level of his original strength, he had to deactivate the art within 5 minutes.


'5 minutes. Unfortunately, I still can't fully use my martial skills at the Pseudo Adept Stage, else I'd be confident of finishing this off in 2 minutes. Thankfully I can use some of the moves within the Azure Dragon Art.' Gripping his sword tight in his palm, he sent a provoking glance at the Druid.


Sensing the intent behind that glance, the druid overcame its fear as a sense of anger welled within its being. It was a proud Adept Stage beast and was being looked down upon by an Intermediate Stage human. It let its anger fuel its roar as it charged forward while multiple of the roots and branches that made up its body separated from its back and hovered above its head like spear-like tendrils before shooting forward.


Noah stood on his toes, leaning forward before shooting off like an arrow. His Essence circulated madly within his enhanced body as he sought to execute Flicker and he smiled as he noticed that his range seemed to have increased to 40 meters. Vanishing like a blur, he appeared atop one of the druid's tendrils, running atop its thin surface with the aid of Dragon Steps.


The druid snarled, noticing this. Its movement stopped while it raised its arm to slap at the pest on it. Noah merely snorted as he noticed this, his sword trembled as he coated it with Blood Essence to deliver a horizontal swing at the palm that approached him. "Horizontal Cleave!"


"AAARH!!!" A roar of pain reverberated off the walls of the cave as the druid lost the fingers that sought to attack Noah. But a roar of anger soon replaced that while its fingers regrew. With a thought, tendrils detached from all over its body to attack at the pest before it.


"Tsk." A second sword appeared in Noah's hand before he assumed a stance while charging up his Blood Essence. "Azure Dragon Art: Whirlwind!" In that instance, his entire body blurred once more, except this time he didn't disappear. Instead, the transmigrator transformed into a whirlwind of Blood Essence strikes that tore away at the multiple tendrils that approached him.


The druid upon seeing this decided to retrieve its tendrils before launching a kick at him, drawing up a large gust of air as it did so. But Noah merely raised his elbow and executed Dragon Guard, tanking the hit directly then redirecting the force behind it to his Gravity enhanced fist. "Dragon Fist!"


With a loud explosion, the audience watched in horror as the ankle of the druid exploded, leaving only about a third of its former structure left. The druid roared once more, a bit of fear finding itself in its eyes. It stumbled back with the intent of temporarily retreating. Unfortunately for it, Noah wasn't going to allow that to happen.


His Essence trembled as he performed a pulling gesture with his hand, executing the battle skill, Pull and creating a gravitational force that acted on the beast and pulled it towards him. That action forced the druid to attempt standing on its two feet to balance itself, unfortunately its barely stable ankle could not handle its entire weight, causing it to fall down. And as it did so, Noah attacked with the move he had been charging up for a while. "Drill Thrust!"


With a thrust, the beast could only roar once more as its right shoulder exploded, making its hand fall down to the floor.


The crowd could not believe what they were witnessing. Noah, a Level 5 Intermediate Stage Battlesoul master, was battling against an Adept Stage beast. And he was dominating it.