

Life is short but people tend to long for immortality even at the expense of the innocent. But what can we do? Life has never been fair towards us it only cares about who is stronger in this pit. While the weak cower, fearing what may come their way. Never push them to the corner or they will bare their teeth. Follow Lorenzo of the Forest as he heads on an adventure to become strong and finally fulfill his long desire. Revenge!

Key_To · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Deniesha of the Spell

I arrived on the 5th floor with a wide smile on my face. The two fools looking weirdly at me though.

"My, My. Lorenzo, you look gross what happen?" Marco asked. Sheen also nodded his head also curious.

"Huh? Nothing just a normal day," I replied heading to my area and started cleaning.

"Oh, if you want I can help you clean your area. I don't wanna see you guys kneel on salt." I suggested.

Marco looked at Sheen perplexed, "This dude is probably sick on his head." he whispered to Sheen.

"Yeah, we should do our best. Sadly, Lorenzo was traumatized because of what happened yesterday." Sheen replied grimacing unnaturally.

"Both your head is sick," I shouted which made the two giggle.

I just ignored the two freaks and do my own thing, dusting the books, and sweeping the floor.

These books get dusty too fast, I just don't get it. Tomorrow we will be cleaning the 4th floor next.

An hour later I finished my area quickly. I went to the two fools to see what they are doing. Surprisingly, they did not slack off.

Sheen is holding a book while cleaning which is impressive. We were the same age yet they can read almost all the books here. I'm kinda jealous.

But this jealousy will push me to work hard in my studies. I comforted myself which made me feel motivated.

"Let me help you guys." I offered.

The two looked at me in shock. "So you really meant what you said?"

"Yes, But if you don't want it I'll just clean the 4th floor myself," I added.

"No help me first."

"No Henchman, help your boss."

"No need to take turns I'll help you both at the same time."

The time I helped this two, I was amazed. This two are slowpokes, they move like snails, and the dust they brush off moves in slow-motion.

I was gonna tell them about my night studies here but I stopped myself. This two will only ruin my lovely peace here in the library.

Every once in a while Mr. C would pass by and vanish out of thin air which scared the living hell out of me. Every time I see him it feels like I'm looking at the devil.

Thankfully he did not do anything unreasonable again.

When he vanished I can feel my sweat pouring down from head to waist.

Marco is built differently though, he did not even flinch. He just laugh at our pale faces which made Sheen blush to shame.




This really bewilders my tiny brain. How can they make the sun shine on this floor? We were supposed to be underground but the lighting here functions like the outside. I can feel the heat of its rays and coldness when there is nothing. Guess I'm too young to understand these mechanics.

We finished our dinners and the two excused themselves as they head back to their own rooms. While me, I'm secretly heading to the library. My roommates will not notice me even if I'm not around.

Now that I think about it the dusty smell of the books doesn't smell bad at all, it feels refreshing like the fresh breeze of air.

I went to the storage room to get some papers and pens. These things are thankfully free because if it isn't then I'll be salted Lorenzo again. Just thinking about that sends shivers down my spine.

I carried the pen and paper and went to a table as I started practicing. It's lovely to stay inside here. Quiet and peaceful, no disturbing fools.

As I wrote and wrote, I occupied the whole five papers with just a single letter. Fortunately, nobody's around to see this mess of handwriting.

I think this letter is now fully engrained inside my brain that I'll be dreaming about it tonight. I went ahead and hide the papers at the librarian desk where we place our activities for Mr. Fred to see. And I need another paper to use.

I'm back to the storage again to fetch some papers. As I got near the storage room I heard a creak on the second floor. It should be some rat. I thought to myself

When I opened the door, I heard a sudden crash followed by thuds of books falling down the floor.

"Woah.... Ouch!"

Now that I think about it Mr. Fred mentioned someone who asked the same question as I am.

I climbed the stairs and headed to where the crash was. When I arrived at the site, it was a mess. The bookshelves were down and the books scattered around. As the dust settled I saw a girl holding his head wincing.

I can't see her features as she was fully covered in dust. This library really has some dust problems.

She looked at me with her big black eyes. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't intend to disturb you." she apologized.

She stood up and pat her body but the dust was so thick it became dirt.

She can only submit to her predicament.

I tried lending her my hand but she hurriedly stood up and pick up the fallen books. I awkwardly pulled back my hand and pick some books as well.

"No need to help me. I made this mess," she said.

"It's fine. This is our chores area so I'm responsible for cleaning this place." I replied.

"I'm really sorry. I should have not tried reaching that book." she apologized once again.

"It's just that it's a continuation of a story I was reading. And I really wanna know what comes next."

I was bewildered by what she said, so bewildered in fact that I asked her, "Do you know how to read?"

She quietly replied, "Yes".

I groaned inside. Am I the only one who does not know how to read?

"How can you be so young and know how to read?" I complained. I accidentally said that out loud that I tried covering my mouth but I already said it.

"I love stories." she said, "It reminds me of my father. He likes to read me bedtime stories before I went to sleep."

She smiled when she said it but her eyes cannot hide her true feelings. They were filled with longing and pain.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No, it's me that is sorry."

"Really I'm sorry"

She giggled. Maybe thinking how silly I was. She looked at me smiling but I avoided her gaze.

So I proceed to arrange the books and return the bookshelves back in place to escape this awkwardness.

We worked together without saying any word. I secretly looked at her placing the books back on the shelves.

I looked at her dusty hands thinking to myself, those dirty books. It'll be a pain in the butt to clean it up tomorrow. I secretly complained.

I can't tell her to stop helping. She might think that I'm denying her, her responsibility.

After we finished cleaning the mess and returning back the books, she thanked me. She picked up a book that she set aside, then excused herself, "I should be going now. Thank you for helping me. I'll be going back to my room and go to sleep."

She hurriedly ran outside almost tripping.

Shaking my head as I looked at her fading silhouette. I suddenly remembered.

Did she just say she will be going back to her room to sleep?

But she's full of dirt. That poor book now's covered with dust too. I hope she cleans it thoroughly before she returns it.

As I was about to find a corner to sleep in the door creaked again.

A voice loudly echoed. "By the way. My name's Deniesha of the Spell," she shouted.

Hearing her voice as she introduced herself, I hurriedly ran to the 2nd floors railings and loudly replied, "Hello Deniesha, my name's Lorenzo of the Forest. By the way, go clean yourself!" I shouted as loudly as possible.

She looked at herself in shame. Deniesha awkwardly smiled as she slid back to the door closing it again.

"She's probably gonna have a stomach ache tomorrow because of the cold. Oh well. Better be clean than to sleep dirty."

I went back to the corner and laid myself down. I picked a book looking at its contents. But it made me drowsy just by laying my sight on it. So that's why she really wanted to get that book. Now, I understa. . .

And I quickly fell asleep.

Secret arts of sleeping. Reading books with very small font.

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