

Life is short but people tend to long for immortality even at the expense of the innocent. But what can we do? Life has never been fair towards us it only cares about who is stronger in this pit. While the weak cower, fearing what may come their way. Never push them to the corner or they will bare their teeth. Follow Lorenzo of the Forest as he heads on an adventure to become strong and finally fulfill his long desire. Revenge!

Key_To · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Cleaning Duties

At the Island of Postal stood three young men preparing their things and placing them inside a boat. They all had great physiques as they carried the boat full of their belongings to the shore. A man with snow-white hair and beard took the paddle and rowed the boat on his own. The three men were Lorenzo, Marco, and Sheen.

They traverse the corner of the Evergale Sea, a sea that's constantly stormy with winds so strong and massive waves it can easily capsize ships. Although the corner of this sea was much calmer, it's still not possible to pass this place with just a boat.

Yet, it's like a boulder in a river. It doesn't flinch or turn more like surfing through the waves.

"Hey! Lorenzo I'm getting kinda tired here let's swap," Marco requested.

But Lorenzo ignored him. He keeps writings in his book.

Marco was irritated, "Sheen you see this guy? Writing on his diary every day when he learned how to write. I'm telling you Lorenzo woman will be weird out by you doing what woman does." he joked.

"Marco, don't curse me like that," Lorenzo replied, "Just wait a minute. I know you're not tired. You just want to laze around 'BOSS'. This is my last entry to this diary please spare me some time."

"Yeah, I agree with Lorenzo. You just laze when we arrive at the Island of Postal. We even carried the boat while you lay down through our journey to the south coast." Sheen added.

"Hmmph, you both always gang up to me. I'm you B.O.S.S your my H.E.N.C.H.M.E.N. show some respect" Marco jeered as he steadily rowed.

The two replied with a "Yes boss!" and then laughed their ass off.

Lorenzo tapped Marco's back as he stood up, "All right I'm done. You can now rest boss."

"Finally!" Marco handed the paddle while they swapped places. "So, what are you going to do to that diary?" he asked.

"Oh! That? I threw it on the sea after I finished writing." Lorenzo said nonchalantly.

"You what!" the two exclaimed looking at the distant sea they crossed.

"Don't worry it's waterproof it won't get ruined," said Lorenzo laughing while paddling.

Marco and Sheen shook both their heads in amusement. That diary held Lorenzo's secrets that they curiously wanted to see. They can only smile wryly at this fellow.

When they arrived at an island that looks like life was sucked out of it. Flames of revenge burned inside their hearts.




I'm cleaning right now on the 5th floor of the library. I didn't know books get so dusty. I'm also checking its contents curious about what was written. I can't wait to learn how to read and write.

Why are we cleaning do you ask? Well, you see yesterday the two grandmas went out, traveling to a very far land. Mr. Fred did not say why but he said the two will be gone for a long time. He then assigned a new guy. His name is Mirce but he prefers to be called Mr. C.

Even Mr. Fred respected him.

That night Mr. C announced, "Hello younglings. I'm the one assigned to cooking and I'll need you to help me out for I can't do some of the chores like the two grandmas."

Mr. Fred also approved of his decision. Then Mr. C assigned us each were and what we will be doing. Some are assigned to help him cook and wash the dishes, clean each block, and the platform, wash all of the clothes, etc...

So here I am in the Library cleaning off dust. I don't mind cleaning though, my problem is different. Marco and Sheen were also assigned here.

I can even see Marco and Sheen lazing around. Sheen is reading different kinds of books while Marco is at the corner sleeping soundly.

We still did our exercise and Mr. Fred's lectures this morning. The whole noon is the time we do our chores.

After I'm done cleaning my assigned place I went toward those lazy fools.

"Marco, Sheen you should start cleaning now. If Mr. C found you lazing around I don't know what he will do to you." I said.

Sheen never batted me an eye and Marco just snore more loudly this time. These guys will really get a taste of pain if they won't clean their area.

I ignored them and sat at a table still practicing my penmanship. I can only write 8 letters perfectly. Because of the time we took to do our chores I can't practice the whole day which slowed my progress.

As I was practicing my writing a shadow loomed over me. I saw the shadow slowly get bigger and know that there is a person behind me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing as that person place his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you three slacking off?" It was Mr. C's voice.

I started to sweat out of fear. "Mr. C I'm alrea….." before I can reason out Mr. C shush me.

Then out of nowhere, I'm bound to metal bindings. I can't move every part of my body and can't even blink my eyes.

"I don't want to hear your reasons. Noon is for chores and chores only. No other activities, not even short rest." lectured Mr. C.

He waved his hands towards Marco and Sheen. As metal bars crept on their bodies and wrapped them. They were surprised about what happened but they can't do anything, even twitching is impossible.

We were floating on his back tied on a black rope connected to his waist. He brought us down from the 5th floor by jumping down as he slowly glided towards the door. I can feel the eyes of the onlookers which shamed me. I tried closing my eyes but I can't.

When we arrived at the platform he poured a sack of salt on the ground. He slashed our knees using his nails wounding them. He placed us on the ground with salt and made us kneel.

He snapped his fingers and iron bars protruded out of the ground. It wrapped around our feet and made us spread both our hands as it supported our wrists. Two bars also appeared to our front and back locking our necks.

We can't move, can't even scream. Both me and Sheen have tears flowing out of our eyes.

This caused a commotion. Many children gathered, some attentions were on us, and the others ignored what happened and focused on their chores fearing that they might be implicated.

We saw Mr. Fred going towards the commotion but stopped when he saw Mr. C in front. He only shook his head and went back to the south door.

"Anyone who slacks off will be punished accordingly. Now get back to your chores or you will join them kneeling right here." Mr. C shouted which cause all the children to rush back to their chores.

Mr. C then took a step and vanished out of thin air. Not even looking back at us.

I looked around my side to see Sheen who was shaking out of pain. Our wounds are badly bleeding. The salt just makes the pain worse than ever.

An hour passed, still being bounded and I started shaking too. The pain became unbearable. I cried so hard that my tears started to dry out and my eyes were in terrible pain.

Staying in this position made my muscle sore, my joints started to ache and my breathing was laborious. I am waiting that Mr. C will be merciful and unbind us but he didn't come back.

Night came and we were still kneeling the salt was washed away by our blood and the unbearable pain was gone now. Or maybe my body just became numb in all places.

Nobody came to feed us dinner, not even water to drink.

I weakly looked at the other two. Sheen was long passed out, his eyes open and hands hanging on his metal bindings unable to lie down.

While Marco he's just staring venomously. There was hatred in his eyes. He was humiliated and this maybe hurt his ego.

For the first time, I understand what this fellow is thinking. Being made as an example truly is painful and shameful.

I am not even given time to reason and was directly punished. I felt all of this was unfair. I am an innocent unjustly punished. Seeing Mr. Fred's reaction to Mr. C implies he is not as simple as a cook in the dining hall.

I was holding on to my consciousness but my vision blacked out. Being in this position and having nothing to eat or drink drained my energy. And I also passed out.

Have you tried kneeling on salt with wounds on your knees?

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