
Passionate Love!

Love cannot be defined and there is no wrong or right. This story is all about the extreme love.

Chrysolitewriting · Urbain
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4 Chs

Butterfly effects

I took a short nap and around 6 in the evening, I went down to eat something. l saw him cooking. He was wearing an apron that made him look hot. His sweat and working style made my heart flutter. I just couldn't take my eyes off him.

He looked at me stopping his work and asked me to have a seat. I sat on the dining table peeping at him often. I was so careful that he didn't notice. After 15 mins, he gave me a plate of pasta. It tasted too good. I just ate everything in 5 mins as I was hungry. He smiled at me. I realised that I embarrassed myself in front of him. I immediately got up to go. But he held my hand and said, 'I like those who eat well. Sit and give me company'.

On hearing those words, my heart started racing. I sat down and we talked for some time. I offered to do the dishes but he told me to rest and did it himself. I felt like he was doing more work. So, I called my house helper to check if she is available for the next week. Thankfully she was. I asked her to come tomorrow. We often call her to cook and do house chores whenever my parents are busy. I told Trent about it. He nodded but also added, ' I don't mind doing these things. But I understand that you feel bad about letting me do it. Since she will be here tomorrow, I will go to school and help you with the lessons in the evening.'

After he did the dishes, we went to the balcony. I wanted to get some fresh air. It was a cool breezy night. I stood there silently just enjoying the chill breeze. He asked me, ' Are you feeling bad that your parents and your bro not here with you'? I looked at him. I saw that he was concerned about me from his eyes. I said, ' It's not new for me to be alone. Both my parents are always busy with their work. My bro accompanied me till he went to the University. At least he was there for me but he didn't have anyone. He felt lonely and he decided to leave this house, find the happiness. I am happy for him. I am fine. Though I miss them sometimes, I am fine living alone.'

He just looked into my eyes for a minute. Then with a smile he said, ' You might have been alone till now. But now I am with you.'