
Passionate Love!

Love cannot be defined and there is no wrong or right. This story is all about the extreme love.

Chrysolitewriting · Urbain
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4 Chs


At 6 in the morning, I heard someone knock the door. I was lazy to wake up but I keep hearing the calling bell. I was half sleep when I opened the door. Trent was standing with a box. I was shocked and fully awaken at this. He told me that they shifted next to my house just yesterday. His mom wanted to give this cake to his neighbours. I got the box and thanked him. He left immediately.

I was surprised to know that he is my new neighbour. The guy I have a crush on at the first site is going to live in next door. I was so happy and got ready to school. I jad the cake he gave me and locked the door. My parents didn't come back at all. I was little upset about it. I put on my headphones and start biking to school. While I was on the way, suddenly a car came fast from the side and hit me. I was thrown in my air and fell. My head was not hurt as I was wearing the helmet but I couldn't move a bit. There was blood on my legs and arms. I was in a lot of pain. I tried hard to get up but my head started spinning. I felt I was going to faint. But someone came and hold me. With half conscious, I looked at the person who hold me. It was Trent. He was asking me to stay awake which I couldn't and passed out.

After a few hours, I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital. My hands and legs were covered with bandage. I tried to sit but my head felt spinning again. At this, I heard him tell me to lay down and don't stress. Trent didn't leave even after he took me to the hospital. He said that I am fine but since it was a hit, I might have concussion. Its better to rest. Also, I have a fracture in my left leg. It takes time to get healed. I shouldn't over exert myself but just follow doctor's advise. I was so scared on hearing all this. He hold my hand and said "It's okay. You will be fine. Don't be afraid. You will start walking again in no time. I am with you." Though he might have said it to console me, I was so happy to hear that.

The police came and asked for the details. The person just hit me and drove away without stopping the car. I didn't know the details of the car. But Trent mentioned the details to the police. They assured to find him asap and left. I asked him whether my parents were informed or not. He told that they were informed and maybe on the way. I know that it has been atleast more than 2 hours but they still didn't get here. I was so sad and upset knowing my parents didn't care about me even after knowing I met with an accident. My eyes were filled with tears.

Trent saw that and just hold my hands without saying anything. His grip assures me that atleast he is here with me now and I need not worry. He didn't leave my hands. We didn't talk but I felt his caring towards me. I fell asleep knowing he will be there. I woke up by 2 p.m. He was not there. I know that he need not to stay with me. But I expected atleast he would be with me. I was sad and took my phone to text my friends. But I hear the door open. Trent was holding a chocolate milkshake. He said that I might need something sweet to cheer me up and so went to the shop to buy it. I was so happy to see him and thanked for the shake. It really helped boast me. After drinking the shake, I remembered that I haven't thanked him for bringing me to the hospital. So, I thanked him. He just smiled at me and said "I am just happy that you are fine. Save the formalities." We talked for sometime. By 6 p.m. I asked him to go home and thanked him for accompanying the whole day. He offered to stay with for the night as well. I told him to go home and take good rest and he can visit me tomorrow before and after school. He told me to be careful and call him anytime if something happens. He saved his phone number in my phone and left.