
Past to present

Can we really rewrite history? Lets go on a journey to find it.

Minion_Cutey · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Present to Past

Chapter #1 

In the world of problems, Emma was also dealing with her problems she was an orphan living with her best friend more like a sister and her name was Anni. Both of them grew up together in an orphan and after turning 18 they left the orphanage, start working and rented a small apartment with 2 bedroom 1 bathroom and a small open kitchen. Emma often have weird and strange nightmares. Anni was always there for her and helped Emma. 

one night Anni was with Emma and she was trying to wake her up

"Open your eyes Emma damn she is having nightmare again come on Emma wake up

 (Emma was shaking badly sweats were forming on her forehead and face she was hardly breathing like someone was choking her she could not utter a word and her friend was worried for her even though it was not new for her she was constantly trying to wake Emma up) 

 Emma POV

I was having the same dream again or you can say a nightmare I was walking towards a house the same house at first I thought I will see the same horrible and bad house but then I saw a beautiful house it took me few moments to realize that it's the same house but it was completely different As I was admiring the house, I heard sound of someone laughing from the house so I decided to go in the house as I walked in the house I saw a blurred image of the people but I was sure that they were 3 older people and 2 was kid they were eating food and laughing even though I could not see them clearly but I could feel the happiness and joy as I was smiling like an idiot while watching them, I felt someone glazing stare like fire it was piercing my soul but before I could see that person a hand came for behind and drag me outside and someone whisper something in my ear I could not hear properly but I heard one thing and It was "Welcome TO HELL" I heard it clearly and the wickedness and evil vibes in its voice send shivers down to my spine I was frozen in my place only its voice could make me lose my senses .

I came into senses when I realized that I was being thrown on the ground as I look back towards the house it was changing into the horrible house I saw before but then I felt hands on my throat but I could not see anyone I was struggling but then I heard someone's voice as it was calling me I shut my eyes and when I opened them I saw my friend, expressions of worry was clearly on her face she was worried as hell, soon I realized that I was dreaming she rubbed my back as I was breathing heavily when I calm down she asked me

"I think you were having the same nightmare but it was long then usual it felt like you did not want to wake up you know I was scared so much. Are you alright now?" I hugged her and said "I am sorry for making you worried and yes it was longer then, usual and it was different this time". She looked at me with confused expression she held my hand and asked me in confusing voice "how it was different was it bad then usual?" I smile at her and held back her hand and said "NO it was not bad." Then I told her my dream and expression changed from confused to shocked and was lost at words. I asked her "Hey Anni what happened." she startled and said "Nothing I was just shocked anyway we are getting late for work we should get ready." I nodded and started to get ready. 

Little did Emma know that it was the start of her Journey of life and death. Her single action could affect her life and those who are around her. 

 (Anni and Emma are friends for 5 years Emma was orphan and so was Anni both of them graduated together and now they are working in a café as waitresses both of them are very good friends they share everything and trust each other they are like part of each other more like sisters Emma was having these nightmare since childhood and Anni got to know about 4 years ago she helped Emma a lot and Emma also helped Anni in her depression she was tortured in the orphanage so she was in depression and Emma helped her in becoming a happy and a lively person in a way both of them helped each other in their life and now they were ready to go )

 Anni POV

As we were going to our work but I saw Emma she was lost in her thoughts so I try to light up her mood so I called her "Hey EMMA look what is that? "Emma looked at me then looked in the direction where I was pointing and when she looked there I start tickling her she tried to stopped me and start laughing, I was happy to see her laughing after few moments I stopped tickling her and she clam herself then she looked at me and I knew what I had to do I ran as fast as I could and she kept on calling my name.

Emma POV

As we were walking and I was thinking about my dream I just could not get it out of my head suddenly Anni called my name and asked me what is that and I looked at her then at the direction where she was pointing but I saw nothing then she start tickling me after few moments she stopped and I calmed myself and she start running and I start chasing her as I was running after her I bumped into someone and I looked up to see an old lady she was wearing an old dress weird who wear them these days but I shook off these thoughts and helped her in getting up and said sorry multiple times Anni already went away but my attention turned toward the old lady when she called my name , but wait I never told her my name how did she knew my name I asked her, "Excuse me how did you know my name and she replied "It's not important how, the thing that is important that you are going to HELL Bahahaha." after that she said that she walked away while laughing like a manic. I was confused ,shocked and scared like first she knew my name then she said this weird yet rude thing but I was getting late so I ran away towards the café as I reached there, I saw Anni when she saw me she start laughing and I also start laughing I forgot about the incident before and we start working well everything was going well until I saw a piece of newspaper, it was an old newspaper I saw the image of the same house that I see in my nightmare I called Anni and she came and asked me why I called her.

Anni POV

We were working and Emma called me she was looking at something and went toward her and she showed me picture of a house and it was horrible and creepy but next thing that she told me shocked me the most she said it is the same house from her nightmare we read the newspaper it was saying ( A FAMILY OF FAMOUS MERCHANT DIED IN A VERY MISTERIOUS WAY , PEOPLE SAYS THAT THEY WERE HAUNDED BY THE EVIL SPIRITS OF THE GRAVEYARD ON WHICH THE HOUSE WAS BUILT THE MERCHANT HAD A WIFE 2 DAUGHTERS AND HIS MOTHER ON ONE KNOWS THE REASON OF THE DEATH. THEIR DEATH IS THE BIGGEST MYSTERY OF THIS YEAR (1992) THE HOUSE NAME WAS HEAVEN BUT NOW IT IS KNOW AS HELL BECAUSE OF ITS EVILNESS).

Below there were pictures of them but we could not see it properly we also searched about it on the internet it was true. We were shocked we could not process all that information I looked toward Emma and she was completely lost in her thoughts as she was looking at the pictures, I asked her. "How it is possible? that means the house in your nightmare is real it means you are connected with the house but how? Emma looked toward me and she said, "it makes no sense I have never been to that place just only in my dreams" I said "Well I think we should go there and see for ourselves once and for all, what do you think Emma?" I looked at her and she was confused but then she said "maybe if I go there, I will know the reason behind my nightmare and maybe I will stop having these nightmare "as she said that her eyes light up and we decided to go there. we went home after our shift was over and we decided that we will go there the day after tomorrow and we were excited and scared as well after having dinner we went to sleep.